Chapter 3: Have fun.

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"Is that all?" My therapist asked.
I looked up at her and wiped the tears from my eyes, a fake smiled appeared on my face. "And I have also had a couple of therapist before you,"
"How many?" She asked nonchalantly.
"Five. They all couldn't fix me." I whispered the latter.
"But your record doesn't show anything about having any issues."
I smiled as I thought back to the time when I asked my dad to clear all records of the therapy sessions I had been having and failing. The course I was studying was a medical course relating to how the mind works and i'm sure they wouldn't let me graduated with do i put this....medical history.
"Oh really." I replied in a mocking manner. "I guess being in school all this time really straightened me out."
"If so," she pushed her glasses up. "Why do you need a therapist?"
I furrowed my brows, "did you listen to any part of the story i told you."
She scoffed, "all that made up garbage?"
Made up garbage? Who does this woman think she is. I poured out my heart, i let myself realize the darkest moments of my life and she branded it as garbage.
No Bitch. I'm not having this.
"You a Power Puff? The Power Puff girls abandoned our city a long time ago and we all know a rowdy ruff can never beat a Power Puff."
"True. since you know so much about the power puff girls i guess you know about the leader." I leaned back on my chair.
"The red head."
I smiled impressed, "and i guess you know what powers she has." My body had already taken control of the temperature in the room.
"Ice." Her breath was white. She looked puzzled, "whats going on?"
"This is what happens when you piss off a power puff"
Ice travelled from my hands and crawled up her body.
She screamed, "stop."
I didn't. My ice continued travelling up her body.
"He hurt me so much." I stood up and walked towards her, "and you say garbage."
"Get out." she whispered, my ice was at her throat.
In a matter of five seconds everything was back to normal.
"Get out." she yelled

"The truth hurts doesn't it? Miss therapist," I said before I went out. That was a really awesome word play.
Right as I was about exit the building a voice stopped me.
"Hey, hey wait up." It belonged to the i noticed was in here everyday for a therapy session just like me.
I read his mind before he was in a feet of me. He wanted to ask me out and also get to do some things which i cant even say.
The best thing about my new and improved power is that i don't have to go hyper Blossom to use it.
"Um hi." He greeted with a sickly sweet smile.
"Hello." I replied.
"I'm Blake and I just want to tell you i think you're pretty." He was sweaty, too sweaty.
"Pretty is an understatement," I scoffed
"Well I was wondering," he said taking a breath "If you would like to go out with me on Friday night?"
I chuckled pitifully. He was obviously a high school student. He looked like a baby in my eyes.
"With a face like mine," i rounded my face with my finger, "what makes you think i will be free of Friday?"
"I'm sorry; it's just that I am new at this sort of stuff I don't know what to say,"
"Then here's a little tip for you." I flicked his collar, "stick to high school girls." I winked before walking away.
"Don't worry bro she's just a bitch." I heard one of his guy friends say; loudly enough for me to hear.
I pictured him smirking triumphantly at his lame excuse for an insult; when i turned around, he was.
The asshole didn't think to retreat as i stalked towards him. He must have been expect a girlie slap for, too bad, he have ran, my fist wouldn't have been colliding with his face now.
"I guess i do have a problem." I said massaging my fist. "Stick to high schoolers." I repeated to Blake then left.
My red convertible was waiting for me outside still running. The roof was down just the way i wanted it,  breeze ran through my hair smoothly and it helped in testing the strength of the glue that held my wig down.
Everything about us had changed, from our physical appearance to our powers. Bc finally let her hair grow out and grew up to be hotter than i expected with her perfectly round face and pouty lips. Bubbles changed her hair color as often as a disco ball changed its lights, she's lucky the course she was studying allowed her to do so. And then me, i wore wigs and i had a lot of them. We didn't wear contacts to change our eye colors; they were our best feature. Miyako's eye is still blue and sparkling, kaorus' is still green and elegant and mine's still pink. For our powers, I can read minds; it comes with altering memories. I can also shoot sonic waves and I have sonic scream. I still have my ice. Miyako has healing powers; she can control the weather, more like manipulate elements, she still has her explosive bubbles and Kaoru can turn invisible, its more like a mind trick. She still has super strength and she is still empathic. we all can produce a sleep mist from out hand.
We lived out of Tokyo after the incident, when our parents finally had enough of us distancing ourselves from them; they made us come us come back. That made us finally decide on getting revenge on the boys. We were living separate from family because it was closer to the college we decided to transfer to, it is a bungalow with 4 bedrooms, a living room and a large kitchen. As i approached home i reduced my speed. I parked one of our three cars on the lawn then went inside.
Bubbles was lying on the couch watching t.v.
"How was therapy? You didn't kill the therapist this time right?" She inquired not even glancing at me.
"I haven't killed any therapist yet." I sat on the arm rest of the couch.
"Where's Kaoru?" I asked.
"She's in the hot tub," she replied, "can you get me a snack for the kitchen."
"I though you learnt how to use your bubbles to get things up for you."
"You can't use my bubbles without my staff and your know i can use my staff without going 'Rolling Bubbles'"
with a flash of like she was in her Rolling bubbles costume and with her staff.
She looked down at her clothes and cursed, "f**k."
"I guess you don't need me then." I laughed then headed upstairs; I stopped for a moment to think of the question I wanted to ask her then snapped my fingers as I remembered, "uh... Miya have you seen credit card,"
She widened her eyes a little bit then smiled sheepishly "no,"
I could tell she was lying but I didn't have time for that, "if you see it let me know."
I walked up the stairs with my hand on my waist holding my bag, my shades in my hair' I bent my head down watching my every footstep. I made my way to the bathroom but she wasn't there. She might have gone invisible... again; I hate it when she does that.
"Kaoru," I yelled but there was no reply.
Don't tell me she had on earphones when she went invisible. I learnt to use my sonic scream to disturb radio waves by emitting a sound in their frequency, i could also do it with my hands but i found using my voice sexier. She might kill me for this but i locked unto the frequency of her headphones and released a frequency so high so would have to take them off.
She made herself visible again and got out from the water. "God Momo. What is wrong with you?"

"Sorry. Don't just go invisible with headphones on."

She glared at me, "How was your...," she paused to get herself dry, "appointment? I had a bet with Miyako and she said if you don't get kicked out she's gonna make sticky buns for dinner,"

"Well..... I got kicked out but i didn't almost kill her this time." I lied.
"What! That was your sixth therapist,"
"Technically, I don't need one so it's not my fault," I replied matter of factly.
"You were the one whom forced us to go for therapy now you say you don't need one,"
"FYI, I said it 4 therapists ago, and your bathing suit is transparent," I said, I went out then came in again peeking through the side of the door, "I saw your nipples,"
She just rolled her eyes and slammed the door on my face, "how rude," I thought. I went for a change of clothes after I had a long bathe then went back downstairs.
"That's my credit card you little rat," I yelled
My credit card was in Miyako's hands and she was about to use it to pay for the pizza she ordered. This girl was richer than Bc and i combined but she still didnt know how to pay for her own things.
Miyako raised hands in defeat then smiled, "You caught me, but how did you expect me to order pizza?"
The delivery guy looked back and forth between both of us. He probably just wanted to get his cash and get the hell away from our crazy ass.
"Is that a no topping cheesy, cheesy cheese pizza?"
"Fine." I sighed.
I loved cheese.
"But next time i will kill you if you touch my things." I threatened.

oh, this is lame, well this is only what i can think of.

please, comment, vote, i really appreciate it.

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