Chapter 103

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Blackie's POV

The next day...

*takes her bag* "Alright, I'm done."

I'm feeling way better today, thanks to the medicine, even though I was covered with two blankets, which raised my temperature at first.

"I wonder if they did it. Well, nobody except my "family" was here when I woke up, so it must be one of them."

Something funny actually happened yesterday. I had the worst nightmare, right before the best dream. My nightmare was about Eluma leaving me.

'Eluma... Eluma, don't go'
'Don't leave me'
'No, please!'
'I can't live without you!'

"But then it suddenly shifted to the most beautiful dream I've ever had..." *blushes hard*

'Yes, that's me'

He's here. The person I love most in this whole world is right beside me. I'm sure that's a dream, which means that I can do whatever I want, right?

*grabs* *kiss*

I love him so much – way too much. He asked me out, yet I couldn't even say yes. Why? I don't know. I could be his real girlfriend. He could be mine right now, yet I told him I'd think about it, and now all I can do is kiss him in my dream.

*puts her arms around his neck* *grips*

It's my fault. I still don't have the courage to confess. I thought I was fearless, but it turns out I'm not. My one fear is to get rejected or betrayed by the one person who made me believe in love again and who's currently in my arms.

*let go* *looks into his eyes*

One day, I'll be able to tell you my real feelings. Until then, please wait for me.

*sigh* "I wish I could really do this in reality, but I know that it's impossible. At least not until I accept his proposal to be his girlfriend."

Though this dream felt quite real.

"Anyways, I should get going."
"Black Akari, good morning! Are you feeling better?"
"You should eat something."
"No thanks. I'm late."
"Oh, regarding yesterday-"
"We'll talk later. Bye"
"... She left."

I wanted to tell her that Eluma came and took care of her.


Meanwhile, at Eluma's home...

"What a night"

I didn't get a minute of sleep. All I was thinking of was Blackie, Blackie, and Blackie. I couldn't even study.

"Eluma, are you ready?"
"... Yes"
*knock knock*
"Oh, hey, Blackie!"

I can't face her. There is no way.

"How are you today?"
"I'm fine (?)"
"That's good to hear."

Did someone tell him that I was sick? Come to think of it, I wonder if Eluma was aware of it, or if he was concerned.

"Are you guys ready?"
"Eluma! Let's go!"

You can do it. It's okay.

*comes out of the room*
*gasp* *blushes hard*
"... Eluma? You okay? Do you have a fever?" *touches his forehead*
*retreats* "I, I'm okay. Let's go" *turn* *leaves*
"Eum, what happened?"
"I don't know, to be honest."

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