Chapter 11

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"Dude." Brick called out to Butch, "Whats wrong with your face?" He asked in regards to the smile on his face. He set his laptop and bag on the table.
"Its called being handsome. Not like you would know anything about it." Butch rebutted.
He deadpanned, "Where's the fun in being handsome if i have to be dumb like someone i know."
Butch tried decking him under the table but he missed hitting concrete instead.
"Ow, fuck." He cried out rubbing his foot.
"See, dumb." He remarked cockily.
"Yo yo yo. Whats up?" The new comer announced his arrival loudly and also slung his arm around Bricks shoulder.
"Who still says yo in the twenty first century?" Brick rebutted shrugging his arm off.
"Cool people. Loser." Butch high fived the new comer; Mitch.
"Dumb and dumber." He muttered under his breath.
"That chick you were talking to, you didn't already call dibs did you? She is hot."
Butch's expression turned darkened at the mention of Kaoru, Brick noticing his expression laughed instead of getting Mitch to shut up.
"Matter of fact i did. She is off limits." He was beginning to get possessive but Mitch was blind to his change in tone.
"10,000yen to who gets her first."
"No." He replied sternly. 'i'm not putting a bet on this one. She is all mine."
Brick looked up from his laptop grimacing at him, "freak."
Bubbles POV
It has been a week since Boomer invited me Bubbles to his place but he hadn't texted her the address or even bothered to try and talk to her again. Even when they sat beside each other during lectures he didn't utter a single word to her.
To be honest, she thought he was playing her when he agreed to work on the project together.
Boomer: 1
Bubbles: 0
"Hey Miyako."
Speak of the devil.
She was in -according to what she has heard- the most popular cafe on campus when he finally decided to talk to she. She didn't understand why this place was so popular though, their snacks weren't so tasty and their drinks were watered down, all they had to offer was great Wi-Fi.
"What do you want now?" she groaned exaggeratedly with tired sigh just to spite him.
She smiled internally by the look on his face.
"That's hurts like hell." He sat down.
"Sorry i don't have time for pleasantries." She bite into her doughnut and mentally throw up.
'Terrible snacks.' She reminded herself.
"Ugh...i just wanted to ask for your number."
She scoffed, "like you don't already have it."
From what she had heard from Blossom, Brick found a way to get her number from her student file. What would stop Boomer from doing the same. They are rowdy ruff boys after all.
"Actually," he leaned in closer, "i will like to get it from you." Under the table his leg brushed hers purposely. "Why do you say baby?"
She choked on her coffee when she heard the word 'baby'. Then she started laughing.
His face turned red with embarrassment and also because he thought she had the prettiest laugh.
"Baby? What the.." she continued laughing, "you amuse me." She patted his head like a little kid. "Baby." She whispered to herself again still chuckling.
"So what do you prefer? Babe?" He tried to play it off coolly but the embarrassment stung his heart.
Her beat a little faster, no matter how her and her sisters try to deny it, they will always be a little bit attracted to they guys. No matter how badly they hurt them their hearts would still melt for them and that's what they hated most about the rrbz; how weak they made them feel.
She coughed awkwardly, "What do you want Boomie?"
"I want you to-" he froze, "Bo-boomie?"
"What?" She seemed calm on the outside but on the inside she was screaming.
"You called me boomie." He was staring at her in shock and horror. No one called him Boomie except Bubbles.
Hearing the nickname again from the only girl he has truly felt attracted to since Bubbles made anxiety creep up his throat.
Was the faith of bubbles going to be the faith of any girl he liked?
"Did i?" Her acting was good, "whats the big deal if i called you boomie anyway?"
"No one calls me that."
"Did an ex girlfriend brand the name as hers."
Taunting him might be the remedy to her racing heart.
"Actually, yes."
She was taken aback by his honesty but she didn't let it show. She had to pretend to be oblivious to the pain she caused him. She slyly kept on bringing up what he did to her.
"Ooh....awkward. what happened? Bad break up?"
This was the first since she met him that he wasn't so bubbly and she enjoyed it so much. She felt a little pain watching him suffer but she ignored it and focused on the pleasure. If she had to cry her self to sleep in the last seven years she should have the right to cause him a little pain.
"Something like that." He looked at everything and everyone except her. "Can we change the subject?"
She shrugged, "what do you want?"
"i want you to come over today so we can work on the project."
"Why did you decide to talk to me today?"
"You looked so pretty. I guess blue is just your colour." He smiled ear to ear.
He was better at hiding his pain than Bubbles thought or maybe there wasn't any because if there was he would have realised what he said to her.
That statement  brought back memories of when they were kids, when she didn't know love was a lie. It had brought so much color to her cheeks when he first said it to her. How was he so unaffected after saying the same words he had said to Bubbles her.  She could still remember every word he said to her, every promise he made, every sweet gesture he did. But how could he forget so easily. He probably never felt the same way towards her, she probably wasn't as special as she thought she was to him.
"Ooh...i am blown away." She replied sarcastically. "See you at six."
She paid her bill then left. It took all her might not to walk back into the cafe and slam his face into a table.
She was for sure going to get her revenge and it was going to happen sooner than she anticipated.

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