CHAPTER 26: 7th Necklace

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Our journey continued for a day straight and it seems like finding the next necklace is impossible. We already passed varieties of plants, mountains, lakes and rivers and still have no clue about it.

Along our journey, we spotted huge flowers. When I say huge, it's so huge that it seems like it can fit two to three persons inside it's closed petals. Neither did we know that these humongous flowers are the fairies houses.

While roaming around the beautifully planted flowers, one flower opened and released a girl fairy. The fairy did not notice our presence at first but after some time, she released a surprised gasp when she spotted us.

"Hello there, everybody" she greeted us cheerfully with a smile.

Her smile is a welcoming one, I know because as I have said earlier, fairies are very welcoming creatures.

"I thought she's going to shout or something.." Sergio stated.

The fairy then went near us. She gave each of us a handshake which most of them hesitantly returned, except me.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do something bad to all of you...except of course if you have bad intentions" she said.

Suddenly, every flower around us opened and fairies soon scattered around us, greeting us. The baby fairy in my arms slowly woke up and when he did woke up, he quickly started to giggle. The she fairy then went back quickly into her kin after stating her welcomes.

Suddenly, one elderly fairy approached us and quickly held the baby fairy in her arms.

" did you find him? He is missing for two days..." The fairy asked while cooing at the baby in her arms.


In two days??

"Oh, actually, he popped out of nowhere and helped us pass the eater plants" Fabian answered which the fairy nodded.

"Poor baby, his parents were dead.." the fairy said. My eyes looked at her in confusion and as if a signal, she looked at me then smiled sadly.

"Anyway, I left him into my flower to get some fresh fruits from my little garden and when I returned back, he is out of sight and missing." She continued

"Do you mind me asking why did his parents died?" I asked which the fairy nodded no in return.

"No, not at all.." she said then sighed.

She stayed silent for a second before finally talking.

"His parents, Letishia and Ferno were killed by westernian soldiers when they tried to kill all of our kin. It was five weeks ago when the westernians did the invasion. Mally (the baby fairy) was inside their flower when the attack happened. That time, everyone started to evacuate the area, including his parents who were in their small garden, planting, but they remembered that they don't have their son with them so they went back into their flower and I followed them to help them save Mally.

Unfortunately, a westernian soldier had the baby and tried to kill him but Ferno was quick to stop it. He fought with the soldier but he stand no chance against him. The soldier killed Ferno in front of us. Letishia and I tried to get the baby in the soldiers arms and we did a good teamwork because we got him, but before we can finally leave the place, the soldier grabbed Letishia's wings and teared it into Letishia's back, he then stabbed Letishia in her body multiple times, the scene was gruesome, luckily, I evacuated the area with Mally in my arms, safe..

Before Letishia died, she shouted to me that I should take care of her son.
" the elderly fairy narrated with tears in her eyes.


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