Chapter 10

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Though there were a thousand people on campus but the rrb and ppg always managed to find their way to each other. They were each others curse.

Blossom had a project with Brick which made up half of their Gp, at least that's what their Lecturer said; they both know its just a plan to scare his students into finishing it and they were too much of nerds to take a risk by abandoning the project.

Bubbles and Boomer were also into forced into a project together. Forced meaning; Bubbles could have been partnered with anyone of her choosing but she decided to pick Boomer because she wanted to get closer to him in order find out why he did what he did to her, maybe it is worth forgiving.

Butch and BC didn't have any reason to converse but Butch thought she was hot and that's enough reason for him. Though her replies to him were always concise he wasn't going to give up on her that easily.

Boomer still hadn't made any moves on Miyako even though he so wanted to do so. Finding out they were going to be project partners was the lotto ticket he needed to approach her and also she looked smart, he could dump his work on her.
Probably not the best way to get a girl to give you her number.
He found her at the campus garden where she was reading a book on one of the concrete picnic benches. To be exact she was on the table.
"Hi i'm-"
"Boomer, i know." She finished his sentence.
He scratched his head, "Okay. We are-"
"Project partners." She didn't take her eyes off her book when she replied him. "Let me guess, you want me to do all the work."

He rocked on the heel of his feet, "kinda."

"Sorry to burst your bubble but this project requires four hands and two brains." She sneered.

He fist bumped her shoulder lightly, "I'm sure you can think for both of us."

Her eyes went from his face to her where his fist made contact with then back to his face. She snapped her book shut which wasn't as effective as she wanted it to be. "Do you even know what this project is about."

He replied her ardently, "The less i know, the better."

"You're a dumb fuck."

He brushed off her insult with a shrug, "Okay, How about you come over to my place and we can work on our project together."
She stared at him for a while debating the idea in her head.

"Fine. So please leave, My sister's coming."

The panic in eyes couldn't be hidden, "See you later." With that he was gone.

Kaoru took a seat across Bubbles.
They didn't have any classes for the next 2hours but they didn't want to go home either because immediately they walked through their front door their energy was immediately drained and to leave again would a battle they aren't going to win.
"What did he want?" She asked.
"We have a project together."

"You too?"
Blossom coming out nowhere added to their conversation. "I also have a project with Brick. I tried to convince our lecturer to change it but i failed." She sat also sat on the table beside Bubbles.

"I guess my superpower is luck." Buttercup boasted.

"Butch hasn't approached you at all?" Blossom queried with creased brows.

Bubbles and Blossom shared a smile on noticing the arc that marked the entrance of the garden and who was standing under it.
The one and only Butch.
Bc was oblivious to the reason of their smile because she had her back to the entrance.

"Apart from hitting on me, no."

"I guess that's about to change." Blossom and Bubbles discreetly started packing their stuff.

"What?" Confusion was written on her face.

Blossom motioned behind her; She spun her around to be met with Butch approaching them then she proceeded to whisper in her ear.
"karma's a bitch."

Before she could respond to her, she and Bubbles had disappeared. She almost laughed.

He eyes followed him as he walked around her table and sat across her, never leaving his figure, "Hey, you must already know I'm Butch."

"Yea, I also just realised that's a dogs name." She replied sweetly.

"That just means am loyal."

His flirting was laughable. She thought.

"It also mean you cant do shit because you're an animal."

He stared at her puzzled, "Ladies usually fall my dog lines."

Girls were always left speechless when he hit them with the 'i'm loyal' card. Finally finding someone who looked at him like he was shit startled him.

'Did he just here himself?' She questioned her subconsciousness.

"I guess not this time." She got up and leaned over the table.

He also leaned in closer, "Okay, i like this."

When she was few inches away from his face she barked startling and causing him to fall out of his seat.
She burst out laughing as she sat back down, "i guess the dog's a lil-"

"Stop. Don't finish that sentence." He pleaded from the ground.

She laughed again.

"Can you stop laughing, i was just startled." He got up then brushed himself down. He was trying to fight a smile of his own.

"Sure. I gotta go anyway. And no i wont be seeing you anytime soon." She tilted her head slightly, eyed him then smirked.

Butch wasn't left unaffected by her charms.

"Fuck!" He exclaimed as a broad smile grew on his face. "I think i'm in love."

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