Monstsr House Pt. 2

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You and Arthur sat in the couch back in your "home" as you stared at the TV that was just playing static. You slowly looked up and looked at the cardboard cutouts that made up the audience.

Y/N: I won't be able to get used to this.

Arthur: Me neither. Hopefully we can find the tear soon.

You sighed as you sunk deeper into the couch. You looked over to your grandson and raised a brow.

Y/N: Since we aren't doing anything....

Arthur: I'm not telling you about the deal.

Y/N: Why not?!

Arthur: Because it's none of your business.

Y/N: I mean, you're my grandson. I thi know I should know why you made a deal with a lord of chaos.

Arthur just rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms.

Arthur: It was a deal to best friend. That's all.

Y/N: And this "best friend"...

Arthur: Don't say it like that.

Y/N: Is the "Gwe" person Dormammu mentioned?

Arthur nodded. You smirked as you nudged him.

Y/N: Who is she?

Arthur shot you a look which made the audience laugh. Yeah, you weren't going to get used to that.

Arthur: Her name is, Gwen. She's named after her aunt.

Y/N: Her aunt is Gwen? As in Ghost Spider Gwen?

Arthur nodded. You smirked a bit.

Y/N: Who's her grandparents? Anyone I know?

Arthur: Yeah. I'm not telling you though. Spoils.

Y/N: Ah. At least tell me about her.

Arthur just looked up at the roof.

Arthur: We pretty much grew up together. She's the only one that I, uh, tolerate the most on the team. She even made us those stupid friendship bracelets.

Y/N: Awwww.

The audience also cooed.

Y/N: Do you wear it?

Arthur refused to look at you as he slid up his sleeve to reveal a red and black bracelet with two beads. One had an A and the other was a G. The audience cooed again.

Arthur: I really hate those sounds.

Y/N: That's adorable. You sure the two of you aren't dating?

Arthur didn't answer. He looked at his hands while he played with his bracelet.

Arthur: I don't deserve her. She deserves someone who can actually make her happy. Not some egotistical mad scientist.

You placed a hand on his shoulder but the door suddenly opened. Looks like this conversation will have to wait until later.

Molly: Hey guys! You ready for school?

You and Arthur looked at each other.

Y/N: School? Didn't we just, uh, move here?

Molly: That was yesterday silly!

Arthur: Must have been a scene change. I think we should go with it for now.

You nodded in agreement and stood up. Suddenly, the set changed to a high school interior. You and Arthur suddenly had backpacks on as well as a different set of clothes.

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