CHAPTER 5: the Truth about the Black Z Ship

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Prim's POV:

This ship is super scary from it's torn out cloths to it's undistinguishable interiors to it's zombie crew and asshole of a captain...just like Fabi-

Urghhh, why do I always reminded of him?

With his handsome and perfect face to his hot body ( well, I haven't really seen it but I can tell) to his-


He is a traitor

A bastard

A jerk

A shithead

An assho-

"So, are you really one of the twelve enchanters?" someone said behind me cutting me from my thoughts

I rolled my eyes to his question

Do I need to introduce myself to anyone, everyone, that I am an enchanter?

Guess the answer is yes by the looks of it

I sighed and faced the other shithead of a captain

"No, I am not" I sarcastically stated to him making him smirk

"So feisty, I like it" he replied

I nearly puked because of that...

"I know you are, so don't lie to me" he continued

I snorted

" Oh yeah?...if you know then why did you ask me, idiot" I spat

His smirk widened because of my comment...

" My bad" is his only answer

We stayed quiet for a bit, well about 3 minutes before he spoke again..

" You know why I got you right?" He asked me but I didn't answer

Of course I am here because Fabian bargained me in exchange for his precious compass..

I'm sounding jealous but that's not the point

Arvar sighed and continued to his explanation

" We we're once ordinary people like any other human being in this world...but as a pirate, we tend to steal things that is very important and valuable to someone..." He paused and looked at me to make sure that I am listening

" I am one of the seven sea rulers....a long time ago, about 10 years back, the 7 sea rulers are once one...we sail together, we steal together...but one day, everyone heard the news about Goddess Nympha's necklace that is resting in the island of Bareae ( * pronounced as ba-ri-yey), it holds a super high power that can kill an army in one command, everyone was interested but there is a problem....there is only one who should own it.....all of us, the seven sea rulers wanted to be that one that lead us into arguments and fights which lead us to hate each other and break apart...we challenge each one another that whoever get the necklace first will become the owner of it....we raced to the island and there.....we fought each one another again for the necklace....our fight includes to snatching the necklace from each one another untill the necklace broke....that's the last thing I remembered before everyone of us were back to our own ships" he explained

"I thought that it was normal,but when our first night came after the fight for the necklace, my crew became zombies except me....I don't know why though, why I wasn't turned into a zombie....I thought we were the only ones who were cursed but after years....I figured out that everyone of the seven sea rulers crew turns into something every night.." he finished

He looked serious for a moment but after a while, he smirked at me...

His smirk looks so evil, like he is plotting something evil to me...

" You know....I came into a conclusion that if we offer the blood of an enchanter to the Goddess, maybe she will end this curse" he said looking at me with his evil smirk...

My eyes widen because of his vulgarity....

Don't tell me that they plan to kill me and offer me to the Goddess just to end the curse...

"That's nonsense, why would you offer my blood to the Goddess?...the blood of an enchanter cannot break a curse" I explained to him frantically

His smirk widened because of my explanation...

He is sick....

So sick....

" I know that" he replied, still wearing his evil smirk

" You know?, then why would you ki-" before I can finish my statement, he cut me off by saying....

" I heard that enchanters are the descendants of the Goddess and that they are her instruments....if I kill one enchanter, her plans will not be possible" he said

"You are sick" I replied to him...

He laughed...

" I know....but it's the only way....if I will kill you or at least try to kill you, she will be forced to take my wishes...remember, the Goddess can't stop me nor kill me or any other human or else, her power will be stripped away from her" he said to me

My heart is frantically beating right now because of nervousness....

I feel like crying because of the situation I am with..this can't be happening to me...

I can't even concentrate right now and perform an enchantment spell because of the many thoughts in my mind...

Am I going to die?

Am I not going to reunite with my fellow enchanters?

Am I failing this mission slash quest?

I looked at Arvar with teary eyes....

" You are worse than evil!!" I spat at him with venoms in every word

His laugh dumbfounded me not because it is pleasant to hear but because of the evilness behind it..

It nearly made me puked because of disgust

I can't believe that there is someone so evil that will kill someone for their wishes and wants...

" Now you know your fate...guess you should enjoy your last moments" he said to me cutting me again from my thoughts

I didn't looked at him and just looked at the dirty wooden floor...

"You disgust me" I replied to him blankly, my eyes still glued to the wooden floor..

There is silence after that....

But after a moment, he sighed and called one of his crew..

" Bring him to his cell and make sure that he will never escape" he murmured to the man but I still heard it...

The man approached me and grasped my shoulders and pushed me down the stairs of the ship where multiple cells are installed...

" Get your hands off of me" I commanded the man but it seems like he didn't hear me because he just tightened his grip around my shoulders and pushed me inside a cell that is in the very back of the ship

He locked the cell door and smirked at me, mockingly

" Enjoy your stay...don't worry, it will not be too long because you'll be dead in the near future" he said to me with a mocking tone..

I didn't reply to his statement and just looked at him, disgusted..

After that, he went to sit into the opposite side of my cell...

I need to plan my escape...



Here is chapter 5...

~June 10, 2020

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