Chapter 1

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Soobin couldn't breathe, the air rushing past his lips burned from how heavy he was breathing.
"YOUR HIGHNESS?!!!" he heard the guards getting closer and closer. He had escaped the castle but was cornered in an alley.
Shit.....I can't go back....what do I do?!? Soobin kept quiet as he heard footsteps approaching, most definitely the guards.
"Psst. Are you really the prince?" A boys voice whispered from above soobin. Soobin looked up to be met with a handsome boy on the roof.
  "What on Earth are you doing up there? So what if I am?" Soobin was cautious, the boy had dirt on his face so soobin had the impression he may get robbed.
"Do you want help escaping?" Hueningkai offered his hand down to the prince below.
"No thank you. I'm fine." Soobin didn't want to go with a sketchy boy on the rooftop.
  "Oh well then let me just let them know you're here for you." Hueningkai lifted his hands in a calling gesture and prepared to yell.
  "No! No. Ok yes I could use some help please." Soobin whisper-shouted to the boy and took his hand, climbing the lattice on the wall onto the roof as guards made it below them.
"Check the main road, he may have gotten lost." The general said, directing different groups where to go.
Once the guards were out of sight soobin sighed, turning around to see the boy who saved him.
  "Thank you, do you want my coat?" Soobin didn't bring anything expensive other than his clothes, and figured the boy would want payment.
"No, I'm good. You should have a destination if you're going to run away, where are you running to?" Hueningkai smiled at the prince, pulling some strawberries out of his satchel and offering them to him.
Soobin avoided the strawberries, weary of being poisoned. "I don't know yet, forgive me for being rude but I have a bounty on my head." Soobin gave an apologetic smile.
"They aren't poisoned. I'm Hueningkai, I have a bounty on my head too. " Hueningkai shrugged and ate one of the strawberries, proving the lack of poison.
  "I would say my name but you most likely know my name..." Soobin took a strawberry after seeing that they weren't poisoned. He examined the boy closer now that they were less strangers.
Long brown hair torn clothes...dirty face. Did he come back from mining?
"I don't actually, I know you're the prince but I don't know the princes name."

  "I'm Soobin. Choi Soobin." Soobin had eaten most of the boys strawberries and felt bad now, he was hungry, but didn't mean to eat them all.

"Well soobin. It looks like you're hungry, do you want to hide with me? I wouldn't mind the company." Hueningkai smiled at the prince, who had eaten his strawberries like he was starving.

"Only until I find my footing, then I won't disturb you. We can both report eachother if we're both wanted. So no tricks." Soobin gave a glare to Hueningkai. He was a complete stranger, but right now he was all he had.

"Your highness please...." The head of the guards, yeonjun, was desperately trying to coax the newest prince out of his bedroom.

Yeonjun sighed, frustrated when he still didn't get a response.

"I need you to come for your horseback lessons, we'll be late!" Yeonjun knocked once again but still no answer.

"Shouldn't you be worried about finding the real prince?!" Beomgyu yelled from behind the bedroom door.
Beomgyu had only been a prince for a day and his step brother ran before they could meet, and the whole royal family was looking for him.

Including beomgyus new father. His mother had married the king yesterday and moved into the castle this morning. It was all way too much. Beomgyu wasn't a royal, beomgyu was a dressmakers son.

Did they really expect him to just be ready for royalty in a night? It was preposterous.

Beomgyu heard yeonjun's footsteps leave the hallway and relaxed a bit.

He had only known one person in the castle so far, yeonjun, the guard that escorted him and his mother here. If it weren't for all the armour yeonjun wore beomgyu would've beaten him and escaped.

"Your highness." A new voice called from behind the door. Beomgyu stayed silent, trying to pretend he wasn't in the room.

"My name is Kang Taehyun, your father has assigned me as your personal assistant for the time being."

Beomgyu heard the familiar clink of yeonjun's sword hitting his chainmail around his hip. Yeonjun definitely brought this Taehyun boy here.

"I don't need an assistant! I'm sleeping! Go away!" Beomgyu covered himself with his blankets and decided he wouldn't unlock the door for anyone.

"Fine, suit yourself." A very loud thud made beomgyu jump up from his bed, still burrito wrapped in the blanket.

"Y-YOU KICKED THE DOOR DOWN??!" beomgyu was terrified at the two brutal boys walking towards him.

"It needs to be replaced anyways, a new prince lives here it shouldn't be able to be kicked in." Taehyun, the stranger had lifted beomgyu up against his will.

Beomgyu regretted wrapping himself in the blanket because it was preventing him from fighting against Taehyuns grasp.


He's way louder than his mother said he'd be...Taehyun pitied his ears but continued walking down the hallway with the screaming prince. It was like carrying a five year old.

"Taehyun...won't the king get mad? We shouldn't touch him ..." Yeonjun worriedly followed Taehyun worried about him dropping the new prince.

"I have permission to use whatever means necessary to get him to his lessons. Would you be a doll and replace his bedroom door securely? Thanks." Taehyun flashed a smile to yeonjun and left the guard in the hallway.

Yeonjun couldn't believe that they'd be training this new prince so intensely until prince soobin was found.

Yeonjun frowned thinking of the boy. He wanted to cry. He remembered watching soobin escape.....he was going to stop was his duty to stop him....but when his best friend cried and said he couldn't take it. Yeonjun had let him escape....

Yeonjun wanted to know how his best friend was doing....whether he was safe or not....whether someone was hurting him....whether he was happy ..

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