Chapter 33

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Hueningkai felt like his throat was a desert that hadn't seen water in decades.

As soon as he woke up the brightness blinded him just from the window. Was it morning? Afternoon? Where was he? Heaven?

Soobin felt the rustling of the blankets beside him and quickly turned over, shielding hueningkais eyes from the sunlight in the window.

Hueningkai could see soobin clearly as he shielded the sun from his eyes with his hand.

"Kai." Soobins happy tone sounded more like a soulful gasp as he gently smiled at the boy laying beside him.

"What happened?" Hueningkais voice sounded like shit, but it was a heavens song for soobin after not expecting to hear it again.

"You nearly died...but you're healing now. We're at the castle infirmery." Soobin felt Hueningkai nuzzle himself into his chest.

Soobin was about to overhear from confused gay panic.

"Hueningkai? What are you doing?" Soobin only enjoyed hueningkais cute cuddles, his hair tickling soobins chin.

"I'm cold....and the sun is bright, hide me." Hueningkai was now as close as he could press himself into soobin. He smelled weird, like blood.

"Why do you smell like blood?" Hueningkai felt soobins hand lay across his hair and engulf him in a cuddle hug.

"Ive practically been dead while you were out, so I haven't changed its your blood if it makes you feel better." Soobin felt Hueningkai scoff and his breathe from it glide over his ear. He couldn't suppress the giggle.

"Oh? Are you ticklish there?" Hueningkai smiled and blew little whisps along soobins ears, making him try to defend them by covering.

"Yahhhh stop I was enjoying the peaceful cuddles don't ruin it you scared me to death these past few days." Soobin sulked and made Hueningkai stop.

"You weren't too lonely right?" Hueningkai laid back down in his comfortable pillow called soobin.

"I was...I was very lonely, so don't do that again. You'll have to make it up to me." Soobin gave a sleepy look down to hueningkais curious eyes and twirled a strand of Hueningkais hair in between his fingers.

God I missed him....

"Like what?" Hueningkai puckered his lips, expecting soobin to steal apology kisses. Instead, soobin lifted his hand.

"Marry me?" Soobin was holding a ring beside hueningkais finger, while looking dead serious into hueningkais eyes.

"I know I sent you with the princes to protect them, so that rumor was false, however they still made the observation that you took the princes so there was some truth.... I know you wouldn't help them run away, you were sad when soobin left and brought beomgyu back from the creek."

Taehyun shot up a guilty look towards the king at that last remark.

"What? I'm the king, you think I fell for the 'he got hurt during riding lessons'? Taehyun I raised you I know when you lie."

Taehyun gritted his teeth. He never lied, so of course the king would be able to tell the one time he HAD lied. Stupid.

"In conclusion you didn't kidnap the princes, nor aid in escape. I know that much, it's the rumor about you and Beomgyu that I'm worried about."

The king stared and noticed Taehyun picking at the ends of his sleeves.

Taehyun had so much guilt, if he was asked about his feelings for beomgyu, could he lie?

"I know you feel responsible for Hueningkai, and beomgyus injury. I don't blame you for either, things happen Taehyun. What I can't stand is if you lie to me." The king leaned over his desk, staring into Taehyuns soul.

"So tell me the truth....Are you looking at beomgyu romantically? "

Taehyun seemed normal, he didn't sweat, or look abnormally nervous, thanks to himself being lost in thought. Would the truth be better in this situation? Or would they force beomgyu and him apart?

"I've sent Jimin to be your replacement for now. You can stay in here with me until you feel like answering me."

The king didn't seem malicious, but something about his words still scared Taehyun.

What if he didn't like the fact that his step son was gay? Would he keep him locked up? Send him away? Keep him from Taehyun?

He couldn't help but think of the dangers, but then he let the king's sentence process in his thoughts.

"YOU SENT SOMEONE ELSE TO WATCH OVER HIM?!" Taehyun stood and slammed his hands on the king's desk.

"Temporarily, your answer will decide whether you return to be beomgyus assistant or not."

"HE'LL FREAK OUT!! WHAT IF HE THINKS I JUST RESIGNED?!" Taehyun combed his hair back, looking worried.

"You worry that he will be hurt by you resigning now?" The king folded his hands confused.

"I promised him I wouldn't.....and yes your majesty...if I must be honest with you. I'm in love with beomgyu. I love him so much it hurts...i won't give up...even if we're seperated I'll find him and run away!"

The king was baffled by Taehyuns sudden outburst, but not entirely surprised.

"Settle down Taehyun....I never said I'd seperate you two. I just think that, a prince isn't allowed to marry a man. I don't care if you two have a thing in secret, but he must be betrothed at some point."

Taehyuns confidence sunk. Beomgyu was going to be betrothed soon? Already? Had it been that long?

"I'm sorry Taehyun....but until the world changes...this is how we have to live....I won't seperate you two. I promise you that much."

Taehyun fell back into his seat. "Soobin is the first prince! He'll be a king soon! What are you going to do when he and Kai get married?!" Taehyun regretted his words as soon as they left his mouth.

Oh shit...

"i-I mean, what if soobin liked a boy too? What are the odds? Could the future king have a husband?" Taehyun tried to save his ass but knew it was too late. In his pain of never being able to call beomgyu his, he had exposed his friends.

Now no one could be at peace.

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