Chapter 51

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"Please, Blackie, go out with me"
"... Your answer?"
"... I... I'm sorry Eluma, but I'm not ready to be in a relationship. Even if months have passed since what happened with Yamel, I don't feel ready to start any kind of relationship. Plus, in my eyes... you're just a friend... I'm sorry"
"I know"
"I know that you're not ready. But I just wanted you to know for now. I'm not really hoping for an answer. Not right now at least"
"We should get going now. You have to free Hexy"
"... Yes"


"Hexy, we're here... Hexy?"
*turn around*
"The... The rock is broken?! No way..."
"Blackie, we have to search for him, or else- Blackie?"
"..." *blank*

Why did he confess while knowing my answer? Did he just want me to know? And why do I feel weird now? There are dozens of boys that confessed to me in the past, and I rejected them all but I never felt this uneasy. It's not that I regret my decision, but-

"Are you okay? I called your name several times, but you didn't answer me"
"Ah, I'm sorry."
"Is it... is it because of the confession?"
"... *sigh* Blackie, I confessed because I just wanted you to know my feelings. I don't want you to feel weird around me."
"... I know. It's my fault for spacing out. We have more important matters to take care of now- the rock... it's broken?"
"Yes! It's impossible for anyone other than the diamond to break it. So I don't know how this happened! And he's not here either!"
"... Damn it! It was just normal when we were here! What in the world happened?! What should we do now?!"
"I don't know either, but we have to search for him"
"I know but I mean we can't leave the rock destroyed like this!"
"You're right... but if it's destroyed, then that means that Hexy is free. The only thing that we have to know now is who and how they did it-"
"Well, well, well, if it isn't my savior?"
"!" *turn* *freeze*
*turn* "... Hexy?"
"Yep, it's me~ this is my human form. *glance* Blackie, congratulations"
"Oh, my, are you bewitched by my beauty?"
"... *ahem* How did you get free?"
"It's because of you"
"Yep! The moment you transformed, this rock exploded. This is how I got my freedom back."
"... That's great."
"Blackie? Is something that matters?"
"... Am I not needed anymore?"
"Do you not need me anymore, now that you got your freedom? Will you abandon me?"
"Ha? Of course not! You still didn't get to your objective. As long as you still need me, I'll stay by your side"
"... Thanks" *smile*
*slightly blush* "A, anyway, how do I look?"
"... You're really handsome"
"I know right!"
*smile* "Pft. Self-praising, I see..."
*slightly blush*

So this is how you felt every time she smiled, Eluma? I don't blame your heart then-

"Eluma? What is it?"
"... Nothing much"
"Is something that matter? You know you can tell us, right?"
"I know, but it's not something we should talk about now. We'll talk about it later"
"... As you wish (?)"
*glance* "Blackie? You too?"
"... What?"
"What's going on here? You guys had a fight?"
"Then what?"
"Hexy, I told you, we'll talk about it later"

Something's off between these two- no, wait. Don't tell me... no, he wouldn't do that... but, yes, maybe-

"Anyway, Hexy. Now, what will you do?"
"What do you mean?"
"Should I tell the others about you?"
"No. I'll stay by your side as one of your attendants. You can tell them later on. For now, let's head back"
"... 'Let's head back'? You're coming with us?"
"Yep, I'll live with Eluma, and come to your school as well"
"... Okay, but what about this place?"
"Once I leave, there's a barrier that will make it invisible and will protect it. So no need to worry"

I have a feeling that my life is gonna be a real mess from now on...

Couldn't Believe...Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang