Chapter 6

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"Wow who is this girl?"
"I don't know, I've never seen her before"
"But she is quite beautiful"
"I know right? And look at her hair!"
"Long and dark hair, dark eyes, a face that can terrify an entire country, but at the same time, a beautiful face that can put all the men under her feet!"
"I really want to know her name."
"Let's ask her."

"Hello! How are you? My name is Emily, nice to meet you!"
"Eum... can I ask for your name?"
"... Why?"
"Well, I'd like to be friends with you-"
"Well I don't want to, and I'm late, bye."
"Don't come near me again."

"Woww, what a terrible character, but she's really gorgeous, what a waste"

Today is Tuesday, after what happened yesterday, that's how I, Black Akari, look like now. Well, it's not a bad look. In fact, I like it, and looks like I'm not the only one. I arrived to class quite late.

"Wait, who is this girl? "
"Is she in our class?"
"I don't know, but I never saw a girl as beautiful as her!"
"Shh... she'll hear us!"
"Let's talk to her after classes."

"Hello students"
"Hello miss!"
"Sit down please. I'll take the attendance before we began our lesson. Melissa Kaya"
"Yamel Jade"
"Akari Elias"
"... Present"

And so a silence took place. They all turned to me. They couldn't believe who I was. I glanced at Yamel, who was in a complete shock. You don't know how happy I am to see this face of yours.

"Sorry, but who are you?"
"I'm Akari"

"She's Akari?"
"The Akari that we know?"
"There's no way!"
"How did she change in a day?!"
"It might be her twin sister"
"But she only has one sister, and it's Monica"
"Then, how did she?"

"Silence everyone!"
"Akari, go to the director's office, and don't come back without him."
"... Why? You don't believe me?"
"Of course not! The Akari I know is a kind and gentle-"
"I'll go to the director's office."

"What the? She's gone?"
"Did I hear wrong? Akari is gone to the director's office? "

"Silence! Let's begin our lesson."


*tok tok*
"Come in"
"Hello sir"
"Oh... hello"
"I'm... Akari Elias, Grade 8 section C."
"Akari Elias... oh you're Monica Elias' sister, right?"
"... Yes"

I heard that she's a gentle and kind girl with short brown hair and brown eyes, but she's the complete opposite.

"Ahh yes, so what brings you here?"
"My teacher told me to come"
"Because she doesn't believe that I am Akari"
"What? How come?"
"Well... let's say that some things change in me. You can see my profile if you wish to."
*take the documents related to Akari*
"What? Is that you?"

So what I heard was true? She was indeed like an angel! But how??

"Why did you change your look?"
"... This is my real look"
"Then what about this image?"
"This is just a fake look. Can you please come with me so that I attend class?"
"... How can you prove that you're the real Akari?"
"You really don't believe me?"
"Of course!"
"... *sigh* you asked for it"

I know I shouldn't use magic at school, but I don't want to stay here anymore. He's pissing me off.


*tok tok*
"Yes? Oh good morning director!"
"... She's the real Akari. I give her permission to attend class."
"Oh, okay. Take your seat, Akari. Sorry director for bothering you."
"Okay, bye."

"She came back faster than I thought"
"I know right? And did you see the director?"
"He was so weird."

"Silence! Let's countinue our lesson."


*Ring ring*
"Your homework for tomorrow will be <...> Have a nice day."

The minute our teacher got out of the classroom, everybody approached me and asked me about how I changed and why and...

"It doesn't matter how I changed. You should get used to it."

They were all stunned. 'Is this the Akari we know?' That's what they were thinking. But I didn't have time to reply, since I had to go home. And so I got off my seat, took my bag and left the classroom. While walking down the stairs, my "friends" came at me in a hurry.

"Akari is that you????????"
"There's no way!!!!!!!!!!"
"Let me check!!!"
"Stop bothering me"
"What? Why, why are you talking like that?"
"Stop bothering me. Stop hanging around me just because I'm Monica's sister."
"Akari what are you-"
"Don't lie, you know I hate lies. And if it's not for that then tell me why every time I tell you to go out, you decline, saying different pathetic excuse?"
"Akari, it's not like that, it's just that we-"
"You what? It's because my sister wasn't with me, right?"
"How did you-"
"I know everything. So stop bothering me. If you want to be close to Monica, go talk to her directly."
"Akari wait-"

I knew from the very beginning that they first approached me because I was Monica's sister, but I thought that they changed their minds since we were always together at school. Yes, at school. Since I didn't go out too much because of my studies, I couldn't be sure if it was coincidence or they really don't want to go out with me when I told them to. Looks like my doubts were right, they still don't accept me as their friend. Well, it's not like I care or anything now. My only objective is to take revenge, and I will achieve this objective.

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