Chapter 67

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"... I have a question"
"Can you... can you tell me about our relationship as a family?"
*stop* "You mean with our mom and... father?"

Why did he call him that way?

"... Do you not remember at all?"
"I only remember fragments of my relationship with you. But I don't have the slightest idea about how I was with my parents"
"... Do you want to know it this badly?"
"Is there a problem? Yes, I do"
"... Okay, I'll tell you, but you have to promise me something"
"When we find our mom, you have to listen to her as she'll tell you everything, because even I don't know why you ran away, okay?"
"And..." *glance*
*sigh* "Diane, can you leave us for a little while?"
"As you wish, master" *stands up* *leaves the room*
"Okay, then. When we were young, I was really close with mom. She was almost always here when I needed her, and she gave me the motherly love. While I wasn't really close with our father. He only ate with us twice a week, and was always working, but he did love mom a lot and spared some time for her. As for you and I, we were always together. We had a deep bond, even though our personalities are almost complete opposite."
"What do you mean by 'almost'?"
"We had one thing in common, and that is that we cared for each other more than anyone. Even more than our parents."
"... And what about my relationship with our parents?"
"You were not that close with mom, but you did talk to her from time to time. But... regarding father..."
"You hated him."
"You couldn't stand him. Even though he had the same magic as you, and you were the heir to the throne, you still hated him. Because he never gave us the love of a father, you grew up hating him more and more, while you got a little closer to our mom-"
*head pain* "AH!!!!!!!!!!!"
"SIS!!! WHAT IS IT???!!!"
*remembers* *calms down* "I... I remember..."
"You remember what?"
"Our moments together, I remember them all. Until..."
"Until... my 15th birthday?"
"... I see"
"Luka, were mother and father married?"
"... Sis, you do know how much I love you, but it's better if mom tells you everything. Please forgive me"
"You don't need to apologize. You're right, I have to hear it from her own mouth."
"We have to find mother. And for this, I need you"
"... Me?"
"Yes. Mother is in the castle"
"Yes. I would've saved her a long time ago if I could, but unfortunately Black Magic is forbidden there."
"I see..."
"I was planning on asking someone else, but ever since I knew that you existed, I changed my mind, and waited for you."
"... What can I do?"
"I want you to enter the castle. Once you're inside, I want you to go to a secret room and change the magic system to allow Black Magic as well. You'll then have to sneak out and go find mother. Of course, I'll tell you where to find her, and I'll follow you once I enter. Then, we'll take her out of the palace."
"... Okay, but wait. First of all, isn't there any guards? How can I enter? And second, rather than me entering this secret room, why can't you just transform into your White Magic transformation? Wouldn't that be easier?"
"Regarding the guards, you'll become invisible for a few minutes, until you enter the secret room. And for the transformation, it would be easier for you, but harder for me"
"What?! Why?!"
"Because I am originally a Black Wizard. Even if I possess White Magic, and I can transform using it, it'll be much harder, and I can't transform now anyway, because I don't have the ring with me"
"Do you remember the Queen?"
"She was the one who took it. And placed it in her room. I need to go and take it back"
"She took it because she wanted to place it in a safe place. She saw it as an act of concern, but in reality, it's because she didn't want me to transform, since if I did, I would've surely freed mother. The problem is, I don't understand why she did this"
"... Mother will tell you"
"Wait, you know why?!"
"Yes. Well, I don't really know all the details, but I do know the main reason."
"... Then we have to bring her back as soon as possible"
"What do you mean by that?"
"... After 1 week. We'll go there."
"Yes. The more we wait, the more it'll become harder for us. Because now that she knows you're here, I'm sure she will increase the security system"
"By the way, how did you know about all of these rooms?"
"... I found it in a book"

It's not a lie. I found it in my book. Though I don't know why the past me would place something this important in a book. It's too dangerous, because if it ended up in someone else's hands, it'd be a disaster. But again, we're talking about my crazy past self.

"I see. But sis"
"Why do you want to help mom so badly? In your past life, even though you didn't hate her, you didn't really like her either"
"It's because I need answers. I want to know my origins, and what happened back then. Everything."
"Ah... okay. After 1 week... let's save her"

I don't know why, but for some reason, I'm anxious.

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