A Sweet Job Pt. 2

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You chilled on the couch while Doreen used your lap as a pillow as she watched the stars pass by. Nadia was reading the book she got you for your birthday since you had finished it about a week ago.

Nadia: Have you tried some of these yet?

You nodded.

Y/N: I used the one on page 35. Pretty nifty.

Rocket: We're here!

The ship entered the orbit of your destination and landed in the loading bay. You all stepped out into the city and immediately you had your breath taken away. It was beautiful. The entire planet seemed to be just water but had structures built on top of the never ending sea. It reminded you of those places where you would use a boat to get around. Everything as just so, clean.

Nadia: Wow. This place is amazing.

Doreen: I feel like I'm in a fairy tale.

You all looked around before you spotted a ferry man waiting for his next costumers. You all approached him with the case.

Y/N: Excuse me.

The man looked up at you and smiled.

Ferry Man: <You looking for a ride?>

You nodded.

Y/N: <To the Blue Palace.>

The Ferry Man nodded and you all boarded the boat. He pushed the boat off the dock and you all started your way down the canal. Looking around, you realized that this is a very sophisticated civilization.

Peter kept staring at the case intensely which actually started to make you curious as well. What was in the case? Who was getting said case? So many questions.

Rocket: I say we open it.

Gamora: No. It's not our business.

Y/N: True but, it could be.

Nadia: Y/N...

Y/N: I'm just saying. It could be something bad.

Drax: Like a weapon of mass destruction.

You pointed at Drax and nodded.

Peter: And, as Guardians of the Galaxy, we have a responsibility to get rid of weapons of mass destruction.

Nadia: We don't even know what it is.

Rocket: Which is why we should look at it.

Y/N: All in favor?

You, Rocket, Warlock, Groot, Drax, and Peter raised your hands. Nadia, Doreen, Mantis, and Gamora were out numbered.

Peter: I'm opening the case.

Gamora: Quill...

Peter didn't listen and popped open the case. He lifted the lid and everyone looked inside. It was a bag. A bag of a white substance.

Y/N: Is that...

Nadia: No way.

Peter: That damn dog has having us transport drugs again.

Groot: I am Groot.

Peter closed the case and looked at the massive building approaching.

Peter: Trust the royals to get the good stuff.

Doreen: Royals?

The boat stopped and everyone climbed out. The Blue Palace was a magnificent building which was guarded by guards littered around standing at attention. You all started to approach the front doors but the guards locked their spears.

Guard: State your business.

Peter lifted up the case.

Peter: Just making a delivery.

Guard: It needs to be checked before it is handed to the Queen.

Peter frowned.

Peter: But that'll take days. Cosmo sent us.

Guard: No exceptions.

Peter sighed and you had an idea. You stepped forward and put on your best authority face.

Y/N: Not even for the King of Asgard?

The guards looked at you for a moment before they looked at each other.

Guard: What's the King of Asgard doing here?

The other guard shrugged. The two guards turned back to you and hesitated before letting you pass. You all entered the palace and you smiled.

Nadia: Nice one.

Doreen: We can do so much with our new titles!

You all entered the main throne room where you found a woman sitting. She had on a magnificent crown and wore a long blue and white dress that matched the buildings around the city.

Queen: What is this?

Everyone bowed as Peter presented the case.

Peter: Cosmo sent us to deliver this to you.

The queen ignored him and looked at you.

Queen: Who are you?

You looked up to her and smiled.

Y/N: Y/N Creed. The King of Asgard.

The queen actually smirked.

Queen: So you're the one I heard about. The, Godslayer.

You nodded. Seems that word spreads fast.

Queen: Thank you for delivering this to me. I will make sure you are all paid appropriately.

A guard came and took the case before vanishing again. Everyone bowed and turned to leave.

Queen: Not so fast.

Everyone stopped and turned around.

Queen: I wish to speak to the king.

Everyone looked at you.

Y/N: Uh, ok.

You nodded to the others and walked forward.

Queen: I hear that you are strong. Strong enough to defeat Odin and Lufey in combat.

You nodded.

Queen: I have been presented with troubling news. A threat to this planet.

A threat? Sounds serious.

Y/N: And what is this threat?

Queen: A herald of Galactus has visited us. He told me that in a month's time, Galactus will appear and feed on this planet.

Galactus? Wasn't that the massive thing Quentin summoned when you fought? He was real?

Queen: I would like to enlist your help in stopping him.

Y/N: Stopping Galactus?

The queen nodded.

Queen: I will be willing to form an alliance with your kingdom and offer aid. I just ask for your help in return. The battle will be massive so I will need help in the evacuation.

You looked back at the others. Ths threat didn't stop at this one planet. If that Galactus was real then you would need to get rid of him or at least defeat him. Plus, you had Danny and Robbie to help you out and Warlock. Everyone could come and help.

Y/N: Very well. I will contact you soon regarding the deal.

Queen: That's all I ask. Thank you.

You bowed and turned back to the others.

Doreen: Galactus? He has to be a scary dude if he can eat whole planets.

Y/N: Yeah. Looks like we have a new job.

Gamora: Well, let's finish this job first.

You nodded and everyone headed out.

Monster: Godslayer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now