Chapter 49

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"Blackie, did you find anything?"
"If I'm not wrong, there must be a part here talking about my relationship with my family. I might find something regarding Luka."
"Ah! It's here! It says: 'The Royal family was constituted of 4 members: Akari, her mother, her father and her brother. She didn't have a great relationship with her parents, especially her father. Akari often didn't even have lunch with them. The reasons are unknown, since it's something between the members of the Royal family. Nevertheless, her relationship with her brother was' "
"... The part her has been removed..."
"What?! Who in the world would remove it?!"
"Well, Hexy was the only one who had it, so it might be him. But I don't know why he would do such a thing"
"I doubt it was him. He would've told you"
"Maybe it's me. Maybe I did it in my past life because I didn't want my present self to know anything about him."
"Maybe, but at least you now know how was your relationship with your parents"
"... Yeah"
"Blackie? What is it?"
"No, it's just... I arrived to almost half of the book, and I still don't know why I reincarnated myself, and if my parents were really not married, but lived in the same palace, does that mean I'm an illegitimate child? And what about the fact that my mother abandoned me? Is it because she lives in CelestiaLand, where illegitimate children are not allowed? I really don't understand anything. All the book is filled with information that has no explanations."
"Did you think about the possibility that your parents were actually married but kept it a secret from everyone?"
"Why would they do that? It makes no sense!"
"Who knows? Perhaps the fact that she's supposed to be the Queen of a Land filled with White Magic, prevented her from being with the King of a Kingdom filled with Black Magic, so they decided to keep it a secret."
"Maybe. But why would she abandon me? And if this is true, then it means that she can become the Queen. So why isn't she?"
"You should ask her once you see her."
"You're right. Anyway, I think I'll go back to the human world. My head feels heavy."
"Okay. I'm coming with you then"
"... Sure."


Few days later...

*knock knock*
"Who is it, at this late hour? It's 12:00 A.M"
*open the door*
"Shhhhh, you'll wake up the neighboors"
"Oups, sorry. Happy birthday Blackie!"
"... Eluma, you came here at this hour to tell me that?"
"Well, I wanted to be the first one to congratulate you on turning 15. I'm so-"
"No need to apologize. Thank you" *smile*

That's right, today is the 9th of April, and it's my birthday.

*blush* "Eum, here's-" *search in his pocket*
"Eluma, is something wrong?"
"No, it's just..."

Oh come on! I forgot her birthday present! Seriously Eluma, you're such an airhead!

"It's nothing. I'll tell you later. I just wanted to congratulate you."
"Thanks. Come on in"
"Huh? No it's okay! I can't enter like this, what if your parents are against it? Besides, I must have woken you up..."
"Not really, I was awake anyway. The others are sleeping, so no one will know."
"No matter what happens, you still kind of care about what they say?"
"It's not like that, but they are still my 'parents'. I still have to respect them a little bit."
"You're right"
"Anyway, come on in now. It's chilly outside"
*enters* *close the door*
"What would you like to drink?"
"Oh no, no need"
"... Do you really want to let me drink by myself on my birthday?" *makes a sad face*

This girl I swear... I can't resist to that face of hers no matter what...

"Great. I'll do some tea."
*prepare the tea*
"Anyway, tell me what do you want to do today? Do you want to go and see Hexy?"
"Well... I did want to meet him, and celebrate it with him, even if he's still not free"
"... Then let's do that. We'll go and meet him tomorrow"
"And what else? Is there anything specific you want to do?"
"... Will you stay by my side all day?"
"Yes. And you can't say no"
"Then that's enough for me to have fun."
*freeze* "... Huh? What did you say?"
"Since you're here, I'm sure I'll have a lot of fun, so that's enough"
"..." *blush~*

Did she just say that she'd be happy as long as I'm here? Should I take this as a confession?! No, no way. It's Blackie we're talking about here. I doubt she'd even fall for me...

"Huh? What? Yes, yes! Sorry I, I got lost for a moment. Eum... why did you say that? What do you mean?"
"Well, you're so funny that I'm sure I won't get bored"

I knew it...

"... I'm glad I'd be of help"
"Yes (?)"

What's with him all of a sudden? Did I say anything wrong? Seriously this guy, I can't understand him at all!

"Anyway, I'll come and pick you up tomorrow at 9 A.M"
"Are we going to meet Hexy this early in the morning? What if he's still sleeping?"
"Hexy doesn't sleep much. He's always awake in case something happens. Plus we won't go straight to see him at this time"
"Huh? Then where are we going?"
"You'll know tomorrow. I'll get going now. Sleep well"
"... Thanks, you too"

Where is he taking me? What am I supposed to wear? I should take a bath right now- wait, why am I getting all worked up? Though I don't really care about my birthday... it must be because I'm curious where he'll take me... yes, it must be it.

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