Chapter 17

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Momoko's power is ice, sonic blast and sonic scream. She also has sleep mist.
Author's POV
After Momoko didn't get the chance to talk to Miyako, she decided leave the house to come to her favourite place to think.
Her park.
When she was younger, her, her sisters and the boys always went there to hang out which wasn't possible anymore though.
She hoped the good memories they had would ease her anxiety but she was wrong, all it did was create more. She was in doubt of whether she could push through with the plan she had for Brick. After all, her heart still beat a little faster each time he was close to her.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by a voice.
Her brows furrowed in confusion when she realized whose voice it was. Brick was standing a few inches away from her, "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Well, this is my park." He replied. He also looked confused, like he was about to ask her the same question.

Just when he thought he could get away from her and clear his chest from feeling guilty for liking her; she shows up at his spot.

Well, their spot.

'His park?' She asked herself. She was not used to him saying that. It used to be their park, he used to say 'our park', things must have really changed now that he had gotten rid of her, their things are now his, but their pain is all hers.


"I bought it." He stated.

Her eyes went wide, 'Why would he do that?'
"Well, My brothers and i bought it." He added.

"Why would you guys do that?" She voiced her thoughts.

"C'mon. Let me show you something." He motioned to her to follow him.

She reluctantly followed him, a few minutes later she was staring at her tomb stone, embedded in the ground. If it wasn't for her sudden burst of power that day she would have been laying in it.
'Did they buy the park just so they could bury their empty graves?' She asked herself. She would have loved to be buried in one of her favourite places but that's when she's old and wrinkly and not when she was still young and beautiful. So the gesture meant nothing to her.

"You dated Blossom?" She asked pretending to know nothing about him.


"How did she die?" She was eager to find out whether he was going to tell her the truth or lie to her face.
He went silent, his eyes on the ground.

"You killed her?" She pretended to be shocked. "How did you do it?" She had a little humor in her voice just to taunt him. She didn't feel any sort of remorse towards him, only resentment.

"Its not something i really want to talk about." He was already regretting bringing her here. He couldn't say the words 'he buried his girlfriend which he killed here' so he decided to show her.

"Why did you do it?" The question has haunted her as much as it has haunted him.

"I don't know. I can't think of any reason why." He has tried but it always ended up in darkness. There was no reason for him to have done what he did. He hated his fathers and he knew they deserved it. Then why? Why did he decide to get revenge in their name?

"Do you regret it?"

He nodded.

"Its too late for that now." She scoffed.

His eyes flicked to her figure. The look of glee on her face shocked him. Something in him snapped after hearing her words. He expected her to call him names and hate him but her reaction was something else. She seemed amused. "Why do you always...." he hissed, "why do you always pretend to be so heartless?" He suddenly snapped at her.

"What?" She chuckled, "did you expect to show me this and I'll feel sorry for you then i will magically develop pity feelings for you?" She scoffed. "Sorry but no Brick. Fuck you."

She was about to walk away but she decided against it. Instead she kicked him across the park. She just couldn't contain her anger anymore. He was trying to use her death to get a girl....that's what she thought anyway.

Brick stared at her, eyes wide, "How did you-"

"God, you're freaking dumb." She took him back a few more feet with a sonic blast to gut.

"That should trigger your memory." She stated nonchalantly.

"Wait, Hold on. Its triggering something." He outstretched his hand to stop her from coming closer. Then leaned over and emptied the contents of his stomach. "I don't know if this is because of that blast or because i ate Butch's undercooked egg this morning."

He finally stood up to his feet.
"You're an asshole Brick." She sneered.

"Blossom?" His mouth dropped at his sudden realization. "Shit, I'm slow." All he could do was stare at her, he could feel the tears coming out of his eyes, his hand hung over his mouth in disbelief. He felt equal amounts of guilt, relief and happiness. His heart was racing so fast and loud that both of them could hear it. "But how are you-"

"Alive?" She suggested, "How did you not kill me? You almost succeeded. But the rrbz are always meant to be weaker than the ppgz."

He felt so overwhelmed by the situation. "That's why i was so attracted to you. I thought it was weird. You're you and I-" he was stopped by sudden pain in his head. He fell to his knees with a loud grunt. "What the-" He wiped the wetness away from his nose but was shocked when his hand came back stained red.
Blossom didn't care his body was malfunctioning instead she shot another sonic blast at him.

He was too much in shock to feel the pain or notice his body wasn't alright. "It wasn't me?" he choked out from his blood stained lips. His memories were coming back in place. "She messed with our memories too. That's why i couldn't remember anything from before the accident. We let our guard down, we didn't know she would use us."

"Who are you talking about?" Momoko whom was annoyed by his rant yelled at him.

"Majo. My sister."
안녕 하세요.
Finally, i know. Brick is one slow motherfucker.
No, i didn't name her Majo after Mojo, i named her Majo because it means witch in Japanese. And also, yay, we now know why the boys did it. They didn't. I will explain more in the next chapter.

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