Chapter 106

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A few days later, in Blackie's office...

"What now, Hexy?"
"I'm bored"
"So? Go on a hunting errand"
"Don't wanna. These monsters are way too easy to kill."
"Then go train or something"
*sigh* "I'll train with Eluma then-"
"You better not hurt him, understand?"
"Girl, don't worry. I won't hurt your little sweetheart"
"Who's this sweetheart?"
"We're talking about y-"
"... Yoongi? You mean Yoongi of BTS?"
"Yes!" *side eye*
*chuckle* "Anyways, Eluma, do you mind if we go train a little bit?"
"Why don't you go with Diane instead?"
"... I don't want to"
"Stop lying, we both know you want to."
"You called me, master?"
"Diane? What are you doing here?"
"Actually, yes, can you go and train Hexy? He told me he wanted to"
*smile brightly* "Really?!"
*slightly blush* "Well, I mean if you don't mind"

I feel like a third wheel for some reason.

"Alright, let's go!"
"Take Aster with you while you're at it. He's way too lazy."
"Do we have to?"
*sigh* "Okay"
"You ship them this badly?"
"Yes. They do belong to each other in my opinion."
"... We also do belong to each other"

I didn't hear anything. I didn't hear anything.

"... Blackie?"
"... Nothing"

She didn't hear me.

"By the way, where's Luka? It's been a while since I last saw him"
"Well, he spends most of his time with mom, so we barely saw each other. I should call him" *takes the phone*
"Then, I should leave"
"He doesn't really like me, you know?"
"Yes, but if I'm here then he won't do anything. Plus, I'm sure he will start to warm up to you"
"I doubt that..."
*sigh* "Don't worry, you'll be fine-"
*knock knock*
"Sis! It's me and mom!"
"Come in"
"I wanted to call you and tell you to come here, but you were one step ahead. Hello."
"Good morning dear"
"It's been a while since I last saw you. I missed you SO MUCH-" *glance*
"What are you doing here?"
"Well, I just came to see Blackie"
"And why? Did you do anything again?"
"Luka, that's enough"
"You know what? I guess it's time for you two to get along."
"Me? Get along with him? Never!"
"You will have to"
"Huh? Why?"
"Because for the next 72 hours, the two of you will be on an island alone, and you will have to stick together to survive."
"Blackie, you're joking right?"
"Do I look like I'm joking?"
"There's no way I'm staying with him! No matter what!"
"Blackie, dear, what you're saying is insane! You can't let these two alone on an island!"
"I can, and I will. I'm done with the two of you fighting over useless stuff. Luka, you always protect me, and I'm grateful for it, but that's too much. And you, Eluma, you're running away from him all the damn time. This has to end now, so I will not back off. You two will go to this island and live there for 72 hours. Don't worry, there's enough food that you can find if you work together."

At least we can use magic-

"And one more thing, you can't use your magic there."
"You're two grown men. I'm sure you can defend yourselves."
"No objections."
"Oh but I have one! And I'm your mom-"

*though telepathy*
"Mom. Can you please let me handle this one? I know what I'm doing"
"No! You're out of your mind!"
"Do you really think I'll let my brother be in danger?"
"Well, no but-"
"Then trust me. I know what I'm doing. If they get exposed to serious danger, I will be alerted and will bring them back immediately. But this whole conflict has to end once and for all."
"Trust me on this one, okay?"
"... Alright"

"Mom, say something!"
"... Your sister's right. This has to end."
"Keep this energy for the island. You'll need it"
"See ya!"
"... Are you sure it's a good idea?"
"Look" *screen appears*
"What is this- isn't that the boys?!"
"Yes. I'll be looking over them all the time. And even if I'm not, I'll be alerted if they're in danger"
"With my earring"
"Huh? The one matching with Eluma?"
"Yep. Don't worry, they'll be fine. Plus, I made sure that no dangerous animal would be there, but this has to stop."
*sigh* "I'll trust you on this one"
"Thanks. Now let the countdown begin."


Meanwhile, on the island...

"I can't believe I'm stuck here with you, and for 72 hours! 3 days!"
"... Neither can I."

Does Blackie hate me this much, to the point of leaving me alone with Luka?!

"Well, if we're gonna stay here, might as well make some rules. Each one of us finds its own food. We will live here like 2 strangers until these 72 hours are over, got it?"
"... Isn't the whole purpose of this to change our relationship?"
"Hell nah! I hate you, and this won't change!"
"Shouldn't we at least stick together? What if something happens to one of us?"
"Nothing will happen to me. And I don't really care about you. So leave me alone and go your way." *leaves*

Looks like I'll be on a long lonely vacation then.


Meanwhile, in the training ground...

"... Hey"
"Well, hello beautiful. How are you today?"
*chuckle* "I'm fine and you?"
"Alrighty, let's go! From where will we start?"
"How about you teach us some sword techniques? I mean you're the expert here"

Yeah, expert in flirting. I don't even understand why did Blackie tell us to bring him with us! What can he possibly teach us more than what we already know? I'm sure he barely knows how to fight.

"Well, looks like someone's ego is pretty high"
"How about we do a small duel. This way, you will see what I can teach you, and if I barely know how to fight."
"... Alright"
"Eum... aren't we supposed to train together?"
"After the fight"
"Okay (?)"
"So you want to use swords or magic?"
"Swords" *takes out his sword*
"Where's your sword?"
"Oh, yeah, sorry!" *takes out his sword*
"... Are you serious? How can you be so-"
*clang* "Focus" *swish*
*swing his sword* "Get up" *glow*

This guy's no joke... I underestimated him.

"That's right, you did."
*gets up* "So you can read minds? I didn't expect that."
"Yeah~ kind of. You know I was pretty popular in the spirits world-"
"Let me get this one" *woosh*
*smirk* "Not a chance" *clang*
*points the sword on Hexy's neck* "Don't underestimate me next time" *glow*
"Got it?" *smile*
"What the hell?"

What's up with this guy?! One second, he's scary as hell, and the next one, he looks like a stupid playboy-

"That's just who I am. Two sided."
"... Can you stop reading my mind?"
"Can't help it. Now we know who won"
"... Yeah, whatever"
"Rule number 1, never underestimate your opponent."
*gets up* "What will you teach us?"
"Well, I'm tired now. so we'll leave it for another time"
"Oh, come on! I was excited for nothing!"
"Sorry, beautiful. Maybe another time"

I swear, if he flirts with Diane one more time-

"Wow, chill buddy. I'm not a girl thief."
"Girl thief? What do you mean?"
"Nothing, I'm sure Hexy understood what I meant" *glance*
"... Yeah."
"Alrighty, I'll leave now. See ya!"
"Hexy, what did he mean by 'girl thief'?"
"..." *pat her head*
"Nothing. I'm leaving"
*blush* "... What was that...?"

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