Chapter 45

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2 weeks later, at Yamel's house...

"Yamel, is something wrong?"
"I felt that you're a bit down lately, so I just wanted to check. If you're sad, I'm here"
"... Thanks, but it's okay. I just need to stay alone for some time"
"As you wish"

*crying* I... I lost her... I lost Black Akari. The person I love the most in the world is now with another guy. I'm going crazy without her. Why didn't I trust her? Why didn't I believe in her power? Even though I knew that she alone found our mother, and her powers are amazing. She could've helped us and ended everything, if only we told her everything from the very beginning. This person could've done nothing against her. But we doubted her, we did something that we knew will hurt her... and also... I shouldn't have confessed the day before. If I didn't, if I just waited until everything is over, it might have not been that hard for her. I'm such a fool... . This is the first time in my life I've felt this sad, this useless... now I understand the real meaning of pain. Since I entered the Magic Academy, I've seen her with Eluma all the time, and the moment I see them fighting, I feel like I still have a chance, but the second after that, they reconcile, and I lose hope. I want to believe it, believe that she might still have feeling for me, but this might hurt Monica... what should I do? Who should I get advice from...?

"Lila, come here please, I need you"
"What is it?"
"... I, I'm still in love with Black Akari. I can't forget her. No matter what I do, I really tried but I just couldn't. I couldn't believe that she's with someone else. It's... this feeling is killing me"
"You mean the feeling of jealousy?"
"... Yes. What should I do?"
"... I don't know. If you leave Monica, this will hurt her, and there's no guarantee that Black Akari will come to you. On the other hand, if you stay with Monica, this will hurt her as well because it's a one-sided love relationship, and you'll get hurt as well because you can't after Black Akari while you're with her sister."
"... I... if I had to talk for your sake, I would tell you to try to put a distance between you and Monica, until she breaks up with you, then you can try to bring Black Akari back. But if I had to talk for the sake of both Monica and Black Akari, I would tell you to try to fall in love with Monica again, and leave Black Akari live her life. In the end, you weren't her boyfriend. So you can't really say she's yours. And it's good you didn't ask her out because it would've added more fuel to the fire. I told you my opinion, now it's your turn to choose."
"... You're right"

I... I know that falling in love with Monica and leaving Black Akari alone would be the best choice, but I can't lie to myself, so I won't run away anymore. I'll break up with Monica as soon as I can, since we don't need to play anymore.


The next day...

"Monica, can I talk to you?"
"Yamel? Sure"

What... what is it? What does he want to talk to me about? Don't tell me he wants...

*Glance* "Eluma"
"... Got it"

"Monica, there something I've been wanting to tell you"
"I want to-"
"I love you!"
"I, I love you, I've always loved you, even before we started our fake relationship, I loved you. You're the only one for me. I might go crazy without you!"
*remembers* "I'm going crazy without her"
"Yamel, please don't leave me... please... that's all I'm asking for"
*remembers* "Black Akari, please forgive me... please... that's all I'm asking for"

What should I do? This is not what I planned. I thought she had a small crush on me by her actions towards me but... I didn't know it was love. I wanted to break up with her before she confesses, but now... I can't. I just can't break up now...

"Eum, Yamel, what did you want to tell me?"
"... Nothing, let's head back-"
"Who's here?!"
"... Eum... sorry... I was searching for Blackie when I saw you guys talking and I didn't want to bother you, so I waited and-"
"How long have you been here?"
"... I just arrived. I guess I'll get going now"
"Wait! *grab his hand* don't tell Black Akari!"
"... Let go off-"
"What's happening here?"
"Blackie! I was searching for you!"
*glance* "Let go off his hand now"
"Ah, sorry"
"Eluma, let's go"


"What did you hear?"
*smirk* "I heard something really interesting"
"Yep" *tells her what he heard in a low voice*
"... Wow... that's something interesting..."
"Yes. Now you know that what we did worked perfectly. He wanted to break up with her, but I doubt he'll be able to do so now"
"Serves him right. But I'm not satisfied"
"Huh? Why?"
"This is just the beginning. I won't just let him be jealous, it's not enough for me"
"Of course. The suffer shouldn't be just from a romantic way"
"Indeed. Or else, it wouldn't be that fun."

I can't wait for the 14th of February...

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