Epilogue 1

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Blossom's POV
It's been a few months since we went after Majo. Brick and I haven't gotten together, Bubbles and Boomer were now friends, they wanted to take things slow but we all knew they were being more than friends when they were alone in her room, I confronted her about why they never tangod at his place and she replied with 'the guys have something vital we don't. Super hearing' I almost died while Kaoru high fived her. Speaking of Kaoru, she has been with Butch since day one so there is nothing new with them.

"Boomer still hasn't replied you." I stared at Miyako with amusement.

She had been so distracted, glancing down at her phone and frowning when it didn't light up. At first, I thought she was just bored of the conversation we were having but later it felt weird. We haven't really had time to hang out this past month because she was always with Boomer or chatting with him; same goes for  Kaoru, she was kinda better than Miya. But in the last two days, I had seen her more frequently, she hasn't spent more time on her phone like she usually does, but it's always still close by.

"It's been two days."

I chuckled getting a glare from her, "well, maybe you scared him off. What was the last thing you texted him?"

Her mouth formed an 'o', she looked everywhere avoiding my eyes then chuckled. "I rather not say."

I put my head to my palm and sighed.

"I even tried calling him." She continued on.


"No answer. This is not about me being clingy or anything. I am just really worried."

Did she read my mind? I was about to just call her clingy. We've never had boy troubles like this, any guy we let into our life after the incident was just for fun, no serious feelings attached.
I was about to suggest she went over to his place when the door bell rang.

I groaned. Miyako was definitely not going to get it, she was too busy checking her phone. Again. Butch was at the door; wearing a troubled look on his face.. That's weird, I've actually never let Butch in before. He always called Kaoru before hand and she was always ready to receive him in.

"I need your help." He stated. "Something happened to Boomer and Brick."

"How could they get kidnapped? They have powers for a reason!" I snapped.

That asshole had the audacity to get himself kidnapped. I was pissed at myself because I was worried.

Butch stared at the ground. "We don't really use our powers anymore, so sometimes we forget we do have powers."


"That day."

'fuck' I wanted to yell out so bad. Why did that make my heart beat. Why did that little ass comment touch me so much. It shouldn't, he's speaking for himself not for Brick.

'He was a dumb prick. That's why he couldn't defend him self' I told myself. I won't let my heart get swayed until I hear it come out of his mouth.

I sighed, "I'll see what I can find out."

I shouldn't help them, they should be able to take care of themselves. The thought of Brick being in trouble was making me do things I didn't want to. He still has so much control over me, I hate love.

"And also the apartment was laced with a faint smell of chemical X." He added.

"Wait what?" Bubbles had been quiet ever since Butch told us what  happened. She was as worried as I was, even more. I couldn't feel emotions like Kaoru could but it was written clearly on her face.

If he had told me sooner I would have kicked him out and told him to go f*** himself.

Chemical Z gave us powers while chemical X can take it away killing us in the process. But the only person smart enough to perfect the chemical is dead.

"I think you should stay here for a while." I decided.

Whoever was playing with Chemical X meant business.

"I can take care of myself." He rebutted.

"I'm not worried about you. Kaoru is going to want to stay with you because she'll diffinately be worried. So you're going to stay here I don't want her in danger."

"But if I'm here you guys will be in danger too."

"I don't think whoever he or she is will be able to handle all four of us."
— —
When The professor was alive, he had a really close friend that worked on all projects together. If anyone could perfect the chemical x serum it would be him, if it wasn't, he would know who.

"Me? Chemical X. That experiment is Utoniums, trying to recreate it will be like stealing his work and I would never, even if I tried, I couldn't."

I sighed, I was back to square one.

"But," he countinued, "The only one smart enough to actually recreate Chemical X is the Professors son. Ken, a very smart young man"

"He has a son?" I was startled with this new information. The girls and I worked very closely with the Professor but he never mentioned having a son.

"You didn't know? He gave a speech at his dad's funeral."

"I didn't attend."

"Oh." The line went silent. "But...why would he want to recreate that chemical for?"

"To kidnap the rowdy ruffs."

"Why would he want that?"

I pondered on the question before I realized, "Because he thinks they killed his dad."

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