The Endgame

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Robbie rode through the hordes of aliens, leaving behind a trial of flames and bodies as he did, while he held onto the Reality Stone. Blue flames coated the area before he reached a place where he spun the bike around. The wave of flames wiped out the forces as the Future Avengers and the Program all rushed out to help fight the forces. From the skies above, Thor and Jane flew down with the Bifrost sending down the Realm forces to join the battle.

Robbie rode around some more before he heard a louder boom. He looked across the way to see Thanos appear on the battlefield with a large double bladed sword in his hand. He began to swing it as he cut down soldiers with no effort at all.

Robbie pulled out her revolver and rode over toward the Mad Titan before he lifted the gun and fired off his rounds. The bullets hit Thanos but it seemed like he was getting hit with darts. Thanos turned around and slammed his blade onto the bike which sent Robbie flying across the way.

Robbie slammed on the ground but kept the Stone with him.

Thanos: So, you are the Rider. I have to say, I am not impressed.

Thanos lifted up his blade but Robbie rolled out of the way to avoid it. He got up and summoned his chains to wrap around the Titan's writs. Robbie then used the chance to looked Thanos in the eyes.

Robbie: Repent!

To Robbie's surpise, Thanos just started to laugh. With no effort, Thanos broke the chains and grabbed Robbie. He lifted him up as Robbie began to struggle.

Thanos: Your stare won't work on me. Now, give me the Stone.

Robbie just smiled.

Robbie: Eat a dick and die.

Suddenly, Thanos was blinded by the bright light of the white flames as Robbie once again entered his Angel of Vengeance form. Robbie broke free from Thanos' grasp and flew away. Thanos recovered and glared at the flying demon. He lifted up his blade and drew it back before he launched it across the way.

Robbie's wing was hit which sent him to the ground. Thanos cracked his knucles as he began to march over to the Rider.

Across the battlefield in the west tower, Cat looked at the Stone in her hand as she ran up the steps. Behind her, Tyrone, Tandy, Molly, and Doreen followed.

Doreen: So, this is it, huh?

Molly: For now. We just need to keep the Stones away so Y/N can get Thanos.

Tyrone: We should not worry. Our friends are very powerful in their own right.

Doreen: I know that. Just how long is this going to go on for?

Tandy: As long as Y/N needs. He'll be ready. He has to be.

Cat: Of course he'll be ready. He's the Monster.

Everyone smiled as they reached the top of the tower. Immediately, they were greeted with a small swarm of enemies that were already there. Molly and Tandy immediately threw their daggers at them before Doreen and Cat leaped in with hits of their own.

Meanwhile, you used every power in your arsenal to battle your way through the waves of enemies. You claws tore through them as your flames burned others. Your ice kept them in place and your lighting cut through their bodies. Whoever could land a hot found that it was useless against your void powers and you were scanning through the battlefield with your mind to make sure everyone was ok.

You flew up and stretched out your arms as you began to bring your powers together for a New York Catastrophe. The attack managed to wipe out a large chunk of enemies but more just seemed to take their place. There was no end to them.

Monster: Godslayer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now