Chapter 14

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Hexy called someone. Right after that, a man came, but his look was totally unexpected...

"Blackie, this is Eluma. Eluma, this is Black Akari."
"Hello, Miss" *kiss the back of her hand*
"I'm really glad that I finally met you. I've been waiting for you."
"F-for me?"
"I'm sure you noticed that he looks a little bit like you-"
"A little bit? He's a male version of me!!!!!!! How is it possible?????!!!!"
"Since you're the princess of this world, and the Demon Lord's daughter, there is somebody, of the opposite gender, that looks like you, and it's Eluma."
"You mean I'm the only one that has somebody that looks like me??"
"Indeed. But don't misunderstand. He's a real person and he's not a clone. The only that is special in him is that he looks exactly like you.
Anyways, from now on he will attend to your school, and will live near you."
"I know it's sudden, but we can't do anything. You might not accept him at first, but he has to stay by your side. And don't worry, when you'll get used to his presence, you won't let him leave your side anymore. No matter what happen, he'll always be honest and loyal to you, you can trust him as much as you trust yourself."
"...Is he evil like me?"
"No, he's even more evil than you are. And one more thing, he'll be your partner for tomorrow, because he's the most suitable person."
"Great. Today's training is canceled, since I'm sure you have a lot to talk about. You can think of him as your right hand."
"Well then, see you tomorrow."
"See you"


"Miss Black Akari"
"Eumm... Miss?"
"Listen, I don't know who you are and I don't trust you, but since Hexy said that you'll stay with me, then I have no choice but let you by my side. As long as you don't bother me, everything is gonna be alright."

Hexy, just what do you want exactly? I honestly didn't think that you'd let a guy by my side, after what happened to me before. I'm sure you won't use such a simple way to make me meaner. Whatever, I don't really have time to think about it. I'll ask him next time.

"We're here. So this is where you'll live and this is where I live. About the school, you'll go with me every morning, starting tomorrow, and be ready at 7 a.m. I guess you have everything you need from furniture to money and clothes, since Hexy planned everything. And even if there's anything that is missing, you can make them appear right?"
"Great. And if you need anything just ask, deal?"
"And Saturday I'll take you around the city, okay?"
"Well then, see you tomorrow."
"Black Akari"
"Thank you!"
"..." *nod*

Let's test him and see just how much will he be able to stay by my side.


The next day...

"Happy birthday Monica!"
"Happy birthday my little angel!"
"Thanks dad! Thanks mom!"
"I hope you'll always be happy no matter what happens. It's sad that your birthday is on a school day."
"Hahahahaha thank you mother. It's okay, I'm not that sad since I get to see everybody."
"You're such an angel. Black Akari, won't you wish your sister a happy birthday?"
"Black Akari!"
"It's okay, dad."
"By the way, did you hear the news?"
"About our new neighbor?"
"Yes, I heard weird sound and a purple light coming out of his house this night. And I saw him talking to somebody flying!"
"What, really?? So creepy!"

What the... what does he think he's doing???!!!!

"I'm going"
"What? I thought we're going together!"
"No can't do, bye!"
*Black Akari runs towards Eluma's house*

What is happening? A purple light? First night here and he's already noticed. Just what is he thinking?! I should check on him NOW!

"Eluma, Are you here?????!!!!!"
"Lady? What is going on? It's only 6:30 a.m... Did something happen???! Are you okay??!"
"I should ask you! Just what did you do last night?!"
"Last night all I did was packing up my luggage. Hexy called me. I also wanted to watch TV but it wasn't working, and I slept while waiting for it to work."
"Ahhh, so that's it"
"What is it?"

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