Chapter 147

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In front of the Academy...

"You were searching for me, father?"
*turns* "I'm impressed you actually came. I thought you'd chicken up and hide, since you didn't even reply to my letter."
"Why would I do such a thing? I'm not you."
*grit* "Know your limits, kid."
"I could say the same to you. Don't forget that you're currently in my territories, as I'm the director of this Academy."
"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night-"
"Your death."
"... What?"
"Your death is the only thing that will help me sleep peacefully."

After the revenge of course.

"You brat! Watch your words, and show respect to your father-"
"I will never respect you. Ever."
"Now that I think about it, what are you doing here?"
"It's obvious, isn't it? You didn't want to come, so I'm here to declare a war, and since I wasn't the only one who needs their soon-to-be ruler, I talked to some people who had the same idea as me."

These assholes.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my dear nephew Eluma-"
"Why are you doing this?! Can't you just leave us alone?!"
"Not a chance."
"This is where you were staying this whole time?"
"Pretty nice-" *glance*

This is...

"So you're his woman? Black Akari, right?"
"Ayo, don't look at me like that~"
"Now that I see it, you're very beautiful."
"Did you really choose our cousin as your boyfriend?"
"This ugly brat?"

Calm down Blackie, calm down.

"For real though, why pick him when you can have me?"
"Why you? She can have me!"
"Well, any of us, except this brat."
"... Did you just call my boyfriend a brat?"
"Well, yeah, duh."
"He's an annoying stupid asshole who thinks he knows best just because he's the crown prince!"
*BAM* "AGH!"
"I dare you to talk about him like that again." *glare*
"Who the fuck do you think you are?!"
"The woman who's gonna kick your ass and teach you the meaning of the word 'respect'."
*grit* "You-"
"Enough! Stop with the chit-chat!"
"For the last time, come back-"
"With you?"
"You asked for it. Charge!"
*both armies start attacking*
"Blackie, what do we do?! We can't attack on our own-"
"Who said you're on your own?"
"You're here!"
"Where's Scarlet?"
"Right here."
*turns* "You came."
"Wherever there's fighting, there's fun."
"Little Lioness!"
"Why didn't you call us?"
"... I didn't want you to get involved."
"We would've heard everything anyways."
"... You're right. Where are the other students?"
"About that..."
"We locked Yamel and the others in a room, and the rest in the hall underground. Small trauma won't do much."
*smile* "Thank you, Vamp."
"Alrighty! Let's fight these brats once and for all."
*nod* *turns*

I won't back off anymore. You want a war? I'll gladly give you one.

*slash slash*
"Eluma, behind you!"
*turns* *kick*
"Good one."

But they are two entire armies. There's no way we can defeat them like this.

"I need to transform."
"We won't end this unless we do so."
"You're right. Looks like it's time for me to use my transformation."
"Eh? You have one?!"
"Of course, I do."
"Blood to ash and night to day,
In the dark, I'll find the way.
With moon's kiss and sun's glow,
Grant me now, my original form."
*Noah transforms*
"That's amazing!"
"I know."
*attacks* "CHARGE!"
*smirk* "You don't know who you're messing with."
*fangs appear*
"You'll see the power of a true vampire." *attacks*
"... That's his true form..."

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