Chapter 8

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I woke up an hour before my alarm clock went off, it was 5a.m. I was trying to get to
class before anyone else and I don’t like to do stupid introductions. I hurried into the
shower; I used my peach scented shampoo and my peach soap. I wore a black
sleeveless turtle neck top with blue jeans and a pair of black wedges. I carried my
brown satchel that contained my books and went downstairs.
The smell of pancakes hit me then I realized Miyako and kaoru were awake. It looks
like they hate introduction more than I do. Miya was wearing a blue knife pleat skirt, a
fitted stripped sweater and black ankle boots while kaoru was wearing black fitted
pants a cerise camisole and a cream jacket with black pumps.
“Oh, momo you’re up would you like some pancakes,” she said with a smile while
kaoru continued chowing down her pancakes
“No, I’ll just get some energy bars,” I replied taking a seat beside kaoru.
Out apartment was a fifteen minute drive from campus, luckily for us no one could afford it so it was available when we got back to Tokyo.
30mins later we were out of the house and on our way to campus, we took my red car which was a gift I got from my dad when I turned eighteen.
We got different pamphlets that showed us where we were meant to go. I had biology
which is also known as human behavior while kaoru and Miya had literature. We said our goodbyes and went to our different classes. My class was partially empty only about nine students were present. I made my way to the seat at the back avoiding the stares of other students. The first person i Looked for when I walked in was  Brick but he wasn't here...yet. You must me wondering how I knew he was taking this class.
I do my research, I am not some stalker but a girl out for revenge.
Five minutes later brick walked in with his gang of friends chatting loudly like they owned the place for a brief second our eyes
met, if it had lasted longer than that I won't have been able to stop myself from liquidifying his brain.
I scoffed and plugged in my ear phones but before I could select a song a shadow came over me.
“Hey you."
Without even looking up I knew who was leaning on my table. I signed summing up courage to talk to him.
“My name’s not you,” I finally met his eyes.
His hair was neater than how it was last time we met and a lot more silkier, I fought back the urge to run my hair through it. He looked hotter wearing a  red flannel shirt with top under, black jeans with a pair of vans.
“That’s true, so what is it,” he smiled at me.
“Nice try,” I smile back the went back to browsing through my playlist.
“Okay if you don’t want to tell me your name can I still sit over here." He used my table to push himself backwards so he was now resting on the table behind him.
“Don't you think your friends would miss you?"
“Them," he looked back to were they were then back at me, "they are just here to flirt, they know the prettiest girls take the hardest courses." he joked
I fake yawned, "2 over 10 for your flirting skills and you can sit here but just know I won't be a good conversationalist because the hardest courses are for nerds who actually like to pay attention in class."
He smiled his daring smile which I loved back when we were kids, "I have gotten a lot from nerdy girls especially during lectures." he winked and sat down.
My face scrunched up in disgust earning a laugh from him. I remember when his laughter used to make my heart skip a bit, now, it just made me want to cry.
I opened my novel and buried my head in it trying my best to ignore the redhead beside me.
“Blossom,” a guy called. I slowly lifted my head because I was shocked someone could
recognize me and more importantly they said my name right in front of Brick. Luckily he was too busy on his phone.
“What did you say?” I asked without staring him in the eyes.
“Blossom in spring, the name of your book,” the mysterious guy said.
I finally got relived of my stress and fear then looked up. It was the greyest pair of eyes I have ever seen, I remember those eyes.
“Hikori?” I asked the boy sitting in front with a grin on my face.
“You remember,” he said with a chuckle. Was that a hint of red I saw on his cheeks.
“Don’t forget akari,” the girl beside him looked over her shoulder and gasped when she recognized me. "Momoko?"
Brick was already smiling his victory smile, God I hated him.
“I can never forget the name of my favorite twins,”
“You can’t forget our names but you can forget about calling us,” Akari pouted.
“Hey, you moved to a new school without informing me. You guys should have been the ones to call me." I moved closer to Akari then whispered loud enough for her brother to hear, “And your brother goes crazy when he is around me.”
“I heard that,” He blushed.
We both giggled in response.
She stood up to sit at my left side beside the window but  Hakari stopped her, “Ohh,” she said and we both
giggled again.
He glared at his sister then said to me, "momo do you mind if I seat next to you?" He asked.
“Of course not?”
“Thanks,” he said with a big smile but before he could the lecturer walked in, "alright no moving around, if you're already seated stay seated I don't want to have to fail anyone."
I gave him an apologetic smile, "sorry."
Miyakos P.O.V
I waved goodbye to Momoko and headed to the lit class I had, luckily kaoru and I had the same thing. The time we located the lecture hall lecture had already begun so we had to explain to a grumpy lecturer about why we were late.
“I am kaoru this is Miyako and we just transfered here." Kaoru said. I was happy she did cause I seemed to forget how to speak in this crowd.
“Take your seats and next time I don't care what your names are.” he said with a bored voice.
The stares of all the guys were on us, we were new so we were like new prizes. I spotted boomer and was about to walk up to him when kaoru pulled me back.
“Don’t even think about it,” she said, she pulled me to another seat then smacked my
back when we sat.
“That wasn’t necessary,” I glared at her. This was my second chance at talking to him and she just ruined it.
“I know,” she smiled.
The classes went by really fast and they taught us like we were in kindergarten, I
actually expected them to toughen it up as kaoru would say, classes weren’t hard
probably because Momoko made us over read.
After classes we went to the café momo told us to meet up in. It was still in campus and was totally packed with students.
“Where’s she?" kaoru yelled banging her fist on the table.
Momoko was about 20 minutes late and we had another class in about 20minutes time.
“She is never late I wonder what .usr be keeping her."
We were about to leave the café when she walked in. she wasn’t walking really fast
because she had a book to her face, kaoru was about to pounce on her when she
arrived at the table.
“I’m sorry I’m late guys,” she pleaded.
“You better be,” kaoru growled.
She took a seat beside me and sighed “I was on my way here but I ran into brick, he
decided to piss me off again, I managed to escape him but I ran into hikori and you don’t wanna know how much that boy likes me, gosh…,” she sighed deeply and let her head fall into her hands.
She raised her head after a while, “So how is your day going?"
“Hey Momoko?” a male voice said, we turned our head to the direction. It was bricks.
“Wow brick is really hot. I mean look at those biceps I’m sure he has great chest
too." I joked.
When we were kids, She used to kills with gossip about how hot Brick was and how she could never get enough of him. How times have changed. kaoru pretended to puke at my praises.
“Don’t worry I’ll take care of it,”
Momokos’ P.O.V
I took his hand and pulled him outside.
‘Wow his hands were really warm and big.’ I thought
“Are you following me?” I asked
“Everyone comes here,” he paused for a moment then looked me in the eyes. I read
his mind before he could speak.
He was gonna ask me for my number. He'll no, I didn't even want him knowing my name.
“You better not ask for my number,” I folded arms.
“No, no, I already got it.” he blurted out, he covered his mouth like I wasn’t supposed
to know
So he already had it just in case I wasn't gonna give it to him. I am shocked.
“What!" I pretended to be angry, "Did you,” he cut me off before I could finish my sentence.
“I just wanted to tell you we are project partners and we are doing it at my house,”
“I’m not doing it with you anywhere,”
This sexual innuendos were creepy. I am sure he noticed to with that smile on his face.
“Then you want to fail remember I have all the power being Professor brights second in command and as long as I do you have to play by my rules, got that?”
Did he just challenge me? I walked closer to him then poked him with my manicured claw like finger nail.
“challenge accepted,”
“That’s not what I said,”
“A week,” I said then walked in.

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