Chapter 7

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Buttercups POV
I paced around beside the car waiting for Miyako and Momoko but they still weren't out yet as if they haven't wasted up to 10minutes. I was pretty impatient though, but still they should be out by now.
I was about to burst through the doors and pull them by their hair when I saw them rush out of the mall. Something was wrong, Miyako's face looked glossy and her eyes looked red like she had been crying.
I ran over to them and touched her cheeks, turns out I was right, she was actually crying. I ushered them to the car and took the keys. I drove this time around because Miyako was too hurt to and Momo was consoling her.
"What happened?" I asked no one in particular but I knew momoko was going to respond.
She was cut short mid sentence by miho, "hey miyako, you left your purse behind and I noticed you didn't have the opportunity to get the eyeshadow palette you wanted so I have you mine." She handed miyako her stuff and waved us goodbye.
About half way home I asked the same question but I directed it at Miyako. She was no longer crying and momo looked like she didn't know the answer either.
"I ran into Boomer." She sighed.
I don't know why by I gripped the wheel tighter. "So? You're going to the same college as the guy."
"This was my first time of seeing him in about seven years kaoru." there was this anger in her voice that made me even angrier.
"Ugh." I groaned.
"I also ran into Brick." Momo stated.
The car was silent, they were expecting me to answer the unspoken question which I wasn't to until they asked.
"What?" I played dumb.
"Do you by any chance see and green rowdy ruff?" Momoko finally asked.
"No," I shrugged causually, "I didn't see anyone."
"I gotta ask, now that we are in Tokyo. What are out plans?" that came from miyako.
"We came here to study." I said in a duh tone.
"No, I mean like saving people."
Just the thought of being a hero brought back painful memories. It made my blood boil thinking about Butch and how many times we take fought trying to protect them from destroying the world. Then it took me back to that painful day when everything changed. It took me back to that room I escaped from covered in blood.
"I don't know, I didn't think about that." momoko replied her.
I snapped, "well you can't always think of everything, you don't have to think for us. Remember what happened the last time we let you lead us?" I was talking about the incident that caused us to flee from Tokoyo and they both knew it.
"What's your problem? You have been giving us attitude since we got into this car." She yelled at me.
"You think you're better than us, don't you? I know Miya doesn't because she is too stupid to."
"Who is this b*tch and what have you done  with Kaoru?"
"Call me a bitch one more time. I dare you, you dumb bitch!" I growled.
Suddenly the weather changed, the once clear skies became cloudy. It was dark in a scary type of way and also windy. God I hated bad weather, it was more like a storm was brewing and I was the cause of it. I knew how sensitive miya was when she was called dumb but I couldn't control my stupid mouth.
Momoko was already trying to calm her down which didn't change anything. When she got like this, She blocked everything out. All I could do was drive trying to prevent us from crashing while controlling the storm in my chest. I was afraid of thunder and lightning; leave it to me to anger the queen of the one thing I'm afraid off.
I watched them throw the front mirror, momo had miya's face to hers. I immediately knew what she was doing. She was accessing her conciousness, she was talking to her through her mind creating illusions that calmed her down. The weather gradually went back to its pleasant state.
I let out a breathe, "it worked."
When miya was back to herself she thanked Momoko then faced with the speed of flash adding lightening and thunder to her unspoken threat.
We drove the while way back home in silence, miya didn't even say anything to me when she got out of the car carrying her backs. Momoko stayed back letting the tension in the air intensify.
"You really messed up."
"I know."
"Do you really? You don't know what i feel like everyday when I wake up and see you guys faces knowing I turned us into what we are today." she grabbed her bags and got out. She was about to leave but she came back, "and yes, I remember what happened the last time I led. I got us out of their torture house while you got the professor killed."
"Momoko!" she promised she would never speak about that.
"Now you know how it feels." she smirked at me then walked away.
"Maybe seeing Butch did have an effect on me."
When I got into the house my bone almost shattered from the cold, I could literally see frost everywhere. That's what happens when you make momo mad.
I prepared my apology speech while miya and momo made dinner. An apology is actually harder than it seems, I couldn't get my brain to say the write words. I finally said f it and decided to go in unprepared.
"Momo, Miya." I called both their names in the sweetest voice I could muster but they both ignored me.
"Look guys i'm sorry." I breathed out.
"Sorry for what?" Miya asked coldly while momo was still ignoring me.
I burst into tears unexpectedly, it was like the reality of the the things I said and the things Momoko said were just hitting me full force.
"Momo, I think she is crying." She said nudging momo's ribs, when she didn't budge, she came to me her hands outstretched, "Okay kaoru stop it. You're a really ugly crier." She grabbed me for a bear hug.
"Am I forgiven?" I asked hopefully.
"Of course, I can never be angry at my little sister."
I wasn't gonna fight with her about the fact that I am a few months older than her. I needed her to feel happy.
"But you still need to get to ice girl."
I walked up to her and hugged her from behind. Ice girl was fitting for her, she was so cold that she gave my arm frost bite.
"I am sorry for what I said to you. I was just pissed because I saw....Butch."
She spun around, "what! You could have told us that,”
“I know, but I didn’t want to seem weak,” I replied bowing my head in shame, she
remained silent for a second and placed her hand on my chin then raised my head up.
“The first time is always the hardest,” she said with a smile then hugged me.
“Awwww, that’s so sweet,” miya said coming over to join the hug,
“You know the ones that seem the toughest are the most sensitive,” Momoko said
“Shut up,” I said after breaking out of the hug “And momo could you ease up on the
cold I’m starting to shiver,” miya suggested as she wrapped her arms around herself.
“Oh, right, sorry,”
"I gotta add, the boys got hotter."

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