Chapter 3

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"Come with me..."
"Come with me, Akari..."
"Who are you????"
"If you come with me, you'll know who I am..."
"Why would I come with you??"
"It's your fate, you won't be able to change it... but it looks like you're not ready yet"
"What are you talking about??? Who are you???"
"You don't need to know for now, you'll discover it by yourself soon enough. I'll leave for now, see you soon dear"

"Oh my god!"


"It was just a nightmare"

I've been having the same nightmare for 3 days now. And I don't know why but... this voice seems so familiar, but I can't remember it clearly.

"Whatever, it's just a dream"
"Akari you're awake?"
"Yes, hello Lila"
"Hii! How are you today?"
"I'm fine"

Honestly, I'm not fine, because I can't forget what happened 4 days ago, but I didn't want to worry Lila, so I lied. These last 4 days were endless. I couldn't approach and talk to Yamel nor to my friends in CelestiaLand. All I did was avoiding them and crying all the time. We were always together, we swore that we'll never separate no matter what, and here they are, talking behind my back. Fortunately, today is Saturday, so I can finally rest and think about what I should do from now on.


I spent all day on my bed, and still don't know what I should do. Should I tell the others about what I heard, or ask Yamel about the rumors, or just stay silent for the time being? I can't decide what to do, so let's just take some fresh air, it might help me clear my thoughts. When I opened the door of my room, I saw my sister, my mother and my father in the living room, as if waiting for me to come out of my room.

"Good morning, Akari"
"Good morning"
"How are you today?"
"I'm fine and you?"
"I'm fine"

My sister was the one talking to me, and my parents were still silent.

"Is something wrong?"
"Akari... come and sit for a little bit"
"... Okay"
"What is it?"
"Akari, we got a call from school. They said that your grades in the last exams were terrible. Can you tell us why?"
"Oh, that's..."

'Because I had an exam of magic!!!!!' is what I want to tell them that, but I can't.

"Because... I had a bad grade?"
"Akari you're seriously not going to tell us?"
"Whatever, you should study more. Look at Monica"
"Your mother is right, look at your sister"
"She's the first in her class, she can speak 5 languages FOR NOW, and she's got a gold medal in the last sports contest of the year"
"Sorry, I'll get better grades next time"
"I'm sure you can"
"Yess you can do it little sis"
"Thanks for your encouragement. Mom, can I go outside for a little bit?"
"Sure, but why?"
"I need some fresh air"
"Ah, okay dear, but don't stay too long, it's getting dark"
"Deal, see you"

And so, I left the house, towards the central park.

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