The Infinity War Pt. 4

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Riri looked at her coms as they waited for any news. There still wasn't anything.

Quentin: H-Hey.

Riri looked up to see her lover standing there.

Quentin: E-Everything good?

Riri just sighed. Quentin sat next to her and allowed her to rest her head on his shoulder.

Riri: I'm honestly worried. No one has reported in.

Quentin: T-They'll be fine. They're all s-strong.

Riri: I know. They're still my team.

Miguel looked at the two and smiled. At least that part was fixed. His eyes moved to Abstract who was mock gagging at seeing his grandparents act all lovey dovey. This earned a nudge from Damien who returned to talking to Gabe. It has been some time since the 2099 Avengers were together like this. After Gabe's departure and Arthur and Grey's deal, things had been hard for everyone. It was nice to know that their priorities were at least still there.

Gwen: Maybe we should check the history files again.

Miguel: I've checked them at least five times. Nothing has changed. Even Sam's death hasn't been rewritten. It's like someone is stopping it from changing.

Arthur: Like someone is manipulating time?

Miguel shrugged. Suddenly, it hit him. At the same time, Arthur realized what he just said.

Miguel: Thanos is in New York.

Arthur: He's getting the Time Stone.
Jericho watched the sky as if he was waiting for something to suddenly appear. His patience was just about to reach its end as he grew more frustrated. Tony had found out that the lines were cut after Thanos' forces had managed to destroy the Avengers' satellite.

There was no way to reach anyone meaning everyone was on their own.

Sun: Bro!

Jericho turned back around to see his team standing there in their gear. Right. It was time to be a leader. Jericho jumped down from his vantage point and walked over to the Program. He took a glance over to the adults who were having a meeting of their own. Probably about the satellite.

Stinger: So, what's the plan?

Jericho: We wait. We can't really do much at the moment.

White Tiger: So that's it? Just us sitting here like ducks?

Spider-Girl: To be fair, there's nothing for us to do.

Iron-Spider: But shouldn't we at least have some plan of attack.

Sun: Yeah. Attack.

Stella: No shit, Sherlock.

Jericho: Language. Look, I know everyone is restless. This is our biggest mission yet. We just need to stay focus for when something does happen.

Everyone just agreed silently before they all dispersed. Jericho sighed as he looked back over to the adults.

Natasha was slightly worried about the coms being dead but she knew that you had your end handled. She did train you guys after all.

Tony: Maybe we can send someone up there to fix it.

Cap: Too risky. Up there is Thanos' territory. Galactus and the Hearlds should be holding them off well enough.

Bruce: How much longer until the Guardians arrive?

Reed: About two hours. After that, well have reinforcements with the Realms.

Monster: Godslayer (Male Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon