The Infinity War Pt. 3

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Nadia watched from the window as the forces below engaged in battle against Thanos' forces. While the Knights were down there, Big Hero were up in the palace with her and the others. The Mind Stone was first priority. No one could get their hands on it.

Viv: Nadia.

Nadia turned around to see that Viv was looking at her from across the room. It was just the two of them since Laura and Kitty were on guard with Big Hero.

Nadia: Yeah?

Viv: I have been running the numbers. Our chances of survival are...

Nadia: Don't. We don't need statistics right now, Viv. We just need to have faith in everyone.

Viv didn't really respond. She just looked at the ground for a moment. Faith. Was that something she could really relay on right now? Things were already looking down with three deaths. Countless more were going on down below that she couldn't see.

Nadia looked at the android. She knew better than anyone that things were looking grim. She was beyond scared but she wasn't going to show it. She needed to be strong right now. For everyone. She needed to make it home to Elise with everyone.

Laura entered the room and noticed the tense silence between the two women.

Laura: The forces below are giving it their all. Thanos' forces aren't slowing down, though. If anything, they're multiplying.

Nadia turned back to the window and looked down below.

Frank silently cursed as the coms went dead. He grabbed and alien by the neck before he slammed him down on the ground and pumped a slug into it's chest. He then turned back around and fired off another one. Black Panther leaped from one alien to another as his claws dug deep into their skin and sprayed blood onto the battlefield. One of the aliens began to tear one of the soldiers apart before T'Challa leaped over to him and knocked the alien away.

It was too late, though. The man was dead and many more were suffering just like him. Matt fought harder than he ever had in his entire life as his wounds began to catch up with him. He felt one of the aliens fig its teeth into his arm which resulted in a cry of pain. Matt stabbed one of his batons into the creature's eye and pulled his arm away.

Venom picked up one of the aliens and used it as a makeshift hammer as he swung it around and slammed it into it's allies. Venom opened fire as well as more aliens tried to swarm him. Finally, he was out of ammo. He tossed his gun away and shot out multiple spike from his body that stabbed into multiple aliens.

Everyone was fighting their hardest yet it seemed like it amounted to nothing. Wakandan soldiers were still screaming out as they died. The alien forces were still breaking through the barriers. The heroes were growing more and more tired.

Nadia watched this in both fear and horror. She shook her head and turned back to Laura.

Nadia: Get Big Hero doen there to help. You and Kitty will stay with me so we can protect the Stone.

Laura hesitated but nodded. She dissapeared. Nadia returned to the window as Viv joined her. Frank was struggling to keep up with the invading forces but he did. When he would run out of ammo, he would use another gun. If he ran out of guns, he used his knives. When his knives were useless, he used his fists. When those failed, he would allow himself to fall. At least he was taking them down with him.

Venom watched as the palace doors opened and Big Hero rushed out to join the fight. Fred's aura was immediately helpful as it began to bulldoze through the hordes of aliens. Go Go sped through the forces while Honey Lemon and Wasabi forced their way through. Overhead, Hiro rode on Baymax and provided air support.

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