Chapter 52

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At school...

"Hello everyone. Today, we'll be welcoming a new student. Hexy, come in"
"Yes~ *enters* Morning everyone, my name is Hexy. Please take care of me" *smile*
"I wonder which family does he come from!"
"I wanna know too!"

This guy... such a playboy... *glance* Eluma looks like he's going to burst into laughter.

"Now, now. Hexy, where do you want to seat?"
"Well... I'd like to seat near this girl on the corner. Is it possible to seat in front of her?"
"Thanks" *seats in front of Blackie*
"Great. Now, let's start the lesson"


First break...

"Hey, Hexy, right?"
"Hi ladies, it's a pleasure to meet you~"
"Oh my god! Such a gentleman!"
"Do you want us to show you around?"
"Oh, my~ you're giving me such an honor?"
"Oh my!"
"Perfect boy!"

Sigh... the first day and everyone already loves him... well, that was the plan, but still... such a playboy!

"Okay so I'll try to become as popular as possible. It'll be easier to spread rumors this way."
"And how are you planning on doing this?"
"Looks like you're underestimating my beauty~ Playboys and bad boys are very popular among teenagers~"
"... Well, do whatever you want. But even if we spread rumors, we need proof in order to stop them when they'll try to deny them"
"And that's when you'll come. I need you to create a story with evidences. And..."
<end of flashback>


End of classes...

"Hexy, we should get going, I'm hungry"
"... Let's go"
*leave the school*
"So, how was I today?"
"... A playboy"
"I know, I know. Give me a few more days, and I'll become the most popular boy in the whole school~"
"... Sure"
"Eluma, what's the matter? You look a little bit off today"
"... Nothing. I was just thinking about how I can help you guys"
"Just continue the 'good boy' act for now. We shouldn't let the others take the spotlight ever again"
"... Yes"
"By the way, Blackie. You'll continue your training. Now that you have more power, you'll have to work harder. I'll tell you everything that you have to know about the Diamond transformation"
"Got it"
"Now then, see you at CelestiaLand!"
"See you"
*nod* *enters her house*
"Eluma, we have to talk"
"... What is it?"
"Let's go in first"
*enter the house*
"Eluma, what happened between you and Blackie?"
"... What do you mean what happened?"
"I'm sure something happened when you two left on her birthday"
"... I confessed and got rejected"
"I knew it!"
"Then why did you ask me?"
"I had to get sure that I was right. But why are you like this? I'm sure you knew her answer"
"... Yes, I knew. And I was ready to accept it. But now, I always feel weird around her. She said that I'm just a friend in her eyes, and I knew that. But I feel like a part of me was hoping that maybe, just maybe, she might think about it. But I was wrong. There's no way she'd ever think of me as a boy..."
"Well, I don't really know what to say because I never experienced such feelings, but for now you should forget what happened, and focus on our mission. Now that I'm free, there's no more waste of time. Blackie is more powerful now, but she's new to this power, that's why I want you to help her"
"... You're right. In any case, she will never fall for me, so I better forget everything and burn my feelings in my heart forever"
"Ha? Forever? What in the world does that mean?"
"Do you really think that giving up on your feelings will help you? Don't make me laugh. All you're doing is running away! So what if she rejected you once? Does that mean that you should give up on your feelings?"
*sigh* "Then tell me something. What would you do if Blackie ever ends up with another guy? Imagine if a guy other than you, fell for her, and didn't give up like you're doing, would you be okay with it? If you can honestly accept it, then give up on your feelings because they are not real."
"... I want Blackie to be happy, no matter what"
"I know that, but that's not the issue that I'm talking about. Wanting someone to be happy, and accepting the fact that it's not with you are two different facts. Yes, you'll be happy for her, but what about you? Imagine her next to a boy, what will you do?"
"... What will I do?"

If Blackie ends up with someone else... I already thought about it multiple times... but now that I confessed, it feels different...

"I'd rather die"

"See? You can't accept it. That might happen once you give up. So let me give you a piece of advice. Forget about the rejection for now, and once everything's over, you can confess again. Even if you get rejected once again, at least you won't have any regrets."
"And what will I do after getting rejected?"
"You can try one last time, or decide to stay by her side as her friend."
"... The latter is the best one"

Yes well... knowing you, I'm sure you'll go with the first one.

"For now, just forget about what happened, and focus on our objective. Got it?"
"Yes. But can we start eating? I'm really hungry"
"Oki doki!"


A few days later...

"Omg look!"
"It's the 'hot and bad boy' of the 9th grade, Hexy!"
"He really is hot! They say that he didn't reveal his family name because of how popular his family is!"
"Yes! And that he has never dated anyone because his standards are way too high!"
"Oh my god I wish he was my boyfriend!"

These girls... they sure are bewitched by his face. But that's a good thing

"Blackie, we should start"
*nod* *murmur* "Hexy, let's begin with our plan"

Just you wait...

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