Chapter 137

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"Dude, what in the world is this?"
"What does it say?"
"'A goblin's eye'."
"Hein? Where the fuck are we gonna find a goblin?"
"Like hell I know!"
"Think, Hexy, think."
"Telling yourself to think is creepy."
"Shut up. Hexy, use your brain. How can we locate a goblin?"
"Dude, you look dumb."
"Can you stop talking-"
*click* "Got it."
"What did you do?!"
"Nothing. Just keeping it a souvenir."
"You better delete this!"
"Yeah, yeah."
"And instead of taking pictures and fooling around, do you mind helping me?"
*sigh* "Well, a goblin is basically a monster."
"That's true."
"And where do we practice in order to fight them?"
"In the training ground!"
"Good boy!"
"Are you mocking me?"
"If you're so good, then why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"Didn't want to, lol. Seeing you talking to yourself was funny."
"You're the worst."
"I know."
"Whatever, let's just go."


In the training ground...

"So, are we supposed to search for the damn goblin or something-"
'Man, why are you so loud?'
"What are you? A ghost?"
"I can touch you, so you're probably a spirit."
'Yes, I am. And you two must be Hexy and Aster.'
"This is us!"
*goblin appears*
"This goblin is huge!"
"Aren't they supposed to be small creatures?!"
'This one is an exception."
"Well, Eluma came up with the games, so what should we expect more than crazy stuff?"
'So, here's your goblin. Get his eye within the time limit, and you can leave. You can only use magic that doesn't involve transformations.'
"Oki doki!"
'Have fun!'
"Wow, calm down, buddy."
"Aster, you're really telling a goblin to calm down?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Who told you this?"
"Are you serious?"
*sigh* "Whatever, let's get his eye and-"
*dodge* "Woah! Are you crazy?!"
"Hexy, you're really asking a goblin if he's crazy?"
"Shut up!"
*chuckle* "Chillax."
"We have less than ten minutes to get his eye, or else we're spending the night here!"
"I bet you fifteen dollars we can fight him in seven minutes."
"Yes. Not one additional second."
"And how are we supposed to that?"
"Do we have a deal?"
"... Yes."
"Now, tell me how will we do it this fast?"
"It's easy. Let's just have some fun."
"... Hein?"
"Don't forget who we are."
"... What-"
"The Double Trouble."
*smirk* "We were feared for a reason."
"Nothing can stop us. Don't ever forget that."
*dodges* "Not quite." *kick*
*BAM* *screams*
"What's up, goblin? Are you really crying out loud because of a mere spirit?"
"Aster, you're a little too confident."
"Self-confidence is the first key to success!" *attacks* *punch* *grabs*
"Hexy, you seem bored. Wanna play football?"
*smirk* "I'm in."
"We're just getting started!" *punch*
"I got him!" *kick*
*BAM* *screams*
*approach* *grabs* "How about I give you a taste of the Sword of Hexe's powers?"
"From embers to inferno,
Dazzling flames of power roar.
Heat and fire that shall not bend,
Come to me, obey my command."
*fire appears in his hand*

I always wondered what kind of magic he had, and now I know. It's beautiful and powerful. Such a waste he barely uses it.

*throws flames*
"Poor baby, screaming because of a small flame. Let's see how long you can endure it." *smirk*

Three minutes later...

*huff huff*
"Is he still conscious?"
"I don't think so-"
"... Yes, he is, even though he's on the ground. But he is obviously drained."
*sigh* "Well, I'm gonna leave the rest to you, Aster."
"Finally! It's about time! Now, now, now, let's see what we have here." *approach*
*leans in* "Hm. An ugly goblin, probably a little bit over three meters and around two hundred ninety kilograms. It's pretty huge for a monster that should be less than a meter long and no more than twenty kilograms."
"Dude, did you just analyze him?"
"Gotta know who I'm dealing with."
"Why don't you get up so that we can play a little bit?" *smirk*
"I'm not done yet!" *attacks* *punch*
*smirk* "Let me show you, how can the beautiful stars be dreadful."
"From moon to earth,
Galaxies align in celestial mirth.
Stars above that lighten the sky,
Come here and to my will comply."
*stars appears around Aster*

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