CHAPTER 37: The Plan

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This is impossible.

I'm trying to teleport myself to the places I pictured in my mind but everytime I do it, I fail.

I, being unlucky is in the middle of nowhere and I don't know how to return back to the old nippa.

"This is great.." I murmured to myself then face palmed.

"I shouldn't have done this..." I continued then slumped down the ground. I then looked around me and found out that I'm in a forest I knew I haven't been before.

I just hope that I'm still in Subevania or else I'll lose it.

Stupid me...

..and stupid me again for trying for the nth time..

I closed my eyes then pictured the old nippa where Fabian, Ren, and Sergio left me to search for foods.

"Transportation enchantment, nes transporta, enchant!!" I recited then I felt my body being dragged again into nowhere. My eyes was closed for the whole time and when I opened it, I find myself standing in the center of the hut.

I'm back..

I'm back!!

"That took me so long..." I told to myself then went to the direction of where I left the enchantment book because of my stupidity.

Upon sitting, Fabian, Sergio, and Ren entered the nippa with variety of fruits in both of their hands. They then went into my direction then slumped down in front of me one after the other.

"Sorry..we took until sunset to find foods.." Fabian told me while both of his eyes are closed.

I haven't noticed that it's already night.

Guess I am too engrossed in reading the enchantment book and trying to teleport and transport myself to different places.

"That's ok. I am actually busy using enchantments I read in this book that I haven't noticed the three of you are taking so long in searching foods..." I replied to what Fabian said while pointing at the book of enchantments.

Ren looked at me then raised one of his brows questionally.

"Don't tell me you tried to teleport yourself.." he said more of a statement rather than a question.

I smiled at him shyly then chuckled slightly.

"I may or may not did it.." I replied then chuckled again.

"I bet you failed many times.." Ren replied back.

I stayed silent and just looked at the enchantment book I'm holding.

"So I am right..." Ren said after a while then laughed at me.

"I can imagine you slumping down on the ground in defeat with the irritated expression of yours, hahaha.." Ren continued while laughing..and to my irritation and dismay, Fabian and Sergio did the same.

This jerks..

"That's not funny.." I commented in a straight and bored face.

I ignored them after that and focused my attention to the enchantment book. They soon stopped laughing after a while and just sat infront of me in silence. Ren and Sergio then layed on the wooden ground then took a nap after a moment.

I'm grateful because of that.

While I am flipping the pages of the book, my boyfriend (blush) suddenly stood up and went into my direction. He then sat beside me while looking at the book I'm reading.

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