Team Shorts #1

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Y/N is sitting in his throne bored.

Y/N: I grow tired of this. Jester?!

Kamala steps out in full jester garb.

Y/N: Kamala? Where's the jester?

Kamala: Uh, he kinda got hurt.

Y/N: Oh. Well tell me a joke.

Kamala: DC.

The two look into the camera with a knowing smirk.

(Chibi Ivan being sued by DC)
Molly is sitting on the couch before Kamala sits down.

Kamala: Hey. So, you and Sam have been dating for a while now huh?

Molly: Yep.

Kamala: I see.

She slowly brings out a notebook.

Kamala: Have the two of you fuc...

The entire team tackles her to the ground.

(Chibi Kamala getting lectured by everyone)
Miles and Y/N chilling on the couch. They look around for a moment before they realize that they are alone.

Y/N: You got the stuff?

Miles: Yeah.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a mini Venom.

Y/N: Good stuff.

Miles: You got the payment?

Y/N pulls out Post Malone's unreleased album.

Miles: Nice.

The two exchange the goods and walk away. The camera pans to the left to show a very confused Laura.

(Chibi Venom meeting mini Venom)



Y/N and Nadia watch the three as they power up.

Y/N: What are they doing?

Nadia: For some god forsaken reason they think the louder they yell the more powerful they get.

Y/N: Hmm.

Cut to Y/N in Godslayer mode as he yells.


(Chibi Y/N, Robbie, Sam, and Danny going super sayan)
The Future Avengers are in their base hanging out.

Arthur: So, Miguel, what's it like to do it with an AI?

Everyone laughs a bit.

Miguel: I dunno. What's it like doing it with your hand cause you can't confess your feelings to your best friend because you feel like you're not enough?

Everyone gets quiet and looks at Miguel.

Miguel: Hurts, don't it?

(Chibi Arthur curled up in a ball as he thinks about his life)
Gwendolyn is sitting on the couch bored.

Gwendolyn: Screw it. These suck Author. I'm taking over.

Wait, what? You can't do that.

Gwendolyn: Yes I can. Watch.
Y/N is getting ready for his wedding with his groomsmen.

Robbie: So, who's your best man?

Danny, Sam, and Tyrone look at him.

Y/N: Uh. I have to have one of those?

All: Yes.

Y/N: Uh...

He looks around the room before jumping through the window.

(Chibi Y/N running away from the four guys)
What was that?

Gwendolyn: My attempt at doing a funny.

Well it didn't make sense.

Gwendolyn: Uh huh. And why didn't you mention this to the readers? Did they even have a traditional wedding? Did anyone attend? You skip around so much it's confusing.

What? Timeskips were always a thing in this story.

Gwendolyn: By weeks or something! Not years! There's just two years missing. You still haven't even explained what Tyrone and Tandy were doing!

I haven't had a good time to!

Gwendolyn: Don't you use that excuse! You had like three chapters focusing on the side characters. And where the hell have I been?! It's like you forgot half of the characters. Where's Kitty and Laura? What about Miles? Why don't you spend more time focusing on the three kids?

Because no one wants to read that. This is a Male Reader story. It's supposed to follow Y/N.

Gwendolyn: That's it. I'mma hurt you.

What? Wait, how did you, ah, ahhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!


(Chibi Gwendolyn beating Ivan)

Monster: Godslayer (Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora