Chapter 26

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Did he mean it romantically? Is kissing scars casual and I don't know about it? Why is he ignoring the fact he kissed my scar?

Taehyuns stare was burning into beomgyu as they all sat at the dinner table, eating the dinner that Taehyun and Beomgyu brought in their baskets.

"Are you seeing ghosts behind beomgyu or something?" Soobin was gawking at taehyuns intense gaze into beomgyus soul, as if trying to read his mind.

Hueningkai had gently kicked soobins foot under the table, signaling a 'dont say anything'.

Soobin silently obeyed and stopped talking, enjoying the food.
Hueningkai had scooted slightly closer and now they were playing with eachothers feet under the table with smiled on their faces.

"No. I was just looking at him." Taehyun didn't lie, and went back to finishing his food.

"So I see we all played in the water today." Taehyun mentioned after swallowing the bite he took.

The wet shoes by the front door were a dead giveaway.

"A-ah yeah we...we went to wash some clothes and dishes for the house, like you said." Hueningkai improvised a quick lie.

"I see." Was all Taehyun replied, then took his now bare plate to the sink and set it inside of it.

"Where's the well for this place? We need to know so we don't have to walk all the way to the stream to get water." Taehyun came back and started collecting plates, placing them in the sink alongside his own.

"I don't know, I moved in because it was abandoned." Hueningkai forgot that most places had their own wells. He hadn't explored this place much while living here to know where it was.

"Did you clean out that second bedroom?" Taehyun heaved his shoulder to force the door open. There were so many things he would need to fix in this damn house. Princes would be the death of him.

"We dusted and cleaned everything, but there's still a hole in the floor so be careful." Soobin stopped Taehyun before he stepped into it.

Taehyun saw the room was pretty decent aside from renovation needs.

"Alright, so Hueningkai and I will take this room." Taehyun stepped over the hole beomgyu had tripped over yesterday to open the old window for fresh air.

"Bring me my basket and the box by the front door please." Taehyun asked soobin.

Soobin was happy that he was being asked to help instead of 'oh his Royal Highness shouldn't lift a finger!'

Taehyun gave a quick thanks as soobin carried in the two things and watched Taehyun take wood and blankets out, setting them on the now clean floor.

"I want to share the other room with Hueningkai." Soobins words made everyone stop and turn to him.

"What? No." Beomgyu refused to sleep another night with Taehyun, like it wasn't hard enough to not fall for him.

"I'm older than you and the first prince." Soobin suddenly pulled out the 'im older' card and looked at Hueningkai shyly.

The truth was that soobin was watching Taehyun build a bed for the room and all he could think of was

What if he hits on Hueningkai since he's not a prince...

Yes, soobin was jealous even though they hadn't even been separated yet.

"Fine with me then....if you insist." Taehyun didn't even spare a glance for the conversation and simply finished constructing a bed frame, piling the blankets on top of it.

"WHAT?! NO WAY IM NOT SLEEPING WITH THE SQUIRREL!!" beomgyu crossed his arms and tried to beg soobin to change his mind.

"What is your problem with me? I thought we grew pretty close over our time together." Taehyun sat down, finished with making one of the beds as he stared, hurt towards beomgyu.

"I've slept with you so much! You're too rough!!" Beomgyu was referring to the

1. Door being kicked in upon introduction.

2. The harsh lessons with Taehyun telling him to suck it up.

3. Taehyuns terrifying open-eyed sleeping.


however, soobin did NOT take it as so, it being out of context for him.

Th-they sleep together a lot?? And it''s too rough?

Soobin was bright pink just thinking about the idea of his best friend and his step brother getting it on while he was gone.

He shuddered in disgust.

"Soobin? You alright?" Hueningkai held up his hand to soobins shoulder, gently comforting the shaken boy.

Then a thought occured to soobin, seeing Hueningkai and thinking of their new relationship.

How do boys 'do it' ???if beomgyu said it was too rough then it would hurt Kai?

Soobin felt like he was solving rocket science trying to figure out how taehyun and Beomgyu became a thing. Maybe they could give him advice?





Hueningkai had just about had enough of soobin not answering him and staring into space. The two fighting had just flipped his last switch.

"GUYS!! CAN WE PLEASE STOP ARGUING I WONT SLEEP WITH EITHER OF YOU IF YOURE THIS LOUD!" hueningkai grabbed soobins hand, snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Wait wait wait wait Kai! Kai wait I'll be quiet don't leave me with-!!" Beomgyu failed to stop Hueningkai before he left the room with soobin as his roommate.

"Nice excuse." Soobin scoffed at Hueningkais cute giggles as he practically leaped in the bed in their room.

"Oh c'mon they did this to themselves. Sleep with me." Hueningkai scooted over to make room for his new boyfriend/roomate.

Soobin couldn't help but smile and crawl into bed beside Hueningkai, propping his pillow up so Hueningkai could comfortably cuddle him.

"If they walk in they'll see us." Soobin didn't want to ruin the Kai cuddles but had to warn him.

"So? Friends cuddle too just say we're friends." Hueningkai didn't see a problem with it.

"Your right. I think they're dating anyway."

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