Chapter 9

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Author’s P.O.V
“A week,” he repeated scratching his head “I have no idea what she is talking about,” he muttered to himself.
Momoko went to sit with her friends while Brick went to sit with his friends. They both had separate conversation but had topic of similarity on their minds. Momoko was thinking of how to upset brick even more while brick was trying to figure out what she meant by :challenge accepted'.
Miyako was plotting ways to get back at Boomer. without her sisters thinking she was soft while he was wondering why she snubbed him, kaoru was trying to figure out what she was going to order and Butch stared at her trying to place a finger on where he had seen her before.
The Girls conversation after Momoko sat;
“Guys is there another way to get on a lecturers good side without using smarts?" Momoko asked
"Yea, sleep with him." Miyako replied instantly in a duh tone.
“Accurate." She replied Bubbles then question Momoko, "What did you guys talk about?"
She pretended to think, “Just stuff."
“The only way is to be smart,” Miyako said
“I know that," She pouted with a sigh, her cheek resting on her palm. "Being smart is boring."
“Well, You could actualy just sleep with him. I hear your professors are kinda hot."
"Eew Bubbles, they are like the professors age. If he was still alive he would also be one hot professor, i'm sure you wouldn't appreciate someone having this conversation."

"Actually, i wouldn't mind. I would have loved to tease him about it."

"Oh my god." Momoko groaned, "i think she finally snapped."
Kaoru ignored them still checking out the menu while Momoko took a sip of the latte she had ordered and sighed with pleasure. It was a perfect burst of pleasure in her mouth.
She snatched the menu out of kaorus' hand, "You've been looking at this for hours, are you scared of ordering because you don't want someone to see you eat." She arched her brows with an innocent smile.
Even if they hated the boys, they still teased each other about them, probably wasn't healthy but it was fun. Kaoru reacted more to the jokes so she was the one who got teased a lot.
"Shut the fuck up. I already know what i want." She replied. But really, she was still trying to figure out whether to get a chocolate doughnut without sprinkles or
with sprinkles.
RRBZ Conversation;
“That girl is really something.” Brick said.
He hadn’t yet figured out what Momoko meant by a week still. How slow could a guy be.
“Tell me about it, she seems really nice and sweet but she is always around her sister and i bet she could take me out by just one hit."
“Who are you talking about?” Brick asked confused.
Boomer asked him also confused, "Momoko."
“Oh, Miyako and Kaoru, Kaoru is the scary big sister.” He faced their table once more.
“You got their names already?” He asked somewhat impressed.
Boomer shrugged off his awe, “Yeah.”
“Well here’s something you don’t know,” he leaned closer, “they are not sister.”
“What, no way,” Boomer exclaimed with fake enthusiasm.
“Hey,”He feigned hurt, “no need to hurt my feelings.”
“So what’s up with you two anyway?”Butch who has been oblivious to the conversation at his table asked trying to sound interested but he was actually busy trying to take a pic of Kaoru without her knowing.
“Momoko. She thinks I laid down a challenge which I totally didn’t now I don’t know what it is she gave me a weeks deadline and I can’t even stop it because I still don’t know what it is and I’m sure it is something really bad.” He said all that in one go which had him gasping for air when he was done.
Butch dropped his phone after successfully taking a pic of Kaoru, “Sorry what was that?"
Brick shot him a mean glare which Butch replied to with an innocent smile.
“Just ignore him,” boomer sighed. “Why don’t you go back to taking pictures of Butt- I mean Kaoru.”
Boomer gulped as the name of Butchs ex girlfriend almost slipped off his tongue, Brick gave his brother a panicked glance. The table was silent as they waited for Butchs reaction. He was too calm to have noticed, maybe he did but just decided to brush it off.
“Yeah like you don’t steal secret pictures of Bubb- I mean Miyako.”
I guess he did. There was a little spite behind the humor in his tone.
“Way harsh dude,” Boomer laughed awkwardly, he wasn't sure whether he was in the clear yet.
"You know, you could get arrested for stalking." Brick piqued trying to make an attempt to lighten the mood.
“Dont be so jealous,” butch showed them his phone, “I already took one for both of you.”
“Awwww that’s so sweet you know, looking after me.” Boomer cooed.
He closer to him with a gummy smile on his face, “Yeah I’m really sweet, you know super sweet.”
“You are really sweet sometimes.”
“And annoying most of the time.” Butch added.
Brick was watching both of them still wondering how long they could keep on the charade.
“Like now you are really getting on my nerves.”
“Oh am i?” Butch poked him with his fork, “does this make you mad.?”
There moment of brotherhood and stupidity was turning into a fight. Boomer forced himself to smile, to Brick it looked like he was holding back a scream.
“Keep doing that and see what happens.”
Butch continued poking him and boomer’s smile became more painful to look at. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he sent a current so powerful through butch’s body that his clothes started smoking and fork he was holding flew out of his hand passed through a glass jug of water that ended up spilling on an unfortunate soul, continued moving
then stopped when its spikes were completely buried in a wall.
Boomer smiled more naturally, “I’m sure you won’t poke me again."
“I’m going to kill you." Butch wanted to pounce on him but Brick stopped him.
“Butch,” he said, “later."
“Yeah punk,” butch slammed his fist together, “I’m gonna crush you like the insignificant cockroach you are."
Boomer Fake shuddered, "ooh, scary."
Butch bolted forward causing Boomer to squirm in his seat.
"That's what i thought."
Brick spoke up finally done with their bullshit, “I can’t believe you guys; I have a problem and you are busy
bromancing each other."
Butch spoke up, “firstly gross, and secondly, sorry. So, what did you say that made her go all,” he used a mysterious voice, “a week," on
He quoted, ‘do you want to fail, remember I have power over you.’
“That’s so obvious, redheads and their pride.” Butch shook his head.
Brick replied, “hey." He exclaimed, "and what’s so obvious?”
“She is gonna take that power from you."
“Wow,” boomer pretended to be impressed, “Butch you’ve become so much smarter, it’s
They were about to have another fight again but were stopped by Bricks cry.
“I worked so hard. Do you know how hard it is to get your lecturers to like you."
“Hey guys, those girls look familiar.” Boomer said ignoring his brothers tantrum while  staring at Miyako.
Butch also looked at Kaoru and brick look at Momoko.
“You’re not the only one that has noticed."
Hey guys
i was planning on discontinuing this book but if i can find the drafts again and i have a sudden burst of inspiration i might finish it.
See you later.

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