Chapter 31

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"Soobin?" Yeonjun knocked again. He had brought Taehyun and Beomgyu some food, and had been trying desperately to get soobin to eat. All of his favorite things too!

Whatever he brought was rejected though....saying he'd only eat with Hueningkai. Which was a problem for yeonjun because, you know...Hueningkai wasn't there.

"Go away." Soobins voice came across strongly. Yeonjun wasn't a fool though, he knew how much his best friend liked Hueningkai, not just as a friend...

"I need you to eat! I know he's gone, but you have to take care of yourself!! You're the eldest prince!!!" Yeonjun knocked again.


yeonjun was now positive soobin had been the wailing voice he heard last night from the balcony.

Soobins voice sounded dry, destroyed, broken, sad. It wasn't fair that soobin said all those things when yeonjun was still, trying to make his best friend happy.

"I'll leave it here then...." Yeonjun gave up, and simply set the tray down, leaving to finish his shift. No one had demanded he bring the princes food, he just did it because he was their friend.

A very worried friend....

Taehyun came into the room with the tray of food yeonjun left today, seeing a sleeping beomgyu laying peacefully.

He decided to not wake him up and simply set the tray down on the nightstand.

"Because I love you...i don't hate you at all..."

Taehyun sighed and brushed beomgyus bedhead from his face as he smiled on the thought running through his head.

Taehyun was overwhelmed last night, with uncertainties still, but he was certain that he wanted to be with beomgyu.

He hadn't given an answer last night, promising one in the morning. Now that it was, in fact, morning, Taehyun had made up his mind.

Maybe it was a little selfish...if they had to suffer to be together, then wouldn't the outcome of being together be that much sweeter?

Beomgyus sleepy mumbles snapped Taehyun out of his thoughts and back to the beautiful sleeping boy.

"Good morning, your highness." Taehyun couldn't help but share a small smile when beomgyu had seen him and smiled.

"Good morning, assistant. Have you decided?" Beomgyu leaned on his hand and yawned, gazing intensely into Taehyuns eyes, maybe he was trying to hypnotize Taehyun with the powers he imagined he had right now, and maybe he wasn't.

"Yes,  I-" Taehyun received beomgyus finger against his lips before he could even finish his answer.

"Before you answer....remember that you can't lie to me, so if you say something here theres no take-backsies." Beomgyu wanted to make sure they were clear before removing his finger and waiting again, anxiously.

"Prince Choi Beomgyu! I promise that I am a little in love with your annoying face every morning. I promise that I won't leave you, and I will never hurt you from this day forward!" Taehyun crossed his heart, hoping beomgyu was satisfied.

Beomgyu stared blankly towards Taehyun. Not really what Taehyun wanted after he confesses his undying love, but what beomgyu was giving.

"Was it too mean? I'm sorry...I can say I love you normally too..I just thought it was more ro-" Taehyuns apology rant was cut short by beomgyu leaping onto him with a hug, knocking him to lay down flat against the bed.

"NO! IT WAS PERFECT!" beomgyus laughs sounded like a happy birds chirping as he started to plant kisses all over Taehyuns face, lips, neck, chest. Just sweet kisses, with the littlest add-on of beomgyus smile into them.

"Beomgyu- beomgyu stop...oh my God..." Taehyun covered his face, it was embarrassing how cute and excited beomgyu was at his little confession, but he also didn't want it to stop.

"Hey, if we're going to kiss..." Taehyun sat up, stopping beomgyu from his feather kisses.

"Let's do it right." Taehyun whispered since they were now so close, any louder would be too loud.

Taehyun kissed beomgyus lips and cupped one hand into his hair.

Beomgyu decided he loved Taehyuns kisses....the way Taehyun held him delicately, but kissed like a starving dragon....he was stuck now, stuck needing Taehyuns kisses.

Soobin laid on the same spot he had been since they got to the palace, feeling drained from crying, having no voice for re-reading the letter any longer.

He looked pitiful, to say the least, laying on the stone floor, surrounded by everything Hueningkai had touched in his room.

And rolling a ring back and forth in his fingers. He knew it was now day two without Hueningkai, because the sunlight through the balcony hit the ring and made it shine.

This would've fit your finger perfectly......Soobin put the matching other one on his left hands ring finger and compared the two.

"Soobin...this is sad....pitiful...have you eaten yet? You look like hell." Yeonjun had let himself in, deciding knocks wouldn't work after several failed attempts.

"I feel like hell .....this is hell ....." Soobin hated everyone trying to come support him right now. It was just more voices going in one ear and out the other.

Could they bring Hueningkai back? No. So he didn't want to hear any of their supportive pep-talks. Their love hadn't just been murdered in front of them.

"Then Hueningkai must be in hell too." Yeonjun poured a glass of water to go with the food he set beside soobin, joining him on the floor.

"Yeah right.....Hueningkai was an angel if anyone ever knew one....." Soobin didn't have the strength to kick yeonjun out, deciding that maybe if he complained enough yeonjun would just leave.

"He is  an angel, even asked for you as soon as he woke up. Saying how he wouldn't eat until he saw soobin either. You two are really made for eachother." Yeonjun took a bite from one of the sandwiches.

Yeonjun had just gained soobins full attention.

"You're really sick you know....if you think that lying to me is going to make me eat something, you're wrong. Just tell me when his funeral is." Soobin was a bit pissed yeonjun would lie that badly to get soobin to eat.

"His funeral will happen when he dies. I'm not lying. Eat that sandwich and I'll take you to him." Yeonjun avoided soobins eyes on purpose, knowing that soobin had hope now.

Soobin had seen Hueningkai die with his own eyes, in his arms!! This was an obvious lie!!

So why did he start devouring the sandwich as quickly as possible?

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