Monster Life Pt. 1

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You and Arthur walked down the street for a while as you looked around this world's New York. You knew this wasn't yours since you were back to being 16 and everything was too tamed. No heroes flying around, no crazy bad guys, nothing out of the blue. Just normal New York stuff. At least no rats were robbing you.

Arthur: I wonder what the Avengers are like in this world.

Y/N: Judging by all this piece, I'd say they don't even exist. I don't think there's any powers or robots or anything like that here.

Everything just looked so, normal. It was kinda creepy. You both finally made it to Avengers Tower, only to find that it was Stark Tower.

Y/N: Wait, what? Even the Avengers aren't here?

Arthur: It would make sense. Using that logic, I doubt people like Thor or Vision exist.

You frowned. That would mean that Viv was never created. That would actually sparkle down greatly to many of the others. What about Doreen? Was Tandy still living with her family? Where was Felicia? What about your team?

Arthur: Looks like we're on this one on our own.

Y/N: Yeah.

You turned to leave but you ended up almost bumping into someone. You quickly stepped back to avoid them.

???: Sorry!

Y/N: It's...fine?

You found yourself looking at Riri. She looked like she always did but, something seemed to be off. She was holding a bunch of folders with sketches filling them.

Y/N: Uh, you seem to be in a rush.

Riri: Yeah. I got to hurry to a meeting. Sorry once again.

She rushed inside as you stood there confused. Arthur watched Riri enter the building before turning back to you.

Arthur: That was interesting. Seems like she's just Stark's intern.

You raised a brow. Arthur just held up her badge with a smirk.

Arthur: Let's go find out.

You smiled.

Y/N: You make me so proud.
Felicia watched the three teens fight against Victor from the porch. He told them they weren't allowed to use their powers as they spared or trained. They really didn't like the river training.

Viv: They have been getting better.

Felicia: They have.

Cat smirked as she looked back at the cabin.

Cat: Viv, my adorable robot girlfriend?

Viv: Yes?

Cat: I believe Victor left my and Y/N's room untouched. If you're up for it...

Viv: Perhaps later. I wish to watch the three fight Victor.

Cat smiled as Felicia took over.

Felicia: Makes you proud, huh? I really feel like a mom watching them grow.

Viv: As do I.

The two women watched the kids as they planned and adapted to Victor's experience. Viv held Felicia's hand while she thought back on you. She couldn't wait for you to come back and raise this family with everyone.

Y/N: We'll be one big family. I promise.

Viv smiled sweetly.
Y/N: These disguises suck.

Arthur: They work.

You pulled on the collar of your janitor uniform as you and Arthur rode the elevator up to the floor you found on the badge. It was scribbled in with a black marker which made your job easier.

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