CHAPTER 6: The Runaway

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It's night now...

I can tell because it's very dark here, with no light nor a peaking hole that the moonlight can peak on....

I drift back to my unwanted thoughts and reminisce the situation that I am in right now and still think it's not true because I still can't decipher how I got here....

I came back to reality when the man who ushered me to 'my' cell approached me and offered me food...

He also has a lamp that make my vision possible in this dark place..

"The captain told me to give this to you so that you will not be dead by tomorrow" he said with his mocking eyes and ugly smirk that is incomparable to the smirk Fabian always give to m-


Why do I always think of him in times of situations like this???

It's irritating...

I groaned and drag myself into the corner of 'my' cell, away from the man who is offering me food

" You know, if you will not eat, your death will be boring and peaceful...and that's no fun,right?" he said and I ignored him

" If you eat this and have some energy, you will have an amazing and exciting death in the near future, don't you want that?" He continued, still with his mocking eyes and ugly smirk...

I didn't look at him and just completely ignored him...

After awhile of complete silence, he sighed and placed the food in the wooden floor and went back to his station in front of 'my' cell....

He placed the lamp beside him and sat down...


How should I get out and escape from here?

Oh yeah!!!!

I remembered that enchanters can control the minds of anyone they desire...

I smiled in my own thoughts but after about 3 seconds, I frowned and sighed because I realized and remembered that I can't control anyone who is awake and in control of their own thoughts....

Enchanters can only manipulate and control someone if they are not in complete control of their minds or if they are......asleep!!!


I looked at the man who is in front of 'my' cell and searched if there is any key that can open the cell...

It's my lucky day because I found the key that is resting into the left part of his jeans, secured into his pocket...

This will be easy, now all I need to do is wait untill he fell asleep....

I observed him for about an hour and when he yawned, I know that any minute now, he will fell asleep...

I smiled to myself and prepared myself for my plan...

About four minutes, he was fast asleep and my smile widened....

"I enchant the man's mind be in my possession, manipulation enchantment" I casted

I can now see what's inside his mind right now and I can't share it to all of you because believe me, it's dirty...

"Release me from this cell" I ordered the man into my mind

He quickly stand up and went near the cell and opened it...

I quickly went out of the cell....

Now what????

I don't know what is my next move...

ENCHANTER: The Quest of the Remaining One (bxb)Where stories live. Discover now