CHAPTER 36: Book of Enchantments

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When we finally got the shining book, we made our way back to the entrance slash exit of the abandoned maze library and luckily, we made it out of the library quick and unharmed.

"Can we take a rest for a second? I'm tired" As usual, Ren stated then slumped down to the ground.

To be honest, I'm really tired too.

"I'm also tired.." I said then also slumped down beside Ren.

Sergio and Fabian looked at each other then sighed but also did the same.

Soon, the four of us are all sitting quietly into the ground, Fabian sitting beside me and Sergio sitting beside Ren.

"Let's tell them now..." Fabian suddenly whispered beside me. I looked at him in confusion and my eyes widen when realization hit me.

Of course.

Now's the Time..

"Uhm..guys? We have something to tell you, well more like..confess to the two of you.." I said, cutting off the silence. Ren and Sergio both looked at me then raised their brows questionally.

I looked at Fabian then sighed before averting my gaze back to the other two.

"Fabian and I... are officially a couple" I stated in a soft voice.

The two of them did not utter a response for a second and just stared at me. The four of us was surrounded by silence and no one dared to talk first.

"That's it?" Ren suddenly asked in a bored tone, cutting off the silence.

I raised one brow to him which he just stared boredly at me in return.

"It's not a big deal for you?" I asked, slightly irritated. I looked at Sergio who quickly raised both of his hands in surrender.

"No comment.." Sergio stated.

"That is not what I expected as a reaction.." I heard Fabian said beside me.

"Look, don't get me wrong captain, Prim.. I just thought that the two of you are already a couple from the time we stepped on this continent and you shared a flower, so, it didn't surprise me at all.." Ren explained.


"Beside that, the two of you are always together and inseparable.." Ren continued.

"Enough of this. We should keep going, we can talk later or while we are walking.." Fabian stated then stood up. He then dusted his pants then reached his left hand to me to help me stand up. I then gripped his hand then stood up and said a little thank you.

"See, that's why I thought you are a couple already from the start.." Ren suddenly commented then also stood up, Sergio then did the same.

Fabian and I uttered nothing to that and just gave Ren a smile. Soon, the four of us are walking again, returning back to the fairies.

While returning back to the fairies, we first stopped in the old tribe of Pana which is abandoned by now.

Guess they really evacuated fast and found another home that the westernians can't find nor bother.

"This place is like a ghost town now.." I commented while looking around the area.

"Yeah..." Ren replied while Fabian and Sergio just nodded in agreement.

"Wait..there are still two necklaces left right? Why are we returning back now?" Fabian asked with questioning gaze.

That's right..

I sighed before explaining.

"It's because the two necklaces are not in this continent.." I trailed then looked at them.

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