Lemon. Just Lemon. Pt. 3

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I.B.: Sweet. Now I get to write Nadia.

Looks around my room a bit confused.

I.B.: I feel like something changed. Hmm. Whatever.

Cracks knuckles.

I.B.: Let's get this started.
2 Years Ago After The Return Home...

You grabbed the ring hanging from your chest. You slowly closed your eyes.

Y/N: I miss you bud. I'm stonger now.

You let go and headed up the stairs. You had some making up to do. You made your way up the stairs, earning knowing looks from your friends and team, before you made it to Felicia's room.

Cat: See? I told you this cat plushie was cute.

Viv: It is well made.

You entered the room, closing the door behind you, and smiled at the sight of the three girls talking. Cat looked up at you and smirked evilly.

Cat: Looks like the main course is here ladies~

Y/N: Why do you have to say it like that?

Cat: Cause I know it turns you on. Though, I did think about something.

Y/N: And what's that?

Cat: I've had you all to myself for the past 8 months. I think our lovely girlfriends deserve more attention than I do. Especially Nadia.

Nadia's head popped up and you got to see just how badly she was blushing. That's right. Nadia was the only virgin here.

Viv: I agree. Perhaps Cat and I can explore the new base while the two of you become more acquainted with each other's bodies.

Cat: Great idea V. Come on, let me show you the lab we'll never use.

Cat took Viv's hand and led her out of the room. It was just you and Nadia now. You could see how nervous she was and you wanted to calm her down before you did anything. You walked over and sat on the bed beside her. Slowly, you held her from behind.

Y/N: This is about you, Nadia. We won't do anything until you're ready.

Nadia: T-Thank you. I-I want to but I-I'm just a bit nervous. What if I do something wrong?

You smiled as you kissed her cheek.

Y/N: Do you want me to lead? I'll be gentle, just like Cat said.

Nadia bashfully nodded.

Nadia: G-Go ahead.

You nodded and slowly reached up to her shirt. Slowly, ever so slowly, you started to unbutton her white blouse. You could hear her breath hitch as you got closer to her stomach. You ended up stopping four buttons from the bottom.

Y/N: I'm going to touch you now.

Nadia nodded in agreement. While hugging her from behind, youbreached out towards her breast and started to rub them. You were blown away by the feeling of her ample mounds, which were at odds with her small stature.

Nadia: Th-Thank God they a-aren't small.

Y/N: It wouldn't matter. It's you that I'm touching.

Nadia: I'm sorry they aren't as big as Felicia's or as cute as Viv's.

Y/N: I already told you, it doesn't matter. I love you, Nadia. That's all I'm thinking.

Nadia smiled as you continued to gently rub her breast. Unable to hold back anymore, you grabbed them with both hands. You knew you needed to restrain yourself somewhat, though.

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