Chapter 53

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"Hexy? You look sad, is something that matters?"
"Yes! You can tell us anything!"
"Hm? No, I'm okay" *looks down*
"What? No, there's definitely something!"
"Did someone upset you? You can tell us!"
"I... I don't want to involve you guys"
"Don't worry! Just tell us!"
"... Yesterday, I heard a group of 7 students from other classes, talking about me"
"Talking about you?"
"Yes. They said that I look really ugly with that hair of mine, and that I look like a vampire. They also said that my personality sucks and that I'm a playboy who's only hobby is to drink and play with girls, and that this must be the reason why I'm still single."
"Oh my god!"
"Such cruel words!"
*nod* "They also talked about my mother, not knowing how to raise me. They don't know that my mom... my mom is sick right now, and we're doing our best to cure her" *teary*
"Who are these people?!"
"I'm not sure, but there was a girl that looked slightly older than us. I heard about her before once. They said she's really popular, but I forgot her name"
"Popular and slightly older than us?"
"Well, if she's slightly older than us, then she must be one year older."
"A first year in high school that is popular... could it be Monica?"
"Monica? You mean Akari's sister?"
"Yes. She's always with Yamel and 5 other students"
"You're right. It must be them"
"But guys, don't you think it's weird? I mean why would they badmouth Hexy? Maybe it's someone else"
*ring ring*
"We'll talk about this tomorrow"

*Through telepathy*
"Blackie, take care of this girl"
"Sigh... good grief, why would she give me a hard time? Couldn't she just shut up and stay quite?"
"Well, we were expecting this. You prepared all the evidences?"
"I prepared a whole scenario"
"Scenario? What do you mean?"
"You'll know tomorrow"


The next day...

"Hexy! How are you now?"
"... Well... I don't feel too well, but I don't want to create a fuss about it"
"But it's still weird that they are the one who did it. Are you sure that it's them?"
"The English teacher wants to see you. I'll take you to her"
"Huh? He wants to see me?"

OMG! My crush wants to see me! Well, he's my English teacher, so there's no way that anything would happen between us, but I still can have a crush on him. I should go and meet him!

"Could you tell me where he is?"
"He asked me to take you to him"
"Oki doki!"

I knew she'd come. While searching for a way to take her away from the others, I found that she had a crush on him for 2 years. Love can be of help sometimes. Now then...
'In the name of the diamond, I, the Dia, order you: Go to the storage room'

"Akari, can we go to the storage room for a second?"
"... Why?"
"Well... I don't know, I just want to go"
"... Sure"

My magic is quite effective I see. With Hexi's power, I was able to control minds a little bit, but once I would ask for a reason or something, the power would fade right away. Right now, with the power of the power of the diamond, I can control her mind until we arrive to the storage room. After that she'll come back to her senses.


In the storage room...

"... Eh? What am I doing here?"
"You were the one who said that you wanted to come"
"Huh? Really?"
"Yes" *glow*
"... Eh?"

What... what's happening? I, I can't move... it feels as if I'm suddenly freezing...

She can't move. Now's the right time.
'In the name of the diamond, I, the Dia, order you: Once we go back, you'll tell everyone that on your way back to the class, you heard Monica, Yamel, Maria, Sally, Leo, Nick and Estelle gossiping about Hexy. When someone ask about proofs, you'll say that we should go and see the cameras, and that we can wait until classes are over in order to enter the recording room. And finally, once all of this is done, you'll start spreading rumors about Monica and the others being jealous of Hexy and talking behind his back.'

"Let's go and see the teacher."
"... What? Ah, yes"

I feel weird for some reason... why did I even want to come here anyway? Well, anyway, I am so excited to see him!


"We're back"
"... Everyone, you won't believe what happened!"
"On our way back, I heard Monica, Yamel, Maria, Sally, Leo, Nick and Estelle gossiping about Hexy!"
"Really?! Omg! So it's really true!"
"How could they?!"
"... Thank you for your concern, but we still need proofs. I don't want to accuse someone without proofs."
"Hexy, you're really sweet!"
"Yes! Aside from being cool and the 'bad boy' type, you're also a good guy!"
"... Thanks"
"Eum... Regarding the proofs, why don't we check the cameras? I'm sure we might see them!"
"You're right!"
"But how can we enter the recording room?"
"We can stay in the school after class, and once everyone leaves, we'll enter"
"That's a great idea!"
"Yes! Let's do this!"
"What if we get caught!"
"We'll just say that we were studying, and when we realized that it has gotten late, and that we're stuck in the school, we decided to search if there is a double key to open the door, and so we ended up here."
"Yes! That's a good excuse!"
"Then let's meet in the art room after classes, we can hide in there"

*ring ring*

"Classes will start. See you later!"
"Yes, thank you very much, everyone!"
"Anything for our Hexy!"

"I know right! I can stare at it forever!"


*Through telepathy*
"Your magic is quite effective I see"
"Did you doubt it?"
"Nope. Eluma, you'll stay with us today?"
"Yes, but I'll join you later. I have to make sure that the others don't suspect anything."
"Okay. The real show has now started."

Couldn't Believe...Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat