Chapter 69

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1 week later, in Blackie's office...

"Sis, we should get ready"
*anxious* "... Yes"
"... Are you okay?"

I'm kind of nervous. I did regain some of my memories, but my mom's image is still blurry. I don't know what face should I do when I see her. Should I be happy? Or sad? I don't know anything anymore. Hexy's punishment is over, so I didn't tell anyone except Diane and him, since during the entire week, I only saw Eluma once, because of what happened the next day after his birthday...

In Blackie's office...

"Sis, what is it?"
"... Nothing-"
"Blackie! I'm sorry about the kiss-... Luka?"
"... Kiss?" *glare*
"What kiss?"
*panic* "W, well, that's-"
*angry* "You kissed my sis?"
*gulp* "I..."
*turn* "Sis, did he kiss you?"
*turn* "You, answer me! Did you kiss my sis?!"
"... I, I didn't mean to! It was-"
"I didn't mean to-"
"Luka, that's enough"
"Luka. Let go off him."
"..." *let go*
"Come here"
"Y, yes?!"
"If you touch my sis ever again, I won't let go off you like this. You hear me?"
"... Yes"
"Good. Now go away before I get angry again"
"..." *nod*
*sigh* "Luka-"
"Where did he kiss you"
"... Why?"
"Just tell me"
"... On my forehead"
*glance* *takes a sanitizer*
"Why do you want-"
*put on her forehead*
"Hey! What are you doing?!"
"I'm removing the kiss!"
*chuckle* *pat* "Seriously..."
<end of flashback>

"We should go"
"... Yes"
"By the way, why did you change your appearance?"
"Because I don't want anyone to recognize me"
"Ah, I see..."

I have to focus now. Our mother is waiting.

*takes a bag*
"Why are you taking this?"
"We'll need it."
"... Deal"
"Let's get going"

To save mom!


In front of the castle, behind a tree...

"These are the guards."
"... There's quite a lot"
"Of course. It's the royal castle after all."
"Then how should I enter?"
*open the bag and takes a potion* "Here, drink this"
"This is...?"
"An invisibility potion. I'll distract the guards while you enter"
"Well, there's a magic barrier. So I'm not sure that you'll be able to pass through since a Black Wizard did the potion-"
"I trust you."
"... Thank you" *smile*

I really am glad I found him.

"Now drink it"
*gulp gulp* *becomes invisible*
"It's working"
"Let's go"
*walk towards the guards*
"Eum, excuse me"
"Do you know which way leads to the markets? I'm kind of lost"
*point* "Yes. You have to go this way, then turn on the right"
"No, it's on the left"
"What are you talking about? It's on the right!"
"I'm telling you left!"
*pass through* *thumbs up*

Great. Luka passed through the barrier.

"Well, then. I'll go straight. See you!"
"Ah, well..."

Hurry up, Luka!


Inside the castle...

There are guards everywhere. I have to be careful or else they'll catch me. Now then, the room should be somewhere here...

*gasp* *hides*
"Did you hear something?"
"No, why?"
"... No, nothing."

Stupid Luka! I was about to get caught! Well, at least I found it. The secret room... but it's weird. Even though there're so many guards, no one's here. Anyway, now all that's left is to enter it- wait, there's a password? Sis didn't tell me about it! Damn it! That's why there's no guards. Placing a password is safer than any guard. The Queen must've placed it recently. Let's see... what would she put as a password? Surely not her birthday date, nor her phone number. It must be something else... something no one would know about- wait... what about...

Couldn't Believe...Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat