CHAPTER 38: Plan A

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After polishing our plans, we immediately prepared the things we need for our little invasion.

The next morning, our group of at least 25 or so people made our way to Binzacar using a flying huge leaf that can occupy six persons each. The flying huge leaf is designed by the fairies to help us get to Binzacar faster using the flow of wind and luckily, the direction of the wind is to North West.

Time for another fun yet dangerous adventure.

"This is awesome!.." I heard one of Fabian's crew commented about our flying situation.

I can agree to that.

The view of the clear sky is magnificent. The clouds looks so soft and the sun is shining beautifully into the sky.

Enchanters can actually fly but as usual, I haven't mastered it yet. My fellow enchanters also haven't mastered flying enchanment yet so I'm safe.


We traveled for about an hour and a half before we finally arrived to Binzacar. We landed into a secluded part of a mountain and I enchanted our scents so that no one will notice our presence.

Scent is very important to each inhabitants of the different continents. It helps us determine where you came from and what you are, for instance, We easternians has this earthy scent, inhabitants of the north has the scent of honey mixed with the aroma of woods, inhabitants of the south has the scent of fresh flowers, and westernians has this woody scent.

"Now, let's start our Plans A.." Fabian instructed everyone which we nodded.

One necklace is in Binzacar's northern tower and the other one is in the western tower.

We divided Fabian's crew into two teams being Ren, Sergio and their team going to the northern tower and Fabian and I's team going to the western tower.

That's Plan A.

...I hope it works..

..and that no team would be caught..

Before the two teams part ways, I first enchanted everyone with invisibility spell.

"Invisibility enchantment, forma invisibla, enchant!" I enchanted.

Everybody except I looked curious when they can still see each one another.

"Your enchanment didn't worked.." Fabian told infront of me.

"It worked, it's just that, we can still see each one another but our enemies wouldn't see us nor suspect our presence..." I replied and they all nodded in realization.

"That's good then.." Fabian said then motioned our team to follow him.

Sergio and Ren's team then also went to the direction of the northern tower.

Before that, we wished for everyone to have a successful invasion.

While walking into the direction of our destination, westernian soldiers and citizens of Binzacar can be seen along our way. I'm glad I enchanted everybody into becoming invisible because every places and destinations in the state is heavily guarded.

While walking, I also saw how cruel the westernian soldiers are to the citizens, how they treat the people, and how they over work them. The whole state is in poverty and I pity the unfortunate citizens who are born in the place.

Now, I can invision the future of the other civilizations if the dark lord successfully conquered all the other continents.

Poverty and cruelty.. would be the darkest days of every civilization..

I hope that never comes.

We traveled to the western tower for about three hours and we only had a stop, twice, to rest and then continue again.

"There it is.." Fabian stated when we are finally near the humongous tower.

The tower is made up of stones and steel. It is about a hundred meters in height and thirty meters in width.

The tower is guarded by ten soldiers who are standing stiffly near the entrance of it.

"How can we go in there?."Fabian asked beside me.

"We can actually cross walls because of my invisibility enchantment.." I replied and he gave me an impressed expression.

"Sweet.." he commented then looked at our team.

"Everyone, this is not part of plan A but we need to divide the team again into two..." Fabian instructed to his crew who looked at him with interested gaze.

"Ok. So, our team is composed of 12 members, including Prim and I. The division would be six by six. Abe, Bailey, Troy, Hugh, and Seth, you'll be on Prim's division. Rad, Gabe, Cris, Fin, and Carson, you'll be on my division. Prim's division will go on the northern part of the tower where the necklace is placed. My division will stay on guard and try to alert everyone if there's a possible it?.." Fabian continued which everyone nodded.

"Let the improvised plan begin.." I instructed while going pass the walls of the tower and my division hot on my tail.

I wonder if Sergio and Ren's team also improvised plan...


Fabian and Prim's team successfully entered the western tower and their team was divided yet again into two sub teams.

On the other hand, Sergio and Ren's team is still walking to the direction of the northern tower.

"Are we not going to make an alternative plan?" Sergio asked Ren with questioning gaze. Ren then looked at him then sighed.

"I don't know, any suggestions?" Ren asked. Sergio looked puzzled for a second before he beamed because of the idea that popped out of his mind.

"Prim said that the necklace is in the northern part of the tower. If we divide the team into two sub teams, one team will directly go to the northern part of the tower to get the necklace and the other team will stay on guard and alert everyone in case the plan fails.." Sergio suggested and Ren nodded in agreement.

"Good idea.." Ren smiled then looked at their team that is composed by 11 people.

"Gentlemen, Sergio and I decided to divide the team yet again into two sub teams.." Ren stated to their team who slightly creased their brows but nodded in agreement nonetheless.

"Mind if you do the honors?" Ren asked Sergio who nodded no.

"Not at all.." Sergio simply replied.

Ren smiled at Sergio and let the man divide the team into two. Sergio then nodded at him with a smile.

"Ok, since our team is not even in number, the division would be five by six. Carlo, Mino, Rye, and Vince, you'll be accompanying me. Wade, Drew, Lucas, Matt, and Aki, you'll be accompanying Ren.. Ren's division would be the ones who will get the necklace in the northern part of the tower while my division will stay on guard and alert everyone if something happens..." The third in command instructed which everyone nodded in agreement.

"Let's do it, gentlemen.." Ren or the second in command stated and that's when the sub teams parted ways.

Both teams divided their group into two sub teams and entered their designated towers being Prim's division into the western tower and Ren's division into the northern tower.

With the help of Prim's invisibility enchantment, the guards didn't notice their little invasion – not that they would cause chaos into their designated areas.

Now, the only thing that is left to do is to get the last two necklaces and leave their designated towers immediately.


I apologize for the short chapter

ENCHANTER: The Quest of the Remaining One (bxb)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon