Chapter 13

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Bubbles POV
"I'm going to do it." Blossom announced.
It has been two days since i have last seen Boomer. After his little... confessional at the Cafe he didn't attend any lectures or even show up at campus. Not like i care though.

Maybe he was feeling the pain of what happened in the past between us.

No, he is probably trying to slack off from doing school work.
I could have texted him if i wanted to -he had given me his number when we met at mall- but i didn't want to at all.

"Do what?" Kaoru asked in response to Momoko.

We were gathered in our living room, I was browsing through Instagram, BC was doing the same and while Blossom as always had a book in her hand.

"Use my powers on Brick, i'm going to read his mind." We remained silent staring at her. Buttercup seemed like she wanted to disappear, we didn't often bring up the boys or our plan towards them cause when we did, it ended in one or all of us crying; reliving our memories through our dreams.
"I just cant stand not knowing." She sighed with annoyance.

I also wanted to know but was i ready? Can my heart handle being broken again. What if they hurt us out of hate and not because of something else. I don't know if i will be able to handle knowing he hates me.
Why am i so weak? Why can't I say i hate him and actually hate him. I needed to hate, this was my only chance to find out the truth about him.
"I support you." I finally decided.
Whatever she finds out i need to be strong.
She faced Buttercup -whom was being too quiet- waiting for her reply,
"What if you mess with their memories? What if they remember?" She asked.
I never thought about that. Before we escaped Blossom made sure they never came for us by messing with their memories by making them believe they killed us; they have no memories of us escaping.
"That wont happen." Blossom assured her.
"Are you sure? They cant know we are alive."
Was she scared? No...Buttercup was never scared.
"They're going to find out sooner or later."
"When are you going to do it?"
"Today. I'm going over to theirs. Bubbles are you coming?"
"Yea. Let me change first."
I went to my bedroom and changed out of my house clothes to a magenta cropped hoodie, high waist jeans and flats. When i came back down Blossom was ready also.
"Ooh, who are you trying to impress?" She teased.
How can she go from i hate the guys and what they did to us and i am going to destroy them to I ship Boombbles?
"You're just jealous i look like a goddess in everything i wear." I stuck my tongue out at her.
It was like a thirty minute drive to the building where they lived. I expected them to have lived in a shabby only boys hostel, imagine my surprise when i saw this building with about twelve floors, imagine the greater surprise i was in when Blossom told me they lived on the last floor.

How did i forget they were as rich as us.

"Hey." Blossom fake smiled after Brick answered the door.
"Hey." He replied confused.
They stared each other for about a minute neither saying anything.
"Are you going to let us in?" I asked for her.
"Yea sorry." He moved out of the way for both of us to walk in.
After closing the door he pulled Blossom to a corner by her arm. "Didn't you get my text?" He scratched behind his head.
"What text-"
I blocked them out, what they were saying wasn't for me to hear anyway. Their pent our house was pretty but this, they went all out. Its like those apartments you see in a catalogue which is obviously too nice to be a home. Why didn't i think on going all out when we were furnishing our house.
When i turned around Boomer was standing with us...... shirtless. When he saw me his face turned pink.
"Well well...look what we have here." I eyed him shamelessly causing him to blush even harder.
"I should go put on some clothes." He announced awkwardly.
"I'll come with you." I took a step forward.
"What." His cheeks turned even pinker.
"We have a project together after all." I walked over to him. "lead the way."
"I hope your room isn't messy." I stated after leaving Momo and Brick in the living room.
"I'm not like other guys." He stated proudly.
Where did all that shyness go to?
"Definitely aren't." I muttered.
"I heard that."
Shit. Forgot about his super hearing.
He opened the door to his room and let me walk in first. Okay  his room was.....beautiful, classy and everything nice. What had my attention was his bed, it looked so comfortable, it probably was. When he had his back to me, i threw my bag on it watching it bounce; trying to calculate how much i will probably bounce if i jumped on it.
"You haven't still told me what this project is about." He faced me with a shirt in his hand.
He was sure taking his time to get dressed.
I jumped on his bed and folded my legs. Finally, it was as comfortable as i knew it would be.
Taking out my note book from my bag; i replied him, "An acrylic painting of a pictorial representation of something of importance. We are also meant to title it, explain what its about and some other question under it."
"Painting." He echoed. "I'm good at that." He laid down on his bed right in front of me. If he tried he could see up my nose.
'Why would he want that though'
I am so glad i wasn't wearing a skirt.
"Every student taking this course is good at it. You aren't special.." I rolled my eyes.
"So harsh.....babe." He smirked.
There it goes again, my stupid heart beating fast because of a meaningless word. I hate myself, I hated the fact that that stupid word still had an effect on me
"Stop calling me that." I frowned.

"What? Babe?" He smiled sheepishly.

"I'm sure your ex-girlfriend wouldn't like that if she were alive."
I just had to. Great. Why do i care anyway. Its not like he cared or cares about me.
I needed to remind him of his place.

He cleared his throat, "So what ideas do you have about this project."

Of course he was going to change the topic. Coward.

"What makes you think i have any ideas?"
He sat up and rested his head on his fist while looking at me, "You look like you're smart."

"Really? People see my blonde hair and blue eyes and just assume i am a dumb blonde."

He sat up fully raising his head from his fist and leaned closer to my face, close enough to feel his breath on my skin. "I'm not stupid like most people."
"Because you're a different breed of stupid." I smiled genuinely and leaned closer to him also, close enough our noses brushed.

"I've heard its my most appealing quality." He smiled at me in return not breaking our eye contact.

Slowly but briefly our lips met but it lasted less than a second, long enough for me to close my eyes. It was asking for permission for what was to come next. The tension in the air and the sparks that flew was all the permission we needed. I didn't kiss him, he didn't kiss me, we kissed each other. In the heat of the moment, my arms wrapped around his neck and I climbed unto his lap and he wrapped his hands around my waist.
I have never wanted anything more than i have wanted this. Nothing has ever felt as good as this. His hands on my bare waist felt so surreal, his hair was so soft and his lips....god his lips, I almost humped on his lap.
I wished he hadn't hurt me so i would have gotten to do this a lot.
Wait, he hurt me.
'Bubbles what are you doing?!' My subconscious screamed at me.
I opened my eyes, i was kissing Boomer. I was kissing the enemy.
I pushed him away and moved away from his lap. He stared at me with horror like he had just seen a ghost.
At that moment my heart leaped out of my chest.
Finally, i know right. I don't know why i made them kiss. I have just been hungry for a kiss scene for a while.
And Boomer finally figured out. That must have been a magical kiss.
I also started editing the previous chapters because they are whack. I have edited only chapter 1 and 2 though. You can check it out if you want to. Its chapter 2 that has the most important scene.
Bye. 안녕.
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