Chapter 47

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Hueningkai never was a crybaby, but death might've been better than the position he was now in.


Hueningkai felt pitiful hearing his own whimpers of desperation in the cold shackles in the back of a carriage. He had tried to get out, but only cut up his fingers with more splinters.

"I want out! Please I won't run!!!" Hueningkai felt all the fear coming back from before. Before he ran away.

The heavy shackles and chains, the getting sold, lugged around, malnourished....dehydrated....being a slave again....

"Are you awake little one?" The man laughed and opened the carriage door, climbing in next to Hueningkai.

"Tell me. I'm intrigued. If your family hasn't found you after all these years, do you really think you'll ever find the prince again? You met by chance little one." The man took a bite of his lunch, teasing hueningkais appetite.

"Why don't you just kill me? You know I'll just try to escape again." Hueningkai tried to hide the pain of never being able to find soobin again after this.

"Because, you owe me labor work, for all the trouble you put me through when you ran, remember this?" The man held up his hand and removed the glove, showing only four fingers.

Hueningkai gulped, how could he forget? He had pretended to be dead and as the man grabbed him he had used his knife against him.

He had intended to stab the man's hand into the ground, but only managed a finger back then. If he could have another chance, he'd cut off his head.

"I need to pee." Hueningkai tried, giving a pitiful look to pry some empathy from the man.

"You tried that one back then too little one, after this job is done, you and I are going to go far- FAR away." A grin slipped over his disgusting lips as he inches closer to Hueningkai.

Hueningkai was now even more terrified. This advance was new. Where were the brutal punches? The spit in his face? He'd prefer that.

"DONT! DONT TOUCH ME! GET AWAY!" hueningkai kicked his feet and tried to open the carriage door, getting stopped by the man slamming him face down into the seat of the carriage.

hueningkai choked out a cry, or a whine, he couldn't tell anymore, his throat was dry.

The man had ripped hueningkais shirt down the back, and now Hueningkai felt as if poison were trailing along his skin in the form of nine fingers.

"I had never thought about men this way, until I watched you and the princes for the last week." The man jumped in surprise when they got interrupted. A blessing to Hueningkai.

"Sir, the princess entered the castle and the sun is setting. The wedding is tomorrow, shall we set up the weapons?" The driver of the carriage earned a nod from the man and he got off of Hueningkai.

"Sorry little one, we'll have to play later." It was in fact, dark outside as the man opened the carriage door.

"Wh- wait!! What are you going to do at their wedding?!" Hueningkai quickly sat up, fearless of what would happen to him now, the others were in danger.

"Oh? Them? Were going to kill them at their own wedding tomorrow, I have to take care of that since the man who employed us to do this happens to be chasing after a Taehyun? I believe?"

Hueningkai couldn't form words, or sounds at all. Just utter fear. They had planned everything out? Were they really going to win this?

"Soobin! What- are you-" beomgyu whispered, seeing as they were under intense supervision outside of the bedroom door stood around five guards.

They were in Taehyuns room, soobin had specifically chosen this room because Taehyun used it to get in and out. There was no way he was getting married while Hueningkai was in danger. You couldn't make him.

Which was why he was currently hushing beomgyu while climbing down the rose lattice. Ow.

"Soobin-! You can't just leave! You're the heir! Your the biggest person of this entire event!" Beomgyu grabbed his step brothers hand as he was already going down the lattice.

Soobin looked up at beomgyu, and for once, felt like they were close. He stopped, pitying beomgyu.

"I promise you I'll come back after I find Hueningkai, I can't just sit here. Without Taehyun I have no idea how to stop this wedding, and- you can't come with me while your ankle is like that." Soobin held beomgyus hand and gave him a sad look upwards.

Beomgyu knew he was right, but still couldn't help but worry for all of them, was leaving the castle right now really the safest option? At least they had guards here....Hueningkai could be being used as bait again....

"Alright....I'll cover for you as long as I can....but you have to find Taehyun too, alright? Make sure both of them are fine, and come back." Beomgyu let go, knowing that soobin going or not could mean their lives. Not like anyone else would go searching for them. They were on their own.

Taehyun leaned against a tree near the cabin they had all shared. He was grabbing weapons when he was attacked by someone, who he had just had a very close fight with.

Now every inch of him was covered in blood, and he had wasted around an hour and a half.

He had his sword now, and from searching the mans corpse, had found a lead on where Hueningkai may be.

It was an employment poster, a band of slave traders for hire of dirty work. If the man hired them to attack the princes and Hueningkai, then he had to be hidden in the forest.

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