Chapter 34

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"WHAT?!" hueningkai looked like a deer in the headlights when he heard soobins sudden proposal.

"I'm to be a king, usually...we get married before becoming royal. Is that a no?..." Soobin didn't see the problem with it.

"NO!! NO!! I MEAN YES!!..I mean...I mean to say yes!! Yes I want to marry you!" Hueningkai held his hand out, letting soobin take it and slid the engagement ring on.

Hueningkai wanted to squeal at the matching rings on their fingers, and instead settled for attacking soobin with a hug.

Soobin had went from the worst day of his life to the best in a matter of hours, now he was holding his to- be husband safely in his arms. It felt to good to be real.

And of course, it was. A maid came in to tell soobin that the king required his presence.

Soobin hid their hands, making sure the maid hadn't seen their rings before nodding.

The maid left after delivering the summons and Soobin turned back to face Hueningkai.

"I have to go, I'll be right back alright? ....Fiance?" Soobin smiled and kissed hueningkais cheek before leaving him.

Hueningkai waved with his left hand, proudly showing soobin the ring he had on as he left.

"If you try to stop me, I'll stab you." Beomgyu held the sword against jimins chest again as he carefully tried to put on shoes.

"I could carry you, please don't injure your ankle any more it still may never heal..." Jimin didn't expect this news to come to beomgyu as a surprise.

"WHAT?!" beomgyu dropped the sword now and held his face, even more stressed.

Taehyuns probably blaming himself again...

"Why are you offering to help me see Taehyun? I'm sure you know by now about us." Beomgyu didn't even try to lie, if Jimin had been with the nurses and watching them it was obvious. Maybe he was the one who reported Taehyun.

"Because I have someone I love too, just like you and Taehyun alright? If the prince and future king have husband's it may be more accepted."

Jimin gave a sincere look of hope, hidden behind a sad expression.

"You too? A man?...." Beomgyu set the sword down completely now, finishing lacing up his shoes. It hurt like hell Everytime he slightly moved his ankle, but he put the brace back on over his shoe.

Jimin nodded and stood, helping beomgyu up, making sure none of his weight was on his other foot.

"Wow you're....shorter than I expected....are you sure you can carry me?" Beomgyu wasn't to positive on the fact that Jimin wouldn't drop him.

"Here, use these, I call them 'crutches' do you want to help Taehyun or not?" Jimin pulled two stick looking things from the closet.

"YOU BOTH LIKE MEN?!" the king wasn't against it, but was seriously at a loss when both of his sons turned out to love a man.

Soobin, showing the ring, even already proposed without his permission.

"You ratted us out didnt you?" Soobin hissed at Taehyun, who had appeared to be in here a while.

"They told me I couldn't marry beomgyu either if it makes you feel better." Taehyun had a tired expression. All this fighting just to find out they couldn't be with their lovers? It wasn't fair.

"You can love Hueningkai and Beomgyu all you two want! Sleep together, go on dates, whatever! I don't care. The kingdom does however, so you can't make it public, and Soobin.

"You, at least, have to marry a woman to be the queen and bear an heir, the kingdom will be outraged any other way." The king felt awful seeing his son looking so hurt and hopeless, but it was the only solution he could offer.

"Fine. Then we'll love them in secret. Soobin will marry a woman." Taehyun quickly grabbed soobins hand before he could outrage and object.

Soobin was absolutely against the idea, but something in Taehyuns grasp of his hand made him feel like Taehyun had a plan. Something that couldn't be said in front of the king.

"May we, your majesty?" Taehyun bowed, and left after the king nodded, bringing soobin out with him.

Once the door shut soobin immediately questioned Taehyuns intentions.

"Are you nuts?! I won't marry anyone but Kai!" Soobin whisper-shouted to Taehyun, making Taehyuns send him several 'shhhhs'.

"No one's going to be marrying a woman alright? Just hear me out I'm not an idiot, I have a plan." Taehyun was slightly offended soobin thought Taehyun had given up on their love lives so easily.

"Taehyun?" Beomgyu was surprised to meet both Taehyun and Soobin outside of the king's office.

And Taehyun was surprised that some asshole had his hands on beomgyus waist, helping him OUT OF BED which he was NOT supposed to be doing.

"Hey?! What the hell are you doing?! You're supposed to be healing!" Taehyun inconspicuously replaced Jimin, seperating him from Jimin.

He admitted to himself that he was slightly jealous that someone else had been beomgyus assistant for even an hour.

"Take these, thank you for filling in for me I'm ready to work again." Taehyun grabbed the crutches and handed them to Jimin.

"Wh- Taehyun wait what are you D-" beomgyu yelped as Taehyun lifted him up, enjoying the soft material of beomgyus pajamas against his skin.

"Soobin." Taehyun gestured for soobin to follow.

Soobin complied, wanting to follow Taehyun to get some answers out of him.

Jimin was left in the hallway, but was happy looking at the three of them not giving up.

"Hey!" soobin blocked hueningkais door with his hand.

Taehyun had to fix his grip when the slam of soobins hand on the door made beomgyu flinch In his arms.

"We shouldn't tell them whatever you're thinking of, they shouldn't be stressed until after they heal at LEAST." Soobin was determined to keep hueningkais door closed.

"Oh come on soobin, they deserve to know, they- that a ring?" Taehyuns eyes had to take a double look at soobins hand flat against Kai's door.

"Ah!- oh this? No no! It's" Soobin his his hand and twirled the ring on his finger trying to think of a lie.

Taehyun took this distraction as a chance to bust into hueningkais room with beomgyu.

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