Chapter 30

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"Are you alright?" Beomgyu felt the answer was obvious when he woke up to a bloody Taehyun, sitting in a chair by his bed.

Taehyun took his hands away from his face to just look at beomgyu for a moment.

"Taehyun?'re scaring me...* Beomgyu waited again for maybe an answer but Taehyun stood up from the chair, leaned over his bedside and just hugged him.

Tightly. A desperate hug. Clutching at beomgyus shirt, forced muffles of sobs being felt on beomgyus shoulder from taehyuns mouth.

"I'm sorry.....god...I'm so sorry... For should've just ran away from me when you had the chance." Taehyun was forcing himself not to cry or waver his voice, and it only sounded more sad to beomgyu.

"No. No don't say that you did everything possible! You're the best assistant ever!!" Beomgyu clung to Taehyun when Taehyun tried to pull away from their hug.

"I'm resigning tomorrow." Taehyuns sentence made beomgyus breath freeze in his lungs.

"Please don't. If you do that then I'll run away!! I'll join some hitchhikers and get killed!!" Beomgyu started rambling off everything bad he would do if Taehyun left him.

"You might not be able to walk anymore...Hueningkai is..." Taehyun was going to name every reason why he was the worst at his job but beomgyu was not going to let Taehyun destroy himself.

"You kicked down my door when I first met you!! You carried me down the hall on your shoulder and forced me to do lessons!!!" Beomgyu pulled Taehyun back by the shoulders to try to get him to look at him.

"Beomgyu...that's not-"

"You held a sword to my neck!! And saved me when I ran away and hurt my ankle the first time!! You took us to that stupid little cabin and started making it a home for everyone!!" Beomgyu was desperate to catch even a glimpse of the fight in Taehyuns eyes that had seemed to vanish.

"I failed my job in the end beomgyu. I'm leaving tomorrow and came to say goodbye. You'll get along better with your new assistant." Taehyun tried to pull beomgyus hands off of his shirt but beomgyu clung tighter, keeping Taehyun next to him.

"NO!! I don't want anyone else!!! I won't listen to them!! It has to be you!!" Beomgyu felt like he was getting nowhere with Taehyun, but had to try something, anything for Taehyun to stay.

"Please don't leave me! .....I know..I know I'm stubborn sometimes! I won't run away! I'll eat anything you make me! I'll do lessons!!!" Beomgyu was now pulled out of the bed by Taehyun trying to get away from him.

Beomgyu let a cry out when he collided with the floor. He tried to hold onto Taehyun and still only ended up falling.

"Shit...beomgyu come on!! You know this isn't right!!! Let go already! Why are we even struggling?! We hate eachother, why does it have to be me?!" Taehyun wanted to help beomgyu back up but was afraid he wouldnt let go of him a second time.

"Because I really love you....I don't hate you at all..." Beomgyu sat up and hugged himself, ashamed to say it out loud for once.

He was jealous that at least if Hueningkai died, he had gotten to kiss soobin...he had seen them...he didn't know why they hid it, but he saw them.

And he was envious. Very envious.

"What do you mean?.." Taehyun kneeled, trying to now get a clear view of beomgyus expression.

"What else does I love you mean you idiot!" Beomgyu wiped his face, angry that he was crying over this bossy asshole.

Taehyun couldn't really let the words escape from his mouth. Is that why he did everything for beomgyu? Love?

Taehyun lowered beomgyus hands from his face, not caring if tears were falling. Beomgyu was always beautiful.

"Don't cry." Taehyun leaned his forehead against beomgyus as beomgyu tried to calm himself down.

Soobin sat in his bedroom. He had been confined in this room, in this castle....for his whole life but now that he had tasted freedom...why did it hurt so much more that Hueningkai wasn't with him?

Being here, being stuck here didn't hurt anymore. It was being stuck here without Hueningkai that now tore him apart.

He was looking around, putting anything of Hueningkais in a box. There wasn't much, but what can you expect from someone who was also brought to the palace forcefully?

Now that I think of it....what have I really ever done for hueningkai? Stayed at his home? Got him hurt in the marketplace? Got him kidnapped into the palace? Killed?

He never even taught him to read the letter.....

Soobin picked up the bag of things Taehyun had brought back from the cabin for him. He had requested the letter be one of them.

Soobin unfolded the paper and smiled, letting a tear fall on the corner as he ran his thumb over hueningkais doodles on the margins.

He read the first line that he made Hueningkai re-write as part of learning.

'i love you'

Soobins smile fell, leaving only the wet drops rolling down his cheeks. It was so bittersweet. He taught Hueningkai how to write it but now he could never say it again?

He sat down now, on the floor, back against the foot of his bed, and finished the letter, even though Hueningkai would never hear it.

'i love you....ah this is embarrassing for you to read...I guess it's romantic though? I haven't figured out if you like the romantic things yet...but I'm hoping to soon! Thank you for saving my back when we met, and keeping me afloat since then. I really want to thank you though, for making me love you. I was the happiest man ever when you agreed to be my boyfriend and shared all the stolen kisses. I don't think if you say yes this time we cant hide it, so with all my love....

Would you marry me?'

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