CHAPTER 16: Kingdom of Venillarie

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We are in the middle of the forest and we are trying to locate where is the Elfen kingdom. The trees here are so much larger and taller than the trees in the Eastern region.

Finding the kingdom of Venillarie is almost impossible because the continent looks like nobody has been living on it. The surrounding is quiet, you can only hear a noise if someone accidentally steps on a twig.

We searched for the kingdom for a whole day and when the night comes, we decided to make camps in the middle of nowhere to rest.

"This is much more difficult than the rest of your missions" Fabian said beside me while leaning his back to a tree.

"True, but we can't lose hope. I know that we are near the kingdom and I believe by tomorrow, in no time, we are already inside the kingdom talking to the king and queen" I said and also leaned my back on the tree.

Suddenly, the cool breeze of the night wind passed me like a cold bucket of water splashed into me that made me shiver. I was surprised when suddenly, Fabian stretched his left arm and embraced me into his side. He rubbed his hands into my left arm to create friction and held me closer to his side for more warmth.

This night is cold.

My face heat up because of Fabian's action though.

"Thank you" I told him while leaning my head into his shoulder.

So comfortable...

"All for you, little hamster" he replied and I frowned because of the endearment.

"Little hamster..what kind of endearment is that?" I asked him and he laughed because of my comment.

"You know, you're so cute like a little hamster" he replied.

"Whatever, monkey" I replied back and he gasped because of what I called him while I laughed.

"I am offended, you just called me monkey. Am I ugly?" He told me while his right hand is placed in his chest and his gesture is in an offended posture.

"I called you monkey because I am irritated to monkeys" I told him and another gasp of offence left his mouth.

"That hurts, little hamster" he replied while his facial expression is in complete hurt.

"I am irritated by them but they probably are my favorite animal" I explained him and his hurt expression changed into a confused one.

"That doesn't make sense, you are irritated by them and yet they are your favorite animal" he replied.

"Yeah it doesn't make sense just like you, but I still love you" I said with a warm smile that he returned back.

Truth to be told, what I told Fabian about monkeys is half lie and half true. I lied when I told him I am irritated to monkeys, well...I am not really irritated by them but rather, I think they are the best and human like animal that's why they are my favorite.

After spending our alone time together for about an hour or two, Fabian and I decided to sleep. We went to our installed tent near the tree where we had just spend our alone time and took our nap.


I was woken up by Fabian who accidentally smacked my head in his sleep.

That hurts but not much.

"Wake up monkey" I wake him up while shaking him. He did nothing to wake up though so I smacked his forehead, not hard but hard enough to wake him up.

"Ouch" he groaned while rising up in a sitting position.

"That hurts little hamster" he said while touching his forehead which I had just smacked awhile ago.

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