Chapter 7

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Taehyun didn't know why he was looking forward to bringing beomgyu to his lessons today, but he had already made him breakfast, and was hiding it in his satchel.

"Good morning yeonjun." Taehyuns said as he approached beomgyus door. Yeonjun was doing his duty of guarding the door.

"Tae...We should say he took his lessons...." Yeonjun said, sad to ruin the cheerful mood Taehyun seemed to be in.

"What why?..." Taehyun didn't know why yeonjun stopped him from going in beomgyus room.

"He's not feeling well. Can't we lie and let him rest?" Yeonjun seemed persistent on not letting Taehyun in.

Taehyun furrowed his brows and went in the room, with no more objection from yeonjun since Taehyun was assigned by the king to be beside beomgyu.

"Knock knock." Taehyun tapped the bed post, going to see what his prince was feeling like.

"Mmn.." beomgyu didn't bother to open his eyes, knowing who it was already.

"Yeonjun said you were sick, I brought breakfast." Taehyun pulled out the sandwich he made beomgyu this morning, no tomato.

"I'm not hungry." Beomgyu seemed in a more stubborn mood than usual.

"What hurts?" Taehyun lifted his hand to check beomgyus temperature, but it felt normal.

"I tried to go to the bathroom and got tackled by yeonjun in full armour." Beomgyu groaned.

Taehyuns eyes widened before he let out a small laugh.

"I heard that laugh Kang Taehyun." Beomgyu sat up begrudgingly and regretted it afterwards when he sharply winced.

"Let me see." Taehyun went to lift beomgyus shirt slowly, examining for a wound.

"So?" Beomgyu waited for Taehyuns response to his condition.

"You have a large bruise. I think you'll be alright for some lessons but the fencing one is out of the question." Taehyun ran his fingers over the bruise gently to see if it was overly sensitive.

Beomgyu winced at taehyuns fingers and Taehyun nodded to himself.

"Yeah, no fencing with this bruise." Taehyun stood up and wrapped the sandwich back up, saving it for when beomgyu got hungry.

"Can't we have fun today? Do princes get any breaks?" Beomgyu really didn't want to spend all day doing lessons again, he hated the prince lifestyle.

"I can take you to the horses, if we go for a ride then we're technically still doing a lesson." Taehyun thought that since beomgyu was starting to cooperate, a small break wouldn't hurt.

"I can't ride...I can only steer.. and get on." Beomgyu reminded him. Taehyun waved his hand.

"No need, you'll ride with me."

"Can I have another?" Soobin asked the boy as they waded in the water. They were currently trying to fish.

Hueningkai smiled and walked over, giving soobin another hug. Soobin had been asking for hugs all day. Like he just discovered what they were.

"We can cook them with fire tonight." Soobin tied a string through the fish, preparing them for nightfall. It was still early morning, so he wouldn't have to cook for a while.

"I want to get lemons to put on the fish!" Hueningkai smiled, happy that he knew how to catch good food now with soobin.

"Let's go get some then, you have two cloaks right?" Soobin stood up, carrying the fish towards the cabin.

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