Monster House Pt. 1

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Monster House is filmed in front of a live studio audience.

Y/N: What kind of hell is this?

You looked down at your appearance. You were dressed like a normal teenager. A pair of dark jeans, a F/C shirt with some band on it, a pair of Vans, and there was a red bandana around your neck. Arthur was dressed similarly but wore a Red and black shirt with his watch and bracelets where his blasters should be. To make matters worse, you looked like a teen again.

Elise: Look at my two handsome boys.

She pinched both of your cheeks before doing the same to Arthur.

Elise: You both look ready to go on over and meet our new neighbors.

Victor: I keep telling you hon, when you move to a new neighborhood, the neighbors are supposed to bring us treats. Not the other way around.

The "crowd" began to cheer again as your father walked into the room. He was dressed like, well, a dad. He had on a white button up with a pair of tan khakis and brown shoes. He had the sleeves rolled up to revel his hairy arms and but his hair was tied back.

Elise: Does it matter? You could stand to make some new friends you sour puss.

Victor: I have plenty of friends from the war.

Elise: Most of them are dead hun.

The audience laughed.

Y/N: I'm waiting for this to not be creepy.

Arthur: What kind of place is this? I mean, this is a studio right? That means there's a place outside of the studio. Or, is this studio all there is?

You gave it some thought. Maybe this was the entire world in this universe.

Victor: Now, where is Molly?

Molly: Right here!

You and Arthur looked up the stairs and saw Molly walking down.

Victor: There's my princess.

Molly hugged him and the audience went "aww" before she let go.

Molly: I can't wait to meet the neighbors! I hope they like cookies cause me and mom made a lot of them.

Elise turned to you and Arthur.

Elise: You two seem awfully quiet. Are you nervous?

You and Arthur looked at each other.

Y/N: Uh, no. Just, uh, I mean, yeah. Yeah. We're nervous.

Arthur: What he said.

Victor: Come on now. You boys have been through much worse than meeting new folk.

Molly: Yeah. Remember that time you helped Arthur hide the fact that he went to the dance with two different girls?

You raised a brow and looked back to Arthur.

Arthur: I'm a one woman man.

Elise: Not that night. I still remember having to buy ice for that black eye Mary Sue gave you.

The audience laughed again. Yeah. That was just creepy. Also, not that funny. Elise picked a container which was filled with chocolate chip cookies and walked over to the door.

Elise: Come on now. Smiles everyone. I heard from our realtor that this is a big family. And remember, first impressions matter.

Molly: But dad scares people.

Monster: Godslayer (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now