Lemon. Just Lemon. Pt. 2

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Returns to desk with a bottle of Salipr Jerry's.

I.B.: Ok. Who's next? Viv? The adorable synthizoid? Ok.

Starts to pour a glass but stops.

I.B.: Nah.

Smacks the glass away and starts drinking from the bottle.
3 Years Ago During The Godfather...

Viv: What does jazz have to do with anything.

You quickly stuff the note in you mouth.

Y/N: mjnanahdka.

Viv: It's nothing important. Very well then.

You wanted to choke on all the dust that was on the paper. You couldn't hold it in your mouth and ended up coughing it out. Viv looked at the paper and lifted it up as you started to drink the water from your bottle. Viv read the letter with great interest before turning back to you.

Viv: This letter is referring to the sexual nature, correct?

You blushed a bit.

Y/N: Y-Yeah.

Even though you weren't a virgin, obviously, you still had yet to do anything of the "sexual nature" with Viv or even Nadia. Things were different with Felicia since, well, yeah.

Viv: Do you desire to have sexual intercourse with me?

You froze a bit.

Y/N: I-I-I mean, yeah. But only if you...

Viv: Then let's do it. Let's have sex.

You stood there with your mouth wide open and your entire body frozen. OK then. Not what you were expecting.

Viv: However, if we could return to the closest as to not alert the others.

You gulped as she walked over to the closet. She stopped and turned back to you as she held out a hand with a smile on her face.

Viv: Come along Y/N. Let's, fuck.

Just like that, a dam burst. The two of you couldn't stop yourselves from rushing crotch-first into the "sexual nature". You entered the cloest and laid down as Viv slowly lowered herself to her knees. She slightly phased through your legs as to allow more space between the two of you.

Viv: I wish to start with something Kitty had told me about. Do you consent.

Y/N: Viv, you don't have ro ask me that anymore.

Viv blushed as she slowly lowered herself down near your crotch.

Viv: Very well. It has been added to my data banks.

Without warning, Viv reached for your zipper and all your pent up sexual tension led to this inevitable moment. You reached into Viv's shirt as she pulled down the zipper on your pants. Your dick sprang to life which caused a look of both excitement and surprise to Viv.

Viv: This is most impressive.

Y/N: Thanks.

Viv: I shall proceed.

She slowly reached for your penis before gently wrapping her hands around the shaft. Without warning, she brought it to her mouth and began to lick it as if it was her sworn duty. Meanwhile, your hand found her breast and you immediately noticed the lack of a bra. She was still a virgin yet she was here, sucking your dick while you fondled her. What was going on? Did you even care? Hell no.

Y/N: T-That feels g-great, Viv.

Viv: Noted. I shall continue to your heart's content.

You have never felt Viv like this before. Your hand gently squeezed her breast and you suddenly got an adorable moan from her. You covered her small-yet-cute mounds with the palm of your hand and proceeded to knead it. It wasn't big but it was surprising soft and squishy. Her organic skin was cold yet it seemed to grow a bit hotter under your touch.

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