Chapter 29

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"I almost feel like him sobbing and freaking out would be better..." Taehyun stared at soobins pitiful state in the corner of the house.

"What do we do? Can we go to the castle? Get some soldiers and sniffing dogs?" Beomgyu hated seeing soobin like this, and who knows when the captors would find out Hueningkai wasn't a prince and just kill him.

Soobin was curled up in the corner, with his face in his hands. He had been screaming and searching through the forest all night. Nothing.

"We can do that. But you and Soobin would have to stay for protection." Taehyun knew the king wouldn't allow the princes to go in the eye of danger.

He was assigned to bring them here to protect them and now, Hueningkai was kidnapped, beomgyu couldn't walk, soobins mind was breaking.

He failed, ultimately.

"They can try." Soobin finally spoke up after eavesdropping on their whole conversation.

"Try what?" Beomgyu sat straight on the counter that Taehyun lifted him on. Taehyun hadn't really had the time

"Try to keep me in that castle when Kai's out who knows where." Soobin stood, already ready to go hunt down Hueningkai with the search dogs.

Taehyun and Beomgyu gave eachother a look. They both figured that soobin and Hueningkai were a little closer than usual. Now wouldn't be a time to bring that up though.

"Hold on were coming." Taehyun sighed and turned around to examine beomgyus ankle.

" did it even get this bad beom?" Taehyun let the nickname he had been thinking about slip, not realizing it.

"I promised I wouldn't get hurt so....I didn't tell you. Before you ask- it was when I tripped on the floorboards and fell in."

Taehyun only gave a very disappointed glare, turning around to offer his back.

Beomgyu hopped on, smiling at getting a free piggyback ride.

Maybe he should break his ankle more often.

"The more you move the more likely you are to hang yourself." The man just scoffed at Hueningkais attempts at loosening the rope around his neck.

"You're really dumb, you know that?" Hueningkai managed a fake laugh, tiptoeing.

His feet hurt so badly from standing so long. It wasn't like he could just sit down. Unless you know, he wanted to die.

"We're just going to wait until my boys get here then your dad can buy you back. Sit tight." The man kept obnoxiously tapping his sword to the ground.

The tapping was only making Hueningkai more annoyed.

"I keep telling you, you're wasting your time. Your friends are dead. There's no way they escaped two trained princes and the scariest lesson planner I've ever seen."

The man gave Hueningkai an unbelievable expression. "Did you just call one a lesson planner? No they're alive, your buddies are the ones who have died your highness."

Hueningkai was just about ready to jump off of the board and end it all.

"FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME, IM NOT A PRINCE!!!" hueningkai was shushed by the man standing up to move behind Hueningkai, placing his sword against his neck over the rope.

Hueningkai was worried seeing his friends come in and look around without a clue he was up in the loft looking down on them.

"GIVE US HUENINGKAI AND THE KINGDOM WILL SPARE YOU. YOUR FRIENDS HAVE BEEN KILLED AND YOU ARE CORNERED!" Taehyun stood defensively with soobin, leading a group of soldiers.

"My friends are dead?! Did you kill them?!" The man was furiously staring down at the people who were supposed to be the dead ones.

Soobin looked up to the source of the sound and was terrified to see how tightly the rope was around Hueningkais neck, not to mention the sword right beside it.

"Let him go. He's innocent....he isn't royal..." Taehyun rose his hands, keeping his sword but offering a defensive tone.

Hueningkai choked when the man pulled on the rope. Oxygen never seemed so important until Hueningkai could barely have any.

"If he isn't a prince then why would you come for him?!!! You killed all of my friends?!" The man seemed more hostile, and Soobin was desperate to calm his impulsiveness down before Hueningkai had to pay the price for it.

"He is unimportant! We're here for you!! You're a wanted criminal, that's why!" Soobin lied. If the situation was less about Hueningkai maybe he wouldn't feel the need to hurt him.

"Great so then you won't mind if I take my leave safely with him then?" The man was no newbie to mind tricks. He cut the rope and kept his knife to hueningkais throat, slowly walking down towards an exit.

Soobin hissed to himself. He'd give away that Hueningkai was, in fact important to him after all.

"Dont-..move." the man warned at soobin could see blood trickling down hueningkais neck slowly.

Hueningkai felt like his head was a balloon, getting squeezed to see how far he could go before popping. It hurt.

The guards drew their weapons.

"Surely you understand that we came for him. If you leave with him as insurance we'll only follow you and kill you off guard. Give him to us." Taehyun never lied, he honestly threatened the man and held out his sword towards him.

"If we drop the swords, you drop the boy." Taehyun gently lowered his sword, the man seemed to calm a bit at this.

Soobin hated the idea of this asshole getting away, but if Hueningkai was safe in his arms again, what did it matter?

So he began to lower his sword to the ground, setting it down along with everyone with him.

"Now you. We promise you'll get a chance to run if he is unharmed." Soobin raised his hands as if getting arrested.

Hueningkai looked pale, already dead almost. He didn't say anything, or even look at soobin. He just slightly moved like an animal who was being put to sleep.

"Alright, I'll drop him." The man nodded, agreeing now that soobin had put down his sword.

Soobin smiled and slowly began to approach for Hueningkai, eager to just take him away from all of this.

"Drop him dead." The man gritted his teeth and swung hueningkais body with a gash to the neck.

Hueningkai looked at his hands confused for a second before falling on his knees, then flush to the ground.

The whole world seemed to be in slow motion now. Intense pain, a thud. Then colors, blurs everywhere, hueningkai heard voices but it felt as if he were underwater.

He could feel his hands, they were at his throat and the warm water, no..blood on them was enough to soak his shirt. Now he really couldn't breath.

"HUENINGKAI!!!" soobin slid over to Hueningkai immediately trying to stop the blood. He didn't even acknowledge the man who ran from the scene, the guards were onto him.

"Please breathe...just br-breathe." Soobin couldn't breathe either, the smell of all the blood, the sounds of Hueningkais choking and spitting blood. It was enough to hurt him more than Hueningkai.

Soobin couldn't even make out any words, just frightened cries for Hueningkai to respond.

He held hueningkais head to his chest and swayed, making incoherent begs for Taehyun to do anything.

What could he do?

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