Chapter 32

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"How long?" Taehyun peeked inside the door to make sure that beomgyu was still asleep.

The nurse didn't understand why she had to wait to update when beomgyu was asleep, but knew Taehyun must have his reasons. Everyone in the castle trusted Taehyun, even the king.

"Indefinitely, if at all." The nurse hated to be the one to deliver iffy news, especially when Taehyun furrowed his brows in confusion.

"Excuse me? 'if at all?' what's that supposed to mean?" Taehyun rested his hands on his hips and waited for the nurse to flip a page in her journal.

"The doctor...he wrote the prescription himself, we've splinted it and iced it for swelling. There isn't much more we can do but wait." The nurse dropped the journal when Taehyun raised his voice.

"So he may never heal?!!! Ma'am! Do you understand how important it is that he is able to walk?! He can't be bedridden his whole life!!" Taehyun brushed his hair back and paced for a moment.

"I'm sorry, it is what it is, his body has to decide. If he had taken proper care of it when it was first injured that may be different but he's broken it and continued to walk in it. It could never heal properly."

"Yeonjun, if you're fucking with me this is the sickest joke ever." Soobin was speed-wlaking to keep up with yeonjun as he went down the hallway.

"I wouldn't joke about this soobin, I just didn't want to give you hope in case he didn't make it..." Yeonjun was glad they were walking and he did t have to face soobin while saying this.

"Wha- SO YOU DECIDED TO LIE AND TELL ME HE DIED?! IS THAT BETTER?!" soobin wanted to be furious but was too focused on the fact that maybe Hueningkai wasn't gone forever.

"If he died while being treated, then you would have been strung along for days suffering beside him. Then if he died you'd have to accept it then anyway, wouldn't you say this is a good alternative?" Yeonjun knocked on a door.

The door was opened by nurses on the inside. Yeonjun would've kindly invited soobin in if soobin hadn't pushed through everyone to get to the boy on the bed.

The sight was a bit eerie. Hueningkai, with a towel over his eyes, pale, sickly looking. But the rise and fall of Hueningkais chest made soobin happier than anything.

"He won't wake up again for a little bit, but I needed to tell you now, so you'd eat." Yeonjun smiled seeing soobin kneeling to hold hueningkais face gently.

Soobin crying made yeonjun happy now that it was tears of relief and joy. Soobin removed the towel to place their foreheads together.

"Kai....Hueningkai.....ningning..." Soobin didn't know why but he just wanted to say every single one of Hueningkais names over and over again.

"I'll leave you with him then...." Yeonjun bowed and went to leave the room but his wrist was caught in soobins grasp.

"Yeonjun wait..... Thank you, thank you a thousand times over. I haven't been fair to you." Soobin hugged his best friend tightly.

Yeonjun didn't regret helping soobin run away that day now. It eventually led to soobins happiness. He made soobin happy.

"Alright...stay with him then." Yeonjun patted soobins back and left the room. Satisfied with his choices.

Soobin took hueningkais hand and laid a soft kiss over his fingers.  The warmth hueningkais body still had felt unreal. He was sure he had died, how did they save him from such an intense wound?

"Your highness....pardon me...but I can't help but notice you questioning his wound. May I?" A nurse had stepped forward politely, asking to remove the bandage to show him.

Soobin nodded, not sure if he really wanted to see the brutality done to Hueningkai under his watch. He wanted to make sure ..

"The wound was largely on his neck and across his shoulder, luckily it's rather shallow on the critical areas of his neck, the real damage happened around his collarbone and shoulder."

The nurse smiled and pointed to the areas to explain to soobin the miracle they had healed.

"Really?'s...that's amazing." Soobin gently ran his finger over the skin around the stitches.

It really was stitched perfectly, there would barely be a scar. Maybe having the medical professionals of the royal family wasn't so bad. If he weren't a prince with access to such professionals...he could've watched Hueningkai bleed to death.

"He did bleed quite a bit, so I understand your panic. You most likely weren't focused on his breathing, just blood right?" The nurse put the bandage back and smiled to soobin, who looked amazed.

"Yeah...the blood and he didn't respond to me...they took him to immediately get treatment but yeonjun told me he didn't make it...." Soobin didn't care about any of that now. It wasn't worth fighting over if Hueningkai ended up fine in the end.

"I'll lay an extra bed out for you then, I assume you'll be here a while?" The nurse received soobins waving hand.

"Don't bother, I'll lay with him." Soobin didn't care if she spread rumors, what were they going to do?

"WHO ARE YOU!?" beomgyu had Taehyuns sword in hand, since he had left it beside his bed when he left.

You'd be afraid too if you awoke to a stranger touching your ankle and claiming to be your assistant.

"Please! Your name is Jimin! I'm only here to help you." Jimin tried to tend to beomgyus ankle but beomgyu raised the sword closer to jimins chest.

" Kang Taehyun is my assistant, where is he?!" Beomgyu was NOT about to trust anyone after what they just went through. Taehyun wouldn't just leave him while he was asleep. They had just confessed and....yeah.

"He's in a trial. I've been sent to temporarily replace him until he gets sentenced." Jimin raised his hands slowly to put down the sword.

"What? A trial? Why would he be in a trial?" Beomgyu just couldn't picture Taehyun doing anything that would get him in trouble.

"The king summoned him, someone reported several accusations against him." Jimin wasn't so sure if he should continue, from the looks of prince beomgyu so far. It seemed like he would try to get up and defend him.

"What were the accusations?!!!" Beomgyu lowered the sword, internally swearing to kill whoever accused Taehyun of things he obviously didn't do.

"Kidnapping the princes, aiding in escape of both princes...and.....Inappropriate relationships with ....prince beomgyu.."

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